Should I keep my boyfriend? My Boyfriend is a really nice guy, but I found out he is a white nationalist...

Should I keep my boyfriend? My Boyfriend is a really nice guy, but I found out he is a white nationalist. He believe that white people deserve to preserve their cultures from foreign immigration and that it is ok to love yourself if you're white.

He is really into nutrition and fitness and when I asked him why he trained so hard he said it was his duty as a white man to get the best possible mind and body.

He collects SS daggers and swords, and he has a framed picture of Hitler in his study. It's the one in my original post. When I asked him about the six million Jews who were murdered he said the figures were exaggerated and that while the Nazis did execute Jews it wasnt as many and was mostly by gunshots.

I'm white too by the way. The main reason I'm asking is because I dont want to stand out of the crowd or draw unnecessary problems. I'm also worried the government might take away our kids if they find out he is a WN (we are in Sweden).

Attached: WW2-nazis-freemasons-captured-adolf-hitler-concentration-camp-1580468.jpg (590x927, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Dump him.
Having pro-white sentiments is fine, but he sounds like he’s nuts.


I've known him for years now and he is stable and calm. I never went into his study because he kept it locked but now he let me in because he said he loves and trusts me.

Why do you think hes nuts?

I'm not making this up, I have no reason to.

>He believe that white people deserve to preserve their cultures from foreign immigration and that it is ok to love yourself if you're white.
That's the sickest thing I've ever read. Why are white people so disgusting? omg

You lost me as soon as you mentioned he exercised because it was his 'duty..... I'd say this is bait but if true, dump.

I don't mind people trying to preserve their cultures as much as possible against too much sudden change as long as they're not asses with other people of different cultures. It's one thing to mix too intimately but it's a different matter entirely to interact on a daily basis if you live in a society where diversity is a thing.

Why are you accusing of bait? I dont have time to waste and troll. What was it about the duty part that makes you think I should dump?

This is really hard for me because I am really attracted to him physically and mentally. I would probably marry him in the future but I'm worried if his beliefs would make us targets in the future legally or otherwise.

>would make us targets in the future legally or otherwise.
so you're just a coward. Good to see the ol' nanny state coming down hard on wrongthink.

I just want to live my life and have a job and kids, keep my head down, and not have to deal with crap. I might be a coward but I'm not built for confrontation

Come on guys, this is the most transparent bait ever. It's not even taking itself seriously. He's not even trying.

The guy idolizes Hitler for crying out loud, it's one thing to pray for the salvation of this guy's soul every now and then but if your significant other sympathizes with him as a Nazi what makes you think things won't go wrong?

>I might be a coward but I'm not built for confrontation
He is though, he's sculpting himself into a shield for a greater cause.

I dont know because he is the sweetest guy ever he isn't some fat idiot who hails Hitler he seems logical and rational. He says he really likes what Hitler did for his country before the war but he said he disagreed with the war and wishes he fought harder for peace

Everything in the third paragraph makes me think he’s nuts.

He may be stable right now, but I’d still stay away from him. He also sounds like someone who is easily influenced, which is terrible too.

If you don’t believe any of us, try debating on his beliefs with him. You’ll see it for yourself.

>When I asked him about the six million Jews who were murdered he said the figures were exaggerated and that while the Nazis did execute Jews it wasnt as many and was mostly by gunshots.
how much is it these days? 20 million?

What specifically? I agree that the picture of Hitler is a bit much but I have to admit his collection is cool. I could tell him to put away the picture and see how he reacts?

Also if hes easily influenced wouldn't he think like a normal person? He says he has come to his beliefs by a lot of study and he has all kinds of books about economics and history and philosophy. Hes not a dummy, like a KKK guy in USA.

Well in an ideal world Hitler would've tried to keep Germany from getting in a mess in the first place that way it wouldn't have to get itself in a position where some lunatic promising to make Germany Great Again by any means necessary try to put himself in power. If only history played out that way, I think anyone would've preferred that version but it didn't and this is who Hitler chose to be. A man lacking any empathy for human life.

Again, I recommend staying away from this guy but in the end you're the one making the choice right?

Do the following:

Tell him that you really enjoy his collection. Tell him that you like his daggers and you like Hitler's ideas. Listen to Nazi music with him. You seem like you aren't totally turned off by that, so why not?

But, meanwhile, tell him that if you make it public, this might all go crashing down. This nazi paradise that you created for you and your white children will disappear if he slips up anywhere.

I think he'll get the message

>Well in an ideal world Hitler would've tried to keep Germany from getting in a mess in the first place that way it wouldn't have to get itself in a position where some lunatic promising to make Germany Great Again by any means necessary try to put himself in power.

Hitler was a soldier in WW1 and the allies 360 no scoped Germany with treaty of Versailles by making them economic slaves. The economy was completely ruined by the first war and germans were starving everywhere. There were planned communist take overs and you couldn't even buy bread with a wheel Barrow full of money. This is what Hitler inherited he didnt do it

No, if he weren’t easily influenced, he’d think like a normal person. Collecting SS artifacts and denying facts about the Holocaust are red flags. If he just collected artifacts, it would be strange, but not a red flag.

The thing he said about reading all kinds of books likely isn’t true either. Every ‘Jow Forums wannabe red-pilled man’ says the same thing to validate themselves.

And you don’t have to be a dummy to be a nutcase.

>No, if he weren’t easily influenced, he’d think like a normal person.

Or maybe easily influenced people think "normally" which is defined as the standard that people are expected to think like?

>The thing he said about reading all kinds of books likely isn’t true either.

Well he has a giant library and something tells me he didnt buy them just to make his shelves look cool.

Vem skriver den här skiten på klockan 7?


jag vaknar tidigt lol

Why do you say this what is so unbelievable about what I say and why do you post if you try to derail?

Not talking about WWI, I'm talking about WWII and Hitler could've been a guy that didn't want the war to come about, Germany getting involved in the war was a bad idea and Hitler was part of it. Rather than wallowing on failure like he did before he became a soldier he could've done the right thing and not become the hated man he is today. He chose.

I agree but my gf says Hitler wanted peace. He invaded Poland because they took danzig corridor which was German property and they were killing ethnic germans. I wish he didnt invade Poland so France and England didnt start the war. Also he tried to make peace early on for example he let a ton of British troops evacuate from dunkirk when the germans could have slaughtered all of them but UK didnt thank him or even entertain peace

Har du Google översatt detta eller är du bara riktigt bra på engelska?

Bf sorry

>He believe that white people deserve to preserve their cultures from foreign immigration and that it is ok to love yourself if you're white.
"if you don't believe in literal genocide, you think whites can't love themselves!"

>white people in Sweden

troll post

I speak English mostly

Varför bor du i sverige? Har du någonsin funnit att vi kanske har tillräckligt med migranter redan utan dig?

I'm not a migrant. I speak English mostly for my job.

Så du har blivit flytande på engelska än svenska eftersom du pratar engelska på ditt jobb? Men du bor i Sverige, du växte upp i Sverige, och din familj / vänner är svenska? Jag köper inte den. Gå tillbaka till var du kom ifrån.

Jag bryr mig inte om vad du tror. Jag är en engelsklärare. Du borde berätta för muslimerna att gå tillbaka, inte jag.

i knew this was bait

Better break up with "your" "bf", immigrant.

Let me guess. Awkward/stilted Swedish?

I have a friend just like him. Cool and loyal guy, he just collect weapons and nazi stuff. I'd say it's nothing to worry about as long as he doesn't start to kick some sandnigger ass with buddies.

You can really tell an insecure Jow Forumstard made this
Kill yourself.

Why would I lie about this shit? I dont play games with this Jow Forums I only go on advice and paranormal I dont care about pol as much as you do

>Why would I lie about this shit?
Yeah why would you lie about this shit?
The whole entire post screams what an average Jow Forumstard would say. It does not surprise me that Jow Forumstards also LARP as asian males on here, pretending to worship white skin. Although I'll give a 2/10 for trying, you really suck at LARPING and you should, like I said, kill yourself.

>He believe that white people deserve to preserve their cultures from foreign immigration and that it is ok to love yourself if you're white.
>He is really into nutrition and fitness and when I asked him why he trained so hard he said it was his duty as a white man to get the best possible mind and body.
>He collects SS daggers and swords, and he has a framed picture of Hitler in his study.
Cool. He must make good money if he can collect historical memorabilia and has a study.
>It's the one in my original post.
I prefer pic related, but that ones good too.
>When I asked him about the six million Jews who were murdered he said the figures were exaggerated and that while the Nazis did execute Jews it wasnt as many and was mostly by gunshots.
Not EXACTLY right, but yeah, pretty much. If you believe the gas chamber shit at this point, you must be dumb as a post.
>I'm white too by the way.
One would assume...
>The main reason I'm asking is because I dont want to stand out of the crowd or draw unnecessary problems.
Then why not just kill yourself? That will save you a lot of hassle, and frankly, that's what your leaders want anyway.
>I'm also worried the government might take away our kids if they find out he is a WN (we are in Sweden).
Then maybe you should leave Sweden instead of restricting your mate choices on the basis of their ideological beliefs resulting in your tyrannical state stealing your children for wrong-think. Perhaps? I mean, if you're too weak and cowardly for that, that's fine too.
I'm sure there's a nice brown fella from Somalia who will treat you nice for awhile and then beat you only a few nights a week until he leaves you a single mother with an ugly mulatto that nobody wants to spend any time with.
Oh, or maybe you could hook up with a nice onions-latte drinking guy with a good college degree - you know, in psychology or African studies or something like that - who will pressure you into allowing him to pimp you to foreigners.

Attached: Regressive Beasts.jpg (502x655, 110K)

>It does not surprise me that Jow Forumstards also LARP as asian males on here, pretending to worship white skin.

It must be a vast Jow Forums-wing conspiracy right?

Why are you so triggered that you want me to die?

>You can really tell an insecure Jow Forumstard made this
You can really tell an insecure /intl/fag made this.


>word filter on s o y
maximum kek

Attached: SOY.jpg (690x517, 86K)

>It must be a vast Jow Forums-wing conspiracy right?
On 4channel? Yeah, most likely.

>unironically posts a study
>proves my point as well
Kek, found the insecure Jow Forumstard.

Attached: 898989.png (1328x1366, 429K)

Are you saying you think you have to support genocide - ie the holohoax as an actual policy position, something few-if-any National Socialists actually held - to be a Nazi, or are you saying you don't believe in White Genocide?

In the former case, that's really just an argument of historical accuracy of claims made by a group long-associated with deception and deceit which happened to serve the post-war propaganda needs of the Allied powers.
As for White Genocide, its not even a debate, really, merely a matter of whether you seek to hide behind semantics as goes your definition of the word 'genocide'.
And what kind of coward would do that?

Attached: Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.png (561x558, 175K)

>>proves my point as well

How does it prove your point. Fact is white males do best on online dating. Sure there are freaks who do shit like what you posted but are you saying the dating companies make up this data?

Are you Asian? Be honest. Even if you lie here you know that you are Asian (if you are which is highly likely since you take trolls so personally).

What about that study 'proves' your 'point', exactly? The fact that they produced a study demonstrating White males are highly-desirable 'proves' your 'point' that they are a specific person you screen-capped once on reddit?
You're starting to sound rather insane /intl/. Do you believe you're being gang-stalked by this 'asian LARPer', by chance?
Maybe you should

>Do you believe you're being gang-stalked by this 'asian LARPer', by chance?

Fucking loled so hard


Attached: bb1c473d5b6402fcb4ff2634c976c4029a30cb4453a1d55b795bf20135193953.jpg (1565x2349, 472K)

>Fact is white males do best on online dating. Sure there are freaks who do shit like what you posted but are you saying the dating companies make up this data?
Yeah as BETA BUX. What a sad reality for you.

Attached: fGzP8L6.png (703x1219, 768K)

Don't let that petty faggot bother you dear.
You should keep your boyfriend, and in fact, you should consider marriage and child-rearing.
If he's clever enough to hold those views and retain employment as to provide enough wealth to live as you describe, he should be able to provide for a wife and children with little risk of extreme social ramifications; however, you should also consider moving someplace else, like Norway, if Sweden's 'progressive' policies are too much of a threat to your familial well-being.
There are worse things in life than being hated by evil people.

Attached: 5 Ways.png (851x913, 971K)

just trust your heart, if you're happy except he's a WN than keep it under wraps but if you're not satisfied leave

Only thing meaningful in that pic is sex tourism. Doesn't matter that women go to third world countries to live out their fantasies. Point is women who are looking for sex/relationships prefer white men.

>White males are highly-desirable 'proves' your 'point' that they are a specific person you screen-capped once on reddit?
And yet here you are larping as a girl in order to get replies on a mongolian noodle boot fourm LOL You truly can't make this up.

Attached: 1543709947351.png (960x684, 95K)

>Doesn't matter that my partner has recieved BBC, she's still a virgin and is saving the white race

Attached: images (1).jpg (223x226, 5K)

Oh, look... You figured out that there are shitty women in the world, while ignoring that most of them are non-Whites. lel

Attached: White Girls.jpg (7240x2760, 3.19M)

Are you Asian?

>He's nuts
>For loving his heritage, and wanting to protect it

Yes, dump him OP. So he can make a strong White family with a better woman than you.

>Having pro-white sentiments is fine

It's not really.

Attached: riFWGRF.jpg (607x428, 52K)

You're still running really hard with that, and your sudden explosion of "WHITE GURLS ARE WHORES!" posts suggest that asian accusation might be pretty accurate.
Obviously struck a nerve, in any case.

This I don't even know what to make of.
Are you insinuating that your graphics, using data from a condom company and 'various dating websites', depicting infidelity are exemplary of anything but your low-wit?
Are you suggesting a few chubby girls on twitter, and an deranged alcoholic roastie slag that some betacuck married, imply a significant degree of race-mixing on-going?

I'm just trying to get some clarity here. This young woman needs quality insight, not some degenerate mongoloid fella telling her she's a whore because twitter and a condom company told him so.

Invalid and a shitty study

Attached: 7aW6GgD.png (959x999, 327K)

Found the goblin!

>locked up in a fantasy wherein he accuses others of partaking in a fantasy
Called it:

Attached: (((Goblin))) Slayer.jpg (1062x4086, 1.25M)

Seems like past videos are running through your head, aren't they?
>I-If you don't agree with me then you're asian
That's cute m8

>Are you suggesting a few chubby girls on twitter, and an deranged alcoholic roastie slag that some betacuck married, imply a significant degree of race-mixing on-going?
Sounds like the average OkCupid user.
>I'm just trying to get some clarity here. This young woman needs quality insight
>This young woman
Kek. You truly are a faggot, my good friend.

Attached: spzZZ3q.gif (320x180, 3.65M)

Can we stop retarded fighting and just give me advice please?

I don't know if this chart is accurate but I'm having fun trying to think of events that caused the upturns and downturns. Like what could have happened in 1998 that made men fuck more and women fuck less? Will and Grace premiered, did it suddenly make guys try out same sex relationships and ditch girls?

>cited un-sourced Jew on twitter
extensive study with massive sample size

>Unironically a weeb
Truly a lost cause.

Attached: 174.jpg (700x585, 72K)

As long as he doesn't engage in criminal activities or discriminate and assault any non-whites, I see no problem in your relationship. Just make sure that you keep him on ground level.
It's natural to be racist.

Answer this

>Seems like past videos are running through your head, aren't they?
Not really... You're the one that mentioned them, aren't you? Kinda suggests they're running through your head, especially given the context of your posts, doesn't it? Yeah, it kinda dong Kwong.

>I-If you don't agree with me then you're asian
I never said that.
I said
>You're behaving like an upset asian person who doesn't like white women for some inexplicable reason
Is that also cute?

>Sounds like the average OkCupid user.
Probably? How many people use OkCupid? Quick Jewgle suggests about 30 million worldwide. That's a pretty small number Dong.

>Kek. You truly are a faggot, my good friend.
If you can't elaborate as to why you're so upset, there's nothing to be done about it Jyong.

>Can't properly greentext like the retard he is
>He thinks a study based on 14,000 people, before the age of Tinder, is an accurate represenation of the human population
Imagine being this much of a brainlet. I know it's hard realizing that you'll always be weak and inferior, but at least you'll be happy with leftovers as the years go by.

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b (1).jpg (499x481, 27K)

>Unironically a weeb

Attached: Where.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

>Not really... You're the one that mentioned them, aren't you? Kinda suggests they're running through your head, especially given the context of your posts, doesn't it? Yeah, it kinda dong Kwong.
>I never said that
>I said
>I-If you don't agree with me then you're asian
You sound like a malfunctioning NPC. Must be the autism.
>Probably? How many people use OkCupid? Quick Jewgle suggests about 30 million worldwide. That's a pretty small number Dong.
And yet it is popular in America, one of the most fattest nations in the world so my argument still stands.
>If you can't elaborate as to why you're so upset
Why would I even elaborate something am I not feeling at the moment? My god, you suffer from brain damage by any chance?

>before the age of Tinder

Say no more

A study conducted using match statistics from the dating site OKCupid from 2009 to 2014, for example, shows the lowest rates of approval for Asian men from white, black and Latina women (the exception: Asian women). This has held true despite an increasing number of OKCupid users claiming they don’t have a strong preference to date within their race. Meanwhile, a 2013 study dubbed “Mate Selection in Cyberspace” found that white men have the best odds of being contacted by a woman “even if all racial groups are equally represented in a dating website,” with women reaching out to white men more frequently than all other racial groups, and even preferring non-college-educated white men to college-educated Asian men. This trend has been studied before, with similar reports in 2009 and 2011 finding similar results.

What YEAR do you think it is? It's not 2004 anymore. There's a new demographic on Jow Forums now, so quit your anime faggotry and get off my board.

>Asian men are subhuman to women
In other words, water is wet. Still doesn't disprove what is said in this post

>Can't properly green text
I can, but your shitty site lacks additional features.
>he doesn't have any data to draw upon to come to his conclusion that women weren't similarly massive whores in 2001
I'm still waiting Qwang.
You still haven't demonstrated anything besides most women are kinda slutty - nothing new there - and there are some outliers of extreme disrepute in all racial categories.
Why you're so focused on White women though, in a thread about a White woman asking for advice, is beyond reason. Probably has to do with your continued belief that everyone is a LARP but you?
Actually, its funny you bring up 'leftovers'... You ever heard of 'leftover girls'?

Allow me to pontificate via visual media for your personal edification.

Attached: Feminism Comes to China - Women.jpg (4706x4627, 3.71M)


But you did mention them user, which means they were going around in YOUR head. Stop projecting so hard.
>I said
But you changed it again.
I said:
>You're behaving like an upset asian person who doesn't like white women for some inexplicable reason
If you can't face reality, well, that doesn't surprise me much given how dysfunctional you seem.
>And yet it is popular in America, one of the most fattest nations in the world
What does that have to do with anything at all Kwang?
>Why would I even elaborate something am I not feeling at the moment?
So you're denial then. That seems accurate, yes.

You really are shaping up to fit the stereotype of the disgruntled anti-White asian on /intl/ that you were accused of being.

Attached: Feminism Comes to China - Women 2.jpg (4382x4309, 3.68M)

>lacks additional features.
Typing like a newfag retard is not "additional features" just like a monkey typing nonsense on a typewriter isn't creating new words.
>You still haven't dem...
Imagine being this much of a cuck. I know the truth is hard, but I feel you're getting defensive already too early. Only people with whorish mothers get this defensive.

Attached: tumblr_inline_nbvpcwK6GQ1rh3n9d.jpg (600x557, 38K)

>newfagging this hard
shoo shoo goblin jew

Attached: mfw angry goblins.jpg (1459x820, 482K)

>it's current year

>Typing like a newfag retard is not "additional features" just like a monkey typing nonsense on a typewriter isn't creating new words.
>he thinks its just an 'urban myth'
kek, so new
Imagine being the stereotype of the disgruntled anti-White asian on /intl/ that you were accused of being.

Really Zhang, you need to just tell us what upset you so much, and maybe we can help. Do you need some ice to sit on?

Attached: 1453265261678.jpg (1294x806, 1.03M)

>Stop projecting so hard
And yet you still keep mentioning it. Insecurity at it's finest. HOLY SHIT.
>If you can't face reality
Sounds like you're the one who can't face reality. I've posted credible studies that have destroyed your fantasy of "pure virgin innocet women" yet you come back backlashing them as "joowish" and then you're framing me as an asian, which I find pretty hilarious because I'm not even asian, but whatever helps you cope.
>What does that have to do with anything at all Kwang
So you're implying there is nothing wrong with being fat? Literally found the neckbeard. This is so much fun.
>So you're denial then. That seems accurate, yes.
>I-If you're not sad then you're in DENIAL!!!
You know what. You're right. I do feel sad. But for you. No way can someone truly be this delusional. I pity you.

>He's so angry he forgot to reply to my post properly
kek what a retard

Attached: images.jpg (344x146, 4K)

Holy fuck both of you just exchange emails and do this shit in private

Fucking talk to the guy, and be honest; don't just try to argue him out of it but actually tell him why exactly this is a problem, like you've told us.

There's nothing weird about much of what you're saying, except the Hitler picture and SS stuff. It should be acceptable to be anti-migration and to love oneself, right?

I think much of it could be a phase, and in general he should just develop into more of an individual. His ideas are not his own. Maybe you can ask him if he'd not rather create his own goals and live up to them. Perhaps tell him that he can still vote SD in peace and hope the migrants will be deported, but perhaps it would be good to stop being part of Hitler's personality cult.

In general, try talking this through and come to a solution. Don't just leave someone you love without giving them a chance.

>telling me i'm projecting means ur projecting! gotcha!
I thought Asians were clever, guess I was lied to.
>I've posted credible studies
>"Durex and various dating sites"
>Some Jew on Twitter
>So you're implying there is nothing wrong with being fat?
This is next-level shitposting. Then again, I am an urban legend on partialchan.
>>Tell me why
>>Are you mad about White people? Because it seems like you're mad about White people.
>NO U!
Okay sport, calm down.
>This is so much fun.
That why you needed to tell as much kiddo?

>u mad
lel, asshurt asians are quite amusing, I didn't realize they were this easy to trigger. Let see if I can do it again. Ahem...

... Most women are trash, but there are a lot of good women. Most of them are White.

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>I would probably marry him in the future but I'm worried if his beliefs would make us targets in the future legally or otherwise.
Your skin tone will do that just fine on its own sweetheart.

>don't just try to argue him out of it but actually tell him why exactly this is a problem, like you've told us.
I can already tell you how that'll go down:
>"Well, if you're afraid, I understand. Its a scary world right now for us. But you have to be brave. If we shirk away in fear, we'll be destroyed. What's the point of our having children if they'll be stolen from us for trying to raise them right?"
This bit:
>except the Hitler picture and SS stuff
>he should just develop into more of an individual. His ideas are not his own.
>Maybe you can ask him if he'd not rather create his own goals
>stop being part of Hitler's personality cult.
just makes me wonder... Whose ideas are those, exactly? I doubt they're yours, after all.
Perhaps it would be good to stop being a part of the anti-Hitlerian jihad promoted by those destroying your country?
And maybe you shouldn't vote for SD because they're also helping to destroy your country?

In general, if you love this man, nothing he holds as ideals should be able to stand in the way of that. If it can, then you don't really love him, because fear could so-easily drive you from his side.

I mean, what's it matter anyway, right?
If you're just going to vote SD and avoid making waves, well, you might as well just give up on having children at all and have a carefree life as a career woman.
Do you really want to deal with the hassle of having children, if the hassle of standing by a man you 'love' is too much to bear?

Technically its Current Year +3. Nearly +4.

>And maybe you shouldn't vote for SD because they're also helping to destroy your country?
In case you were wondering why I say that... Anyone that's kosher to this degree, and claims to want to help your country, is lying to you.

Just a tangent here, but you wanna know something some might find funny?
I don't even hate Jews. Not really.
I wish they didn't act the way they do, and a lot of their cultural and religious beliefs conflict with my own, but I don't want to exterminate them, anymore than I do rats. That whole diaspora thing really messed them up, not that they weren't messed up before mind you.
I just feel bad for these people.
They have no home, and they never will, because even when they take back the land they think is theirs, thousands of years after being driven away, it still isn't theirs, and it never will be.

I think we need to work on the space thing, and then we can give the Jews their own planet to live on, without some other human group being in conflict with them. I think that would really help them.
That was just a tangent I felt like sharing, maybe it'll help you understand your boyfriend better.

Attached: Sweden Democrats.jpg (1294x1164, 190K)

Go away pol.


Attached: why should i worry.jpg (804x917, 64K)

Ok hold on.
Now in sweden you can have your kids taken away for being a far right nut job?
Look, being racist is an evil of freedom in society we in the US deal with. We ignore them or completely disown what they say. If they done nothing illegal then you are fine. Being politically stupid in a social setting should only affect your social standing as "someone you dont want to be around" thats it. The only time the governmsnt can take your kids is if you are actually a shitty parent that cant take care of them. If you dont want them to be racist then dump the guy