Who do they think they're fooling?

Attached: 352436a.jpg (1200x822, 431K)

You mean Israeli shills?

No, that's a whole 'nother can of kikes

>making a slide thread to complain about slide threads

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The whole "Discord Tranny" phrase in every thread is making Jow Forums pretty much unbearable.

>thinking you're a clever leaflet

A Palestinian is gonna rape your mother and put a bullet in your head

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Smarter than you, apparently. what exactly was the purpose of this thread, that another thread died for?

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As much as I hate the discord tranny meme, don't use the archives disingenuously to imply there is a pattern that doesn't exist, it weakens your argument. You can do this with any phrase and any flag

Checking the beast
>Who's Jewing who?
If I were a Jew I'd probably deserve it shlomo