Just found out that if you are a virgin at 26 you will probably be one your whole life

>Just found out that if you are a virgin at 26 you will probably be one your whole life
>Suddenly suicidal and lost all motivation to continue
Please tell me a way out of this hell. I don't even know where to meet women at this age. I don't know the first steps of talking to them. I feel like I'm just now at the point I would even have time to date and it's already over.

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There's more to life than women. Try focusing on something else. That's what I did.

Apparently, you can lessen the loneliness with the help of friends and family. It hasn't worked for me though, so take this piece of advice with a grain of salt.

All of my family is dead except my mother and my friends don't talk to me anymore since they got girlfriends.

I'm completely alone and know no way out and I'm scared of ending up like my uncle who died alone when my grandmother died.

If youre kinda desperate, hookup/dating sites? Never used them myself could someone chime in if they are genuine or not?

I've never really felt desperate until I found out I have mathematically already lost.

>I'm completely alone and know no way out and I'm scared of ending up like my uncle who died alone
I feel you bro. Sorry for your loss, I hope it gets better.

You should join some sort of hobby class or club. Try to make friends first. Girls can smell loneliness from a mile away, and honestly, you sound like you really need a stable social life right now. You might feel too conscious at first, but that's fine. Just keep trying until you get there. Once you get rid of the loneliness, you'll find it much easier to get a girl. It'll also teach you some social skills you might need to get girls. You might even meet a few girls while you're doing this.

Try hanging out with your parents once in a while. It'll make you feel a little better. They probably feel lonely too.

>>Just found out that if you are a virgin at 26 you will probably be one your whole life
This is bullshit. Your problem is

1. You think too much
2. You have anime pictures saved on your computer

You could pay an escort, problem solved

It is what you make it to be. Don't let that number get to you. Go out and do stuff out of your comfort zone, learn as much as you can. There is so much more to life than sex.

That's not true, where did you hear that?

Drumpf "mathematically already lost" but he still pulled through in the end. You onbjectively have tons of time to get laid if you really want it. You already know what to do.

I lost my virginity at 29. It's still possible, bro.

That’s total bs wherever you heard it, many people lose their virginity extremely late whether it’s their decision to or not unless you’re a legitimate indoor shut in. Do NOT rush or overthink these things, live your life, try to be the best you can everyday, and build confidence and you’ll definitely find someone to settle with eventually. I know a lot of people throw the “DUDE JUST HAVE CONFIDENCE BRO” at thoughts like this but that’s because it’s 100% true.

>1. You think too much
>2. You have anime pictures saved on your computer
also these desu

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>You could pay an escort, problem solved
This is genius? Why has no virgin ever thought of doing this?

Yeah, that doesn't fix the issue at all.

>Suddenly suicidal and lost all motivation to continue
>Wonders why 26yo virgins remain that way their entire life
It's probably due to the suicide rate. If you kill yourself, you will be a virgin your whole life. so dont do that.
Dont really know how to meet girls outside of tinder and OKC, so idk if i can help you there.

I lost my virginity recently. My 27th birthday was 1 month ago and I lost it to my current gf like 3 months ago.

By the way, before current gf I was KHV and overweight. On Valentine's Day 2018 I decided to turn my life around:
>Basic fitness, basic fashion, basic understanding of how to take a fuckin picture
>Update social media
>Play the game
Bam, 4 months later I take her out on date one.

Green TText

that's not true, how could it? let's assume you live to 70 naturally (you'll probably live longer) you'll get laid at some point after 26 its no big deal, don't hype it up

I mean, that assumes something changes in their life.

I lost mine at 28 and went on to have a rich and full sex life.

Hire an escort, I did, no regrets.

It's not even that big a deal, once you do it you'll realize how insignificant the act is. You'll regret all the time you wasted and headaches you caused worrying about being a virgin. It's literally nothing. I barely even remember it and it was less than 6 months ago.

>Just found out that if you are a virgin at 26 you will probably be one your whole life

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> I don't even know where to meet women at this age
Techno clubs, hipster bar, uni library, coffee shop, concerts, videogame fair

1. It doesn't matter whether you're a virgin, if someone tries to insult you because of it ignore them
2. You don't need anyone. Your world is what you make of it. Be happy with what you have, create your own positives for yourself and stick with them, don't expect other people to save you
4. Care less about other people's opinions, especially women. If you keep thinking about how to not look autistic near women, you'll never get there. You have to find the balance between watching for mistakes and being confident in your own social decisions. Fuckups are inevitable, but useful.
5. Women are regular people. Before you can even begin to think about relationships, you have to learn how to take women as just another guy. Looking at them with the mindset of "Holy shit girl, what if [stuff]" is the path to certain doom. You have to lift yourself above them and go by your own principles.

If you're genuinely ugly or autistic or otherwise genetically predetermined to be worse off, then you'll just have to accept your lower position and work with what you have, making the best of it. There is a really slim chance that your situation is actually this bad, it's probably merely not as perfect as you think it should be. However, you can improve this and get as close to your desires as possible.
There is a lot you can do if you just accept the situation and stop giving a fuck about going by your childhood ideals about life. Get going.

hahaha, you cant remember it because you paid a whore for it. i did it with high school gf after months of dating. i can remember the key points on the day leading up to it, specifics from the act itself and the afterglow

feel bad for u for missing out on that lul

Lose the weight fat ass and lift some weights god I hate my whiny generation.

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Why does everyone assume obesity.

Im 25 and have literally only 1 friend. Most of my family are in other countries.

I feel ya

Solved? How? Does he marry her?

You guys fix yourselves. What if there is nothing major to fix? I look and behave like a nice normie.

I was a 28 year old virgin then I went to my local strip club and lost it to a stripper with a fat ass.

Well neither does getting a fucking girlfriend, almost as if the real problem is trying to one-step remove your problems.

lol that aint true who tell you that

What if you're in shape?

27 kv and it physically hurts

That's a statistic user. You can beat statistics.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

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>cold approaching

Not op. But male peak is at 18. Ive had people tell me id never been as good as I coukd have been. 29 in March. Stopped caring a long time ago.

No that’s the female peak

No female peak is in the 30s

asking girls out on dates is not the same as cold approach.

Everyone peaks at a different age. Considering that this is Jow Forums, some of us probably peaked when we were still in grade school.

Do you dress well? Do you go on /fa/?

>the escort meme

It's actually not -terrible- advice. it won't cure all your mental and emotional issues that prevent you from just talking to girls and going on dates and all that but at the very least you can get some of the first-time-sex anxiety and weirdness out of your system.

But again it's not a magic cure, Chris Chan had sex with an escort and look where he's at now.

Not him but I don't see how those two things are related, people on /fa/ will tell you to dress up like a 53 year old man who owns a yacht.

I never said dress like /fa/ all I ask was do you browse the board, I can almost guarantee you probably look like a loser.

OP i took the escort pill when i was 28 and even putted it as a r9k greentext. If anybody is interested i can post it( non explicit version sincd this is a blue board, does that even apply to text?)

It helped me with some psychological barriers but also sort of put me in a loop. A less disruptive loop i can get out but it was a good thing in general.

But if it didnt happen until 26, you need to change your life a bit, some adjustments hereand there is necessary.

OP said he doesn't know where to even meet women. In that case, how do you ask someone out without it being a cold approach?

>he doesn't know where to even meet women

where all the other human beings hang out?

You can meet women literally everywhere and anywhere - except men's toilets and locker rooms.

Incredibly deluded. There is a wealth of actual evidence to suggest that make attractiveness tops out in the late 20s and remains steady for several years after. Why say such nonsense opinions as if they're facts?

I'm a 27 year old virgin...
guess I'll just die alone.

You're really screwed once mom finds a girlfriend.

WHy the fuck are you letting people dictate your life. Holy shit just go get a girlfriend it's not hard.

People dont hang out anymore. They go somewhere with a purpose and then go home and hang out on facebook or discord.

>They go somewhere with a purpose and then go home

Which is hanging out.

Do you even biology??? Peak at 30....retard

Hanging out is not a purpose in that sense.

what the fuck are you talking about then

no one other than old people at the mall "hang out" if that's how you define it.

Why are you quoting at me with your pseudo-science, women don't hit their menopause when they turn 30 you frogposter

There's no hope. Maybe you can distract yourself with other things, but there is honestly no getting around this. You'll have to cope with masturbation and maybe prostitutes. Honestly with women they either like you or they don't. Don't fall for the "game" bullshit because that will just make you feel worse.

I think the root cause for a lot of men is extremely low self-esteem. I have no idea how to raise it, it seems impossible to me.

>extremely low self-esteem

and extremely specific and high demands with what they want in a girl. A deadly duo.

Can't I just say 'smaller than me around the waist and not dangerous' and call it a day because even that is starting to sound like asking too much.

If you want.

I mean the first girls I dated weighed probably as much as me if not more. They weren't fat by any means, I could never be with a fat girl I'm just not attracted to them. When I was with them and they let me play with their tittied and one gave me the succ I was just like "you know this isn't so bad after even if she's not my ideal type"

and I'm sure the felt the exact same way about me, they likely wanted a guy with thick arms and broad shoulders and not some skinny emo boi, but they were like "eh why not it's better than being single"

When people hang out, they're with their friends. They don't care about some dude they've never seen before.

Yup, this always snags me.


For older anons/dudes in their late 20s, the situation seems bleak. If you're not part of anything, where are you gonna meet similar-minded people, let alone similar-minded single women?

>Basic fitness, basic fashion, basic understanding of how to take a fuckin picture
any guidance for that?
i may be retarded

It just feels hopeless.

>late 20s
>older anons
I want these fucking zoomers to leave. Pretty soon posters are gonna be calling 19 year olds milfs

26 is not a bad age to start dating, just fix yourself up and get out there.
>start using dating apps
>try to talk to more women even if it’s scary
>don’t be afraid to travel far to met a girl if she worth it
Right now, your more worried about being alone then being a virgin

These steps worked for me, and I lost my virginity at 28 and now got myself a cute gf

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Well it's true, the vast majority of posters here are in their teens or early 20s, so a 28 year old guy to them is gonna seem old

>Never tried to get with a woman
>Seems impossible starting now
>Can't get over the options wasted

I can't get over the time i've wasted (Depression/abusive childhood while accurate isn't a worthwhile excuse because it's been too long) and it just seems impossible starting now.

I have endless options but no possibilities