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If that's the case then pretty soon the government will start forcing people to have mind reading devices in their brains.

old news

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whoa. . .

OMG I love science!

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OP check out a guy named Tom Campbell, he has been working in the field his whole career along with working with NASA.

Can’t explain that, therefore god is nigger tier logic faggot

It’s “I fucking love science!”


>wireless communication mechanism

Yes is called the motherfucking language centre of the brain.
If i wirelessly call you a stupid faggot through the magic of manipulating air with my mouth, and your brain decodes it, then low and behold my voice is in your head.

Such wonder!

Such glory!

Tremble in awe.

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>Case Western Reserve University

Why do you think they are rolling out 5g?


>we don't know how something works
>therefore it must be a sky wizard

>no link from a credible source,
>fake news

prayer is literally telepathic communication between you and god--intuition being god's response

you don't even need to pray as everything you think is already directed to god which it can "hear"

god knows your every intention because you always think of it first before committing, thus if god needs to intervene, then it will

There is no God. This is called biology. You are mentally ill.

China just made it.

i see y(o)u

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Literally God of the Gaps

Says the vomit who posses no as it happened evidence of his god, the big bang, abiogenesis and Evolution. Come at me, Faggot!

bmpity bump

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the exact opposite of what you're implying
god just became a little less real

Case is a pretty good school..... For Cleveland. I'm a JCU man myself.

Scientists are going to get us enslaved and there'll be no way out of it.
We honestly need to tear down every gov in the world and destroy all technology

so this is why I can access Internet through my brain

>who put it there
>it was just evolution goy!
Hi shlomo

its called language

>wireless communication mechanism in the brain
Our brains have wires in them?

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being this dumb

Did they really think they were going to find wires in the human brain?

someone translate this from millennial please

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Someone post the meme when 2 white people witness black foolishness

ceaseless words with no meaning, you cannot simply tear down modern technology in its current iteration. Man has seen the ideas the knowledge, and man does not forget so easily that knowledge. As long as that knowledge exists, technology will exist in its form. Even if we all universally agreed to stagnate the world of its technology merely a few rebels would become warlords in such a time. Its fantasy. What will happen however is war, war is coming for me and for you brother. We both share a time for the end of peace for the sons of man.

Unironically, atheists are the ones it will end up working on because atheists operate off of social consensus, but if an atheist hears a voice inside their head they have two options. One, because of their beliefs, they have to accept that they are crazy. Two, the voice is coming from God and he or she must carry out the instructions. The third option of testing the voice for credibility and ignoring it if it's not credible doesn't even come across their mind because such teachings come from the bible and they have programmed themselves to reject anything from that.

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Yes, they're called axons.

Just more proof life is simulation

the nice thing about atheists is the shock of seeing an actual miracle makes them incredibly pliable and easily manipulated
the more skeptical the better

>god knows your every intention because you always think of it first before committing, thus if god needs to intervene, then it will

So then why do babies get raped and murdered if God is suppose to intervene?


I notice that with atheists, they instantly drop their notions the second they witness something themselves. Someone saying how they had a NDE, went out of their body, met their deceased relatives, and talked to God? Hallucination, didn't happen, the brain was just dying and was firing random neurons. But if that happened to them? God is real, convert to Christianity immediately, renounce previous beliefs, etc.

Micro black holes popping in and out of existence in our brains.

>develop telepathy technology
>be able to connect to any brain around the world
>telepathically connect with your friends
>be able to send them mind images
>mind memes


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Wow you believe in god without any evidence? I only believe in the Big Bang because that’s what the Jewish scientists believe in!

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We are multi-dimensional beings that use our three dimensional bodies for fun. Our brains are not thinking computers, they are controllers. Much like you could use your 3-D fingerprints to push 2-D buttons on a game controller, your true self does so from multi-dimensional control over a 3-D brain controller.

when it happens to someone else, its anecdote. when it happens to you, its gnosis.

lads instant transmission in our lifetimes

Case is a great School

Jesus christ is an imaginary figure invented by the Roman's to convince people that servitude to authority was the right answer in an effort to subvert rebellion. There is no god, nor has there ever been one.

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

both are good. post made me kek out loud anyway.

Fuck you

2 genders

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cuz satan has quite a bit of power as well

meh. let me know when they decide to admit that egregores are real

Fucking EVERY signal in the brain is "wireless" for fucks sake

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They aren't, for the most part. The only phones capable of accessing 5g LTE is the newer version of the iPhone 10 (does a really shitty job of it btw), the only place it's available is the PyeongChang Olympic stadium, and that's all assuming that AT&T is your service provider.

Janny are you okay?

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Provide evidence of your god, the big bang, abiogenesis and Evolution, you nounce.

You construct a narrative to comfort you in a universe that's infinitely more cruel for being so chaotically unaware.

>1 post by this jidf

I'm an atheist and I've had a very weird NDE. Didn't change my views though, I still want to kill myself but for a pussy like me it takes time to man up and do it.
What I saw though during lack of consciousness is the reason I don't usually talk about it at all. However retarded it sounds - I think I saw Cthulhu. I was knocked out for a day straight, and it felt like a fraction of a second between losing consciousness and waking up, but I vividly remember being deep underwater, it was pitch black, and suddenly a gargantuan squid-like head came out of the void. I can't describe how big it was, it's like a fucking Everest of a squid head. After that I woke up in the emergency room.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean then? Lovecraft was right? Or, just maybe, it really was just a bunch of neurons acting up and not some godly intervention? The latter seems way more plausible.

Fine, let it all burn.

so my twin sis have had conversations without speaking out loud.

>inb4 larp

we were both high at the time. one of responded out loud mid convo, and that’s when we realized we were not having verbal communication.

This image macros suck, why don’t they use the Romans road?

Orch OR has been a thing for a long time and isolation test have been conducted a long time ago. The theory posits that consciousness at it's most fundamental level occurs because of a quantum field state collapse due to small scale microtubule structures in the brain. Field state collapse can likely propagate across the brain in such a manner. The isolation experiments consisted of two subjects who were isolated. One was exposed to light pulses in a control room while their brains were monitored. Despite being isolated and separated the subject in isolation had brain readings associated with being exposed to the pulse of light. There is more to consciousness than we understand.

i should say this happened on 3 different occasions. i’m a female as well. we aren’t identical, but people know we’re twins.

Unironically, you're retarded.

? im using 5G on my spectrum wifi router right now.

>What the fuck is that supposed to mean then? Lovecraft was right? Or, just maybe, it really was just a bunch of neurons acting up and not some godly intervention? The latter seems way more plausible.

That doesn't sound like an NDE at all bro.

The idea of the Big Bang was conceived by a priest/scientist and shows that the universe had a beginning, which implies something created it, like God. Atheists thought the universe always existed (and therefore needed no creator), and they were and are butthurt by the Big Bang and seek to undermine it with bullshit like multiverses or the "big crunch" so they can again say the universe/s always existed and need no creator.

i didn't construct anything fella. the truth has been and always will be there. it's what i've chosen to follow

Oh then I wasn't dying at all, thank you for clearing that up. Too fucking bad I'm still here, writing this drivel.

What do you think was involved in those shootings where the shooter claimed he was hearing voices inside of his head telling him to do what he did? How did those people treat the voices? They claimed it was God telling them to do it, didn't they? Yup. Unironically, you are trying to shut it down. Kys shlomo.

weird. i was unconscious for a while and i "remember" feeling the most peace i've ever felt. there was absolutely nothing but peace. then, from a long way distant, i heard a couple faint voices calling my name. i was extremely annoyed but 'went' (gave more focus to) the voices and regained consciousness. the voices were two nurses calling me. i want to go back.

>the only place it's available is the PyeongChang Olympic stadium
Wrong. They are installing it here in LA and other major cities.

JIDF or leaf. Either way, kys.

Imagine the echo chambers

I cant provide evidence for a god I don't believe exists. That's like asking me to prove that pink and purple spotted unicorns exist, when they obviously don't.

This discussion has nothing to do with the big bang or abiogenesis. On the topic of evolution, were there some form of internal wireless communication mechanism, it would have evolved in response to selective genetic mutations which were carried over into offspring over time. You can see that happening with food crops and dogs.

Duh, it's how whites only need a look to discuss niggers. 10 to 1 shitskins lack the activated genes for it.

Lovecraft was inspired by similar visions. I'm not sure what I believe and it pisses me off to no end. I've had too many fucking weird 'synchronicities' and 'paranormal' experiences (crazy UFO sightings + a 'haunting') to brush off the unknown.

5G is going to hack that shit. Most are well primed via social media, and entertainment media. Well primed.

There was a neurologist in AZ talking about this years ago


If you really were near death, the vision was probably caused by the fuckload of DMT your brain was putting out. I hope I get one of those deaths, and not like, a bear eating my face and arms.

When will God actually allow me to read minds?

>assuming direct control

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Yah, I was pretty sure already there weren’t any wires in the human brain.


I wouldn't be shocked at all if the gov is conducting mind control. I just don't immediately jump to the mose paranormal conclusions. It sounds like you're mocking atheists to bulwark your own baseless beliefs.

That fucking bearded basedboy cunt in the OP image is making me angry. Every single cunt these days who grows a beard is trying to hide how fucking SOI their face looks. Fucking FAGGOTS using hairy makeup.

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I only clicked because I thought I saw a penis. Nobody wants to see a poo.

I have a very fucking weird similar relationship with this girl ive been friends with for a decade. Even after she moved she would just know what I was thinking/feeling and call me. Shits fucking spooky.

Because god is simply a fat neckbeard playing SimCity. He niether hates us or loves us. He just does shit when he wants to see something happen

Science is all that's Observable and Testable and where Applicable, Recreate (Able). Therefore, Provide for us As It Happened of the Big Bang, And that's with As it Happened Scientific Observations of the Purported Nothingness that was unto the Appearance of the aforementioned meson sized singularity that appeared and Expanded trillions of times faster than the speed of or incidentally just fast enough to overcome its own gravity well.

Then, provide for us as it happened Evidence of Abiogenesis---PROVIDE for us as it happened Evidence of the Nothingness that you believe is infinitely more complex than we'll ever be that managed to create life void of a will, mind, hands or even a college degree. And Don't get me started about the impossible trash that is evolution.