GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Vent away!

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If you go out of your way to only ignore me and try to make me jealous or some shit again I'll never talk to you again (just how you pretend to want it). You're useless but I love you for some stupid reason.

Didn't know you cared anymore. I'm not useless, bitch.

For some reason I always find your antics charming, when they should be warning flags.

my man feels the same way about me as this guy does about his gf and it's killing me, i wouldn't be surprised if this actually was him posting

i already know you'll never love me as much as that one skank and it tears me apart
i wish you could just let go of her, she was abusive and harmful to you and it's not fucking fair why do you love her still and not me
i hate you
i hate you
i don't have the strength to break up with you because i love you so much but i hate you

I'm moving on officially.
I am accepting this life as it is and don't care if you wanted to one day start over because you never really helped me when you had the chance. Happy holidays and find happiness
And please don't bother me anymore

Maybe because their antics are human and relatable, and that you'd like the same kind of understanding if you were in their place.

My ex did this to me and I don't want to do this to my next...

It sounds petty but I wish you fully realized what you lost in your shallow pursuit of short term "happiness" and learn your lesson.

You'll never find the greenest grass.

I feel like I’ve become so intolerant because of twitter that I can’t date anyone who isn’t. I’m totally okay with concealing my intolerant beliefs from friends and regular people but not with dating. My first and only boyfriend was my ideal type personality wise and was racist but he ended up using me as a rebound so that did not work out. Whenever I try to talk to men on tinder, none of them are funny or racist so I end up getting frustrated and delete the app. It makes me miss my ex boyfriend even though he ended up being a bar person. Why is this so hard? I did it on my first try. I just want a racist Slavic boy to break a vodka bottle over my head.

Get off the internet.

i just really wish i could get some advice on this, this is tearing me up inside

Once bitten, and twice shy.

Aahhh. He pulled my heart strings harder than you have, he's terrible and I'm terrible and you are too but, his terrible is right in front of me, every day, while what we had remains dormant with distance and lack of options for romance. I was in love with you, I'm sorry for leaving it like this. You understand?

It's all good.

Lovely way to think about someone you love.

It seems to be the best for both of you.

Get over it.

You're just afraid. I'm not afraid. I am willing to show you what I am. I just wish that you did the same.

Some days you really remember that some people on here are seriously mentally ill.

Of course we're mental. This is Jow Forums.

If you feel pressured to do something, you shouldn’t do it.

a quitter's excuse desu

Saying they felt pressured to do it?

Quitting because they felt pressured to do it.

It's pretty interesting how wildly different people's tastes are.
>Woman on train starts profusely adjusting her hair and coat right after we make eye contact
>Later that same day a cashier had this expression that felt like interacting with me was actively ruining her day
I'm starting to actually find it kinda cool how you can appeal and repulse certain people.

That’s not what I meant.

I dunno, I guess I'm bad at picking? Latest girl I tried to get to know is shy to the point of almost lacking personality. I can't tell if I'm bothering her or not when I try to speak to her. Sometimes she engages me in conversation, other times I get these one word conversation enders that just make me not want to talk to her anymore.

I can't even tell how she feels about me, I catch her looking at me fairly often, and if I catch her with her friend, she'll hide her face in her friends shoulder, but all of that starts losing weight when you compare it to everything else. I dunno.

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>Some days you really remember that some people on here are seriously mentally ill.
What are you trying to say? Did you thought the opposite?

It's been a while since I've posted in one of these, but I'm here on a much lighter note.

I would usually spend this post writing about my ex, how he's trying to contact me, and he still is, but I'm writing this post to thank an user who helped me out last time.

I've been doing better. He's still trying to hoover me, but I haven't checked or even cared. I'm trying to find a therapist that can help me with this, and that's the next step.

I don't think you realized how much you truly helped me that night, whoever you are.

Thank you, and honestly, thanks to anyone who helps in these threads, you affect more people than you know.

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That's what I meant.

geez get a room

Good luck with your life, then.

i love being a stripper. so much chaos, money, and power

I’m not them but your response seems like victim blaming or blame shifting. I have someone who treats me disrespectfully and then when I get upset says things like you said. I’m sure the person you responded to has been hurt a lot to feel like they have to vent here. What’s wrong with being dramatic in a vent thread? They’re not bothering the person in their life unlike the person they are addressing who is, I suppose, hurting them.

>got into a fight with a gay friend some months back
>tried to talk to him about it, even commuted to a place he wanted me to go to at 12 IN THE MORNING so we could talk
>we didn't even get to talk because he bailed on me
>a friend also ends up hating him because of his anger issues
>we both end up unfriending him on FB and contacts so we could move on
>he realized we unfriended him so then he goes rabid like some mad dog saying I am the devil and the most manipulative person in the group and that he knows what I'm doing, and that we need to head to location X right now to explain ourselves to him
>another friend (girl) ends up getting in a fight with him because she didn't follow his advice
>she tried to reach out to him multiple times, got rejected everytime
>ex-friend was like "I was just waiting for you people to approach me and explain yourselves to me!"/"I didn't talk to Girl A because I might just end up yelling at her and I don't want that"
>tfw we already tried to reach out multiple times to no avail
>he unfriends Girl A, but says they're still friends

ayy lmaooooooooo. Why are you like that? You're too demanding and bossy. Even when you meet Tinder people irl, you don't even build rapport. You order them to stay away from you while you walk so no gossips will be made about you, and once you enter your room, you rudely tell them to wash off their penis because you don't want it smelly... when your oily face is like a crater with tons of puss in it. You often wonder why your previous coworkers bullied you, and this just might be it. Also, it's not just us who dislike you. Even your """"friends""""" are actually against you.

I believe that if they love someone, they should be able to talk to them about everything as adults. If they can’t do that, they shouldn’t be together.

Yours as well.

We were close, I felt it. I know it was real. You can pretend it’s not happening but the loss I’m feeling is real too. I have to acknowledge it. It hurts so badly, I’m so sad.
I won’t talk about feelings anymore because it seems you don’t want that. Just because I’m not special to you it doesn’t change how important you are to me. You can’t imagine. I will always love you but I think that doesn’t mean much.
I wanted you to love me so much. I’m forever foolish.

I'm an alcoholic.
I hate that I enjoy it so much

Don't catch any stds on the pole.

lost a stone this year
blood tests say thyroid levels are off
lump on chest to be checked out by gp
dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn

I miss the times when I was in relationships
>what are we eating tonight?
>those rainny sunday mornings when we made brunch
>how was your day?
>my best friend is a bitch, I don't want to go
>when she's sick and I care for her

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goo goo gee gee! i am a babyman. ga ga poo poo. my mem-mem makes all my decisions for me because i'm a mentally ill banana can

Aww. Look who has daddy issues.


The more time goes on, the more I hate humanity as a collective. They're so loud, and obnoxious, and stupid, and willfully ignorant, and pointlessly cruel to each other. I don't want to feel this way. I want them to be better, but I know that they won't change unless they're forced into it.

It's all good??? It's tragic. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm projecting my life onto some poor bastard who's been hurt by a person like me and probably making things worse for everyone. ;_;
All I wanted to do was suck him off real slow and sloppy-like.

I feel like this was not what I'm bargained for when we got together. I wanted to marry you, have your children, you promised me we would grow old together. But you don't want to grow, you want to stay a child. And for me to be your mommy.

You saw how my heart was breaking every time you complained about my cooking, I even told you. I directly asked if you are depressed, you don't give me anything to work with. All ways complaining when I ask if we could do something together, have a date night, or even have sex more than once a full moon. But no then I'm the problem. And you ignore me, you ignored me for so long.

And then you think having sex in Christmas will fix this? And that you will be able to make me love you again?

My rage have turned to sadness.
I am so lonely...
I can't do this anymore

Ok today is it. Gotta get serious. I'll address everything, even the things I just gloss over.

Have you told them this?

There aren't any poles.. Its not an urban club. The nicer clubs here don't always have poles.

Caitie what the hell? I'm wondering why you carved my name into your inner thigh. Was it your Bubba that convinced you to do it? Also, so what if I wanted to fuck you at 15 I was 18, not that bad you know. and to be fair you had been sucking your brothers friends dick since you were like 7 or something remember you told me that in confidence and I kept it between you and I, meanwhile you went around telling the whole world I was a pedo because I wanted to plunge my dick in your 15 yo cunt. Who wouldnt? I never even got to kiss you and you fucked some 24 yo but I'm the pedo? I who was just 2.5 years older than you am a demon for saying I'd be cool with pissing inside of your pussy like you wanted me to, but the guy who actually did it is totally okay? Fuck you guys for spreading that bullshit around you're a bunch of child molesters, I'm literally Jesus christ, I've never done any wrong, I'm holier than the fucking pope. Put some respek on my name you nigger brained molesters. I hope you still have my name scared between your legs you stupid bitch you only cut that into yourself so you could show your friends and demonize me, I who was nothing but good to you, you piece of shit.

I knew it would work.

No, but I have told him that I’m in love with him. I can’t move on.

>102% average on first two exams
>third exam was insanely difficult and got a 52% (which professor refused to curve because a couple people did do good)
>ended up getting a B in the class
Thanks for the GPA hit, jack ass.

Do you still have the scar though?

nande? dare no ka?

are you Japanese or otaku lol


Found out the guy I've been madly in love with for the past few years is definitely straight. I had misinterpreted everything, yet again. Getting into my mid twenties and starting to think that this is it. I am damned to be alone for all my life. The worst thing is that I had let myself imagine further down the line than any hypothetical first kiss. I had dreams of starting a family with him.
He moved several states away, and I deluded myself into thinking that once he's done with college next year maybe he'll come back, and it would be like a classic romance. He would tell me he loved me like I loved him, and I would have peace. I was clearly delusional. I'm batshit insane.
It was all in my head. He doesn't even think of me at all. I've never felt so defeated. I made it through the work day just to get on the couch, ball up, and cry. And when the tears finally stopped, I looked at my gun safe, and thought that maybe now's the time. This was always the way it was going to happen, anyway.
I hate everything that I am and everything I thought I'd ever have in life. But I love him, and I don't know how to go on. And I'm afraid that when I finally pull the trigger God's gonna damn me for even thinking it in the first place.
I'm so fucking useless.

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I spent 9 years learning the angles and now I am going to start chasing the dollar bill full time.

I am going to have the best life ever soon and I am so excited.

Even met some Jewish chick yesterday that is pretty qt. Made plans for a coffee date. I'm not expecting much but she seems like a cool person= speaks fluent french too.

Jeez, life just gets better and better

I’m suicidal af

I’m lonely and depressed and have no friends or support and everyone thinks I’m ugly

sorry bra

least nobody can call you ugly behind a screen

I'm sorry user, I can't promise things will get better but I sincerely hope they do.

I just want you to know that people who have survived suicide attempts say it wouldn't have been worth it by a large margin.

So I went to a therapist for the first time yesterday and it went really well. I think I talked way too much, but I guess that's what I get for having absolutely no one to talk to for 24 years. Next is 3 weeks away.

Something that just came to my head here is that I feel more comfortable around women, I kind of wish my therapist was male because I just can't talk to men very deeply (I am a straight male so I don't know what the issue is here).

Everyone gets sad at the holidays. If you don't have the looks, you can have the wit.
Steve Buscemi is one ugly mofo but look where he is. Don't quit on yourself, all it takes is hard work.

I’m sorry. It’s so hard isn’t it? I’m in love with my best friend too and I kinda wish I could die.

Ha ha, fucking lawsuits.
Why aren't they as easy as they make them out to be?
Why the fuck can't I just sue these cunts for millions and be done with it?

These fuck offs I've worked for have pushed me around for years because I needed work experience. I fucking have that now; getting recruiters for actually decent companies pumping my linkedin inbox like a cheap whore now. But I can't follow up on any of them, because I can't work now.

Fuck these cunts, why the hell can't I find the right lawyer to screw these assholes like they deserve?
Some cripple in a wheelchair can sue a company out the ass because lol-no-ramp, but I can't find one to do the same to a company that abused a retard til they broke? What the fuck man.

I've literally got everything that was said or done to me recorded - because oh god yes it's legal to do it in the state I'm in. But I can't even find a lawyer who'll so much as look at it.

Hearing that the state I'm in is one of the worst for retard and cripple abuse is starting to seem a lot less like hear say.

The first gay experience I've had was when I sucked my dad's ass when he was asleep. I was 9...

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do you ever wish you could just hallucinate your ideal companion


Please don’t leave me. Do you have someone now?

small minded cunt

It's actually pretty fucked up.


Sounds good.

I will overcome all the bullshit permanently no matter what stands in my way.

closer and closer, but the goal is infinity, so are we even moving at all? i want to share my soul with yours, intermingle them with our tongues, but you can't even look at me for very long. you wish I were perfect, but how can I be something so unattainable? i wish you thought of me the way i think of you, i love you so much, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU. I know you don't think i can bring you bliss, but there is only one Mind in the whole wide universe, so really, ONLY I can bring you bliss. i can't explain myself because you make me nervous, I just want to impress you, I want you to think highly of me. I wish I didn't want such things, they feel shallow to me. Really, I just want to consume you, and be consumed by you, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally....I look forward to reuniting at the end of all things so we can merge and make it start again.

I have chronic pain because of this. I cannot say anything. This is my punishment for what I’d done to you. Not punishing enough.

I suddenly stopped caring about the people around me, and for some reason i don't feel bad, and I want to move on and make new friends but I don't want to lie to someone whenever i say i like them, or i care about them

So without giving too many specifics, I have an option of working graveyard or day shift early next year. I already work graveyard. I feel work life and social life is pretty balanced on grave, but if I were to go work day shift, I'd be less happy at work, but have a much more thriving social and personal life. If you anons were in my spot, which would you choose?


GY is OK for depressed periods, but you got to rise up sometime

Next thing you'll know it, I'll be better. For good, or whatever. I can already see everyone around me being degenerates in the next decade. Time to get moving.

Why do people care so much about the weather? I could care less of it's snowing, raining, freezing, or hailing

Gif unrelated

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I wish I had a cute girl to mofumofu.

Well I went in the other day, doc says I seem to have major depression. crossing my fingers they're wrong but probably not.
Kinda wanna talk to you so you can ground me but not sure if that's even possible anymore.
Tired as fuck, stay well.

Fuck "ex" junkies and pillheads. 95% of the time they're one bad day away from stealing all your shit and relapsing, if not lying about quitting in the first place. I'm sick of seeing these dumpster fires in every goddamn corner of this state.

Is there a way to live without being a wagie? I tried the wagie life for a about 5 years now and desu it's boring and sucks. My entire life revolves around work.

I try to find flaws in my gf because I feel I don't deserve her. She is too kind, selfless and adorable to me to accept it. I don't know what even she saw in me for her to start loving me, but it makes me sad she shows so much care for a depravated manwhore like myself. My insomnia is coming back because of all the stress of thinking about the shit I've done in the past.

Make yourself into someone she deserves.

Just found out I'm on academic probation and it's only my first semester at college. I really want to succeed, but I'm afraid I'm not cut out for this

I was lying to you. I'm not okay.
I'm only in uni because my dad wants me to be there. I'm letting him stand between me and the world. Why wouldn't I? I've been coddled my whole life. "Just do this and then you're free." That's what I heard at A levels when I wanted to be an illustrator, that's what I'm hearing at uni while I want to write music for media. Oh, I have to start looking at a career now? I'm sick of this shit. I'm the polar opposite of my degree. One of my peers laughed in my face for admitting I believe in the soul. I don't want to be an analyst or an engineer. I don't give a fuck if nothing I ever make amounts to anything, I have things inside of me I want to get out, it's killing me.

Everyday is the same shit.

Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study

(You get the idea)
Everyday is the same shit, and the one day of the week I don't have work: I end up laying in bed until the afternoon. I don't have any friend's anymore. I'm not in a relationship. And I don't have any other hobby's than art (which I'm only getting worse at for some reason). I don't have anything to live for, but I don't have anything to die for either. So;

Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study
Wake up; Go to work; Study

Because everyday is the same shit and I just get dragged around in it.

I turned my radio down cause my thoughts were too loud

How to be more like the girl he 'doesn't deserve?"

So I finally went out with this girl I've had a crush on for months. It went well, we talked for about an hour and half. We agreed to meet again tomorrow but I already feel my anxiety creeping back. I don't really do much, so I just worry I'm quickly going to be really boring to her. I already kind of jokingly mentioned that to her ("hope I wasn't too boring haha") and she said she had fun, she even said she'd take me more places, but I'm still worried. I don't know if she genuinely likes me or is just being polite. I just feel like she's too good for me. I'm 19 and never had a gf before, so I feel kind of immature for even thinking like this, but I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered and just waited until I "grew up" more.

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them's the growing pains of your early twenties. we're strangers, but my gut tells me that you'll be kicking yourself harder for the lack of experience if you don't keep at it with this girl. go in peace.

Yeah, I guess that's what I have to keep in mind. I'll do my best.

I'll see how tomorrow goes.

A couple of years ago I was still in high school and a female classmate humiliated me. I went on yelp under an assumed identity and wrote a bunch of reviews over the course of two weeks for various high schools, with the focus of the reviews being on "how fuckable the teenage girls are," and intentionally slipped my own school in there. In my review I alluded to the specific girl who humiliated me as being a particularly good fuck. Surprisingly, the review was discovered during the following semester and she was humiliated by the incident and it led to her to her dropping out or moving to another school or something.

When high school comes up, my friends still talk about it to this day like she really fucked an older guy. Nobody knows that it was all my fault.

Look, my little goddess-named little lady, I think you're a cute little lady, but I don't think I can do much to prove my love for you.
You're so cute, I would just eat you up~
But I won't because I can't.

I'll tell you what, whenever you see me again and are interested, just say the word 'rollo' somewhere in a line and I will be all over you forever~.
But still, in spite of you being so nice to me, I dunno if you wanna do much with me.
I mean I think we could be around each other for a while, but I worry. You're so cute I would be around for a long ass time desu.