I'm sick of it. All of these lies, injustice and brainwashing...

I'm sick of it. All of these lies, injustice and brainwashing. We could easily work towards an utopian future for all of man if it were not for people being so easily misguided and manipulated. Sometimes I wonder if I, myself, should do something. I'm sick of trying to explain things to people who either does'nt care, won't admit the truth or just simply cannot see through the lies. Perhaps it's not impossible to change the current yourself, start somewhere small. Gather in the shadows with like minded people and strike when the enemy least expect it.

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Parties need to be formed, movements started. But with all the dumbing down of white European men through the internet, social media etc. it seems impossible. We need to free our nations from the Jew, fucking bloodsuckers.

Closed cultural clubs(ccc) for a start should be good

We all sit here and complain about our women and culture being raped, our nations annihilated through degenarcy and jewry. Yet we sit around and do nothing? Why are we not out on the streets? why are we not fighting this disease?

That is what I ask myself. I am more of a vigilante type though.

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I just hope we can mobilise in time. At this point we're an unorganised, silent minority but one economic crisis and I pray we can seize the moment and rid ourselves.

>Gather in the shadows with like minded people
This is what we need.

Ingroup mentality, hiding in the shadows.

But by far the best solution is the one proposed by varg.

Breed like rabbits, prepare for the collapse of ((civilization))

It will come, once the oil runs out etc. It will be generations of decline before that, which means we have time to prepare. To free ourselves of the system.

There are no political solutions, the system doesnt allow them.

Read teddy, and you will know how to start.


But also remember that only those who embrace their ethnic kin will survive as a species.

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Furthermore, be smart. Only those creatures with adaptive sexual strategies prevail.

So long as we live in abundance and civilization we must adopt a slightly more R selected breeding strategy to avoid being outperformed by the imported.

Civilization will collapse when it runs out of oil, or for a variety of other reasons.. but that time is far beyond our generation.

Our task is to wait, and prepare. To enable ourselves through our children to rise.

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The final point, once we have won we can only hope that the same mistakes will not be repeated. The domesticated man must not rise. We fight to rid ourselves of domestication, not to give rise to another domesticated empire.

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The question is, where are the shadows? Do the shadows exist right now?

I think we should be combatting the issue NOW. Not waiting for generations, by which time we'll be long gone. The Muslims are outbreeding us rapidly.

In short, they need deporting, all of them. Complete annhilation if necessary.

>Yet we sit around and do nothing?
not my country
> why are we not fighting this disease
I vote

They least expect it Now! because they have gotten away with this shit for the last 25 years but really it all started with obama

>they need deporting
No point in deporting them if you cant fucking pop out kids of your own.

Breed so many fucking kids the state needs to fund you to avoid child poverty.

Break the system by draining its resources.

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What if all of this blacked and interracial and threat from immigration is a plot to get whites to breed more due to fear and sperm competition

It's not even just demographics anymore. Our societies are cultureless. Music, Art, architecture? All are a pile of steaming shit now thanks to degenerate kikes.

Combined with a complete turning away from Christianity, we're divided. Why do you think the pakis are so united?

Then stop consuming their degenerate culture.

Create and explore the culture promoted by your own, but you will have to dig to find it.

Thank you for your very original thoughts on the matter. Literally no one knew humans were dumb and easy to manipulate, including 99% of this degenerate board. This is quite the revelation.

For all of you from Norway; Have you had a look at Selvstendighetspartiet? Imagine Alliansen, but serious. No more M E M E S but real politics.


Why do you think we're here?

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