Does anyone here still play WoW? The gameplay is autistic as fuck but it's pretty based...

Does anyone here still play WoW? The gameplay is autistic as fuck but it's pretty based. I want to start a Christian Nationalist Crusader Jow Forums guild. We'll walk around redialing folk on the GQ, and organize teams to take shifts raiding Moongaurd Goldshire and slaying sodomites together.

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Only best friends slay sodomites together

>giving SJWs your money
Goyim I...

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Play classic. Retail is terrible

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>Not playing as draenei futa master race giving pathetic human males the horse suppository/pill.


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WoW is dead. Blizzard is owned by Jew faggots, who will ban you for calling the night sky, black.

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Classic isn't out yet

>mfw runescape has more search traffic than roflcraft

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Yes I play

who here /maplestory/?

this. imagine being retarded enough to pay 15 dollars a month to play a 15 year old game because of muh servers when every other massive online game is free nowadays

You can play on a private server

Classic is going to be for SJW zoomer faggots. making banning people easier than ever!

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No, it became pozzed, it's old now so I got everything and really muh stronk womyn story is just fucking gay. On top of it, it lags for me too

based and kike pilled

Do you guys not have phones?

they only thing massive here is ur big mouth. now take a chill pill and CHILL OUT

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Classic is totally overrated. Play Dark Age of Camelot if you want actual old school gameplay. Or Everquest. Or Ultima Online. Or meridian 59, but that was shit.

zoomers are gonna be in for a rude awaking when they try and play 2004 world of warcraft

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Garithos did nothing wrong.

Wow died in 2010

WoW died after TBC

All the time i hear about this WoW for decade, didn't even bother to check out their website. That's how much i don't care about popular things that don't even bring argument bonus points.

Possible too. The fucking Warhammer Online unofficial server was INFESTED with SJW faggots. Wtf ever happened.

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lich was pretty good. that was the last solo blizzard release

Yes, it did. Hopefully WoW Classic will be worthy

Dont play this microtransaction-filled garbage

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>F2P chode licker
>44 HP
>Full rune
>Faggot pink gloves

Neck yourself Leaf!

maplestory 2 my nigga

No yous for this hilarity fuck you niggers.

It was okay until they introduced the LFG function.
The community died that day

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WoW is already Jow Forums central, every time I'm in Orgrimmar there's some motherfucker talking about MAGA build the wall all that shit. The other day some dude went full Jow Forumstard in Zuldazar general, calling out the holohoax and everything.

Whatever the fuck was that Panda xpac I stopped after that, At that point it felt like the Devs didn't give a shit. Didn't Blizzard sell out to EA or something? either way they gave the impression that they didn't really give a fuck anymore and updates didn't come out for like a year at one point.

only for the older zones, rest is dogshit, and I invested too much time in my character fuck me, I still feel somewhat powerful there's at least that

I'm 100% sure Blizzard will find a way to ruin that too

Are you that Portuguese guy with garithos pic I see on YouTube?

Private servers work 100% like retail. I play on a vanilla server and a wotlk server. Symmetry wow and omega wow. Both are chill low-medium population so there's no rush to beat the faggots stealing quest objectives around you.

WoW is dead. Leave it in the desert to die its unglorious death.

I'll probably try and play classic, dunno if I'll stick with it though. My favorite times were BC and wrath and after that it just got old, I'd come back for an expansion and play for a bit and then just quit again. Main thing that killed it for me was when they kept merging servers with mine and all the phasing shit.

>already confirmed sharding

it is already ruined

LFR for the last two years has been endless JQ and MAGA memes.

kinda true, ahh the good old days

>literally not even larping anymore
>just straight up rping

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It really didn't

6 million goblins died in Alliance death camps you fucking bigot. If your daughter wants to date and Orc or a dwarf who are you to judge them based on their race?

fuck i'm so happy I detoxed from that shit years ago

dire maul tribute runs. that shit WAS FUN

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t. cata baby

RS is based and red pilled. I remember when they made that stupid faggot pride event and the whole community had a massive one week protest


yes i do, but i dont join the community. Just enjoy the story and gameplay totally myself.

Communities are focused for jewings and massing money and titles.

>half want to get Classic and become a hermit this summer
>half know that going back to WoW means deep down something has gone very wrong with my life
They say you can never truly just take long breaks.

I'm still got an active account and I'll randomly play every now and then, but I just hate everything about Battle for Azeroth.

20+ toon 1 at max level. It's real bad.

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Tfw Tera Human master race will breed all elf qts

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Cata was good. I mostly twink. Raiding is for no-lifers anyway. And yes I did that too. And it was for no-lifers.

I don't care how successful you believe you are in your career or your marriage or whatever. If you still play this game, you are a loser. No exceptions

>tfw u mak when u see a beta leftist

but bob fired all the trannies and diversity hires from blizz.

LFG was fine. Cross-server matchmaking killed the community.

Fishing lvl?

i'm seeing Jow Forums leak into all sorts of games nowadays and it's pretty great. The starcraft 2 coop and arcade chats are sometimes fucking hilarious.

that protest got me back into it, everyone was quoting hitler and spouting pol memes

Why the hell do you think Gamergate started?
the gaming community has always been Jow Forums tier
That ruined it even more, ever since LFG launched the 'social' interactions went down fast

Would join if it was EU

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No. You can't discern between wow and WoW

People being banned for wearing desert robes, those huge fucking trains of fags and KKK, you had to be there, it was insane

>playing Alliance
No thanks

Chad right here. You'll get that bond one day.

This. I remember the day it happened, queued up for WSG and instead of my usual Ally rivals I ran into a premade team of niggers decked out in tier 2 from God knows what server. I quit like a month after.

nvm didn't spot that fat cash stack

I see it everywhere in youtube comments. Saw some fucking zoomer shit getting posted the other day, had me rolling.

wait for classic you adorable little autist

Fuck you.


stopped a few weeks into bfa. it's just the same garbage filled with garbage people and a constant need to increase whatever number to keep up with those garbage people order to continue to play with them and so on forever.

leafs shouldn't be allowed to have fucking opinions

Play the real redpilled game.

>The good race are Aryan elves
>Enemy is a (((long nosed))) dessert nigger with ginger hair
>The hero manages to eventually beat (((him))) everytime, but he always comes back to subvert the kingdom
>Original game had a level in the shape of a swastika
>Many pagan symbols

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i played for 10 years and quit bc its shit now. i'm gonna play the shit out of classic and grief every last one of you tranny faggots

>Playing games
>MMOs most of all
Grow up user

t. Former world firsts TBC/LK WoW player

and you are a retard. no exceptions

checked. they both killed the game for me

do what you want. wow is better

Except it has "based" sandniggers, cross dressing and fags in it too, now.

Those sandniggers just live in their own territory.

Wean yourself off games anons, try this one, decent step to playing in the real world

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I'd reinstall it to be apart of thisguild. Apparently a lot of pedos hang out at the inn in Ellyn forest .

i still play legion was great but bfa is boring nothing worth farming atm so im taking a break

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>shameless advertising
Pretty clever, tbqh.

I play classic because I'm not a casual zoomer faggot

Get a load of this nerd who didn't clear naxx on retail.

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Played more MMOs than I care to think about. Real life game is 10 times harder than all combined.

People were talking about Jow Forums in trade chat today. They were also discussing politics, racism, & welfare.

Imagine playing WoW and NOT being alliance and slaying whorde niggers in the name of the King.

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Mists of Pandaria is the best xpac.

Fucking kek

I can hardly wait! Hyped for classic. Played it for a bit before TBC came out. Was to busy trying to learn the game & level to really know what was going on outside of my questing area. I was such a noob.

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