Are there still men who want and can provide for a housewife?

I've done well but want nothing more to have and raise lots of kids. The amount of men who seem interested in this is very few at my age (24), and a lot just can't provide it either.

Have I got a chance at this dream?

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No, probably not for you.
24, unmarried? You must be ugly, or a whore.

Why do incels have to invade and screech in every thread? Fuck off

Stop fighting feminism you sexist.
Stop being lazy.
You can raise your own family by yourself, you don't need a man.

Women are just as equal to men.

I've done much better than most men... Still doesn't change the fact I don't really want a career

Dubs of Pre-K grammar

I don't know if he's an incel but I'm not, and he raises a good question. Why are you unmarried at 24? It means you are undesirable in some way, and for your purposes, that means you are too late.

The guy that would provide for you are the guys from good families that have already obtained some wealth in their 20s. They typically marry a girl close to them in their youth at 22-24. Why would a guy like this ever go for a girl that is already on the older side? I mean, if the job is giving and raising kids then youth is of the utmost importance. You are too late.

No one has money from my age, the only reasonably wealthy person from HS is the valedictorian who bought bitcoin, and he's a complete degenerate. A few from uni are showing signs of wealth but I don't feel comfortable going for them yet incase things change.


You are an idiot. The average age for getting married is about 30.

Who the fuck marries at 24? I'm starting to believe that samefag poster is extremely detached from real life.

To OP, you might want to look into rural bible belt living

You can probably find an eager older man. Men your age are busy riding the clam carousel or complaining on Jow Forums, and none of them have any money. Look for someone around 30-50, who's financially secure and old enough that a 24 year old is a catch.

If you live near me, yes.

Man here. There is all kinds of bros looking for a girl like you. I hope you'll consider one that's a little older. He will be more financially established and now ready to settle down or at least getting there. Don't know what you're looking fore but there be a lot of good guys who had The wisdom to hold off till they get set up or haven't had the time while they were getting educated or climbing the ladder and they would love a girl to help and support. Several times, where I work, I have seen a perfectly reasonable manager or engineer get turned down by a not particularly all that great young secretary or mail room clerk. I don't know what the fuck those girls are thinking. You sound like you could do ok on your own. But I don't know why there's girls are reserving themselves for a equal who won't amount to anything in the long run when they're staring a win win in the face.

>Stop fighting feminism
Anything else seem immoral. If you put a child molester, a nazi and a feminist in the room and I could only detain one of them forever, I would detain the feminist.
There is nothing more abhorrent than feminism.

>Who the fuck marries at 24?
The people in
>rural bible belt

If you're willing to go older sure.

Milennials and down got fucked over so...

>Why are you unmarried at 24? It means you are undesirable in some way

I don't know what (probably muslim) third-world shithole you are from, but around here its extremely unusual to get married this young unless youre from some small town where people still see it as some sort of rite of passage.

go fuck yourself women have no virtue and sleep around before marriage. also many of them are attention whores and have +600 thirsty male friends on social media. no man with self respect would put up with that shit.

Fuck off incel

You're salvering after those very women and even though you deny it, youre justinsanely salty its not you they send dirty snaps.

Yeah, absolutely, but let's get one thing clear-- housewife if a full time job with no breaks, bennies or pay.
The problem with """housewives""" is what they mean is "I do sweet fuck all, all day long, and hang around discord/Jow Forums/some other fuckass lonely person online hangout and shitpost, then make you some hodgepodge for dinner and possibly pack you a bowl in a bong."

You had better believe with eight full hours of my absence a day I'd expect the floors swept and mopped if needed, dishes done, food prepared when I get home. But I'm one of the lighter ones, guys deep into that traditional lifestyle are gonna be likely to be more specific and exacting.

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No one likes to take care of another grown adult, unless you have kids to raise you'll be seen as a parasite staying at home and living off of someone's money.

Also you're looking for a traditional relationship/marriage OP, are you traditional? Have you slept with other men, lived with boyfriends, is there anything left to be exclusive with your husband? Ask yourself what's in it for the guy to take the risk of marrying you, accepting the financial risk involved and burden of being forced to work until he dies?

Also who the hell in this thread would even consider marrying a woman who's 6 years away from being past her prime? I get that marrying a girl before her "party years" is a huge risk but who the fuck wants to pair up with a woman after shes been with 30 other guys?

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That "housewife as a job" comes from a time when being a housewife meant running an entire household, including its financial budget, overwatching servants/hirelings plus doing all nowadays automated tasks like washing clothes by hand. Also often running a side business, and supporting their men by networking with other women to increase their families standing.

I know several people from asia who are in actual traditional marriages (not the retarded American understanding of it) and it requires both man and woman to pull their weight equally and work towards bettering and keeping their shared position.

IN my experience the guys who think "traditional" only means you recieve some sort of prostitute whom you pay money for so she cleans your house andsucks your dick at will get their asses handed to them with actually traditional eastern european/asian women, as these guys ofc are often utter failures in life, who are looking at a "traditional" marriage only as a way to have someone around they can treat as they want.

You're not looking for a tradtitional marraige, but for a woman with extremely low self-esteem. Know the difference!

No son, if I go out and work 8 hours she can put in 8 hours at home. I'm not fucking coming back from being the only one making money to do dishes and mop the floor only to discover she was watching TV all day or fucking painting her goddam nails.

Sure, she's not a slave but if she thinks I'm the only one doing any work in the relationship, no. Wrong.
Of course both sides have to work, that's true of literally every relationship. Which you'd know if you weren't just trying to be right about something for the sake of being right.

God you're a miserable person.

This guy has it right.

Anyways OP, housewives aren't completely out of the question. I have a solid career, already own my three bedroom home with a great mortgage in a nice area with good schools, and the number one thing that holds me back from having kids is the thought of putting them in daycare all day instead of raising them in my family.

So I'd be open to the idea of a housewife. Now, I don't want to raise "lots of kids," but I could see myself with one or two. So we're out there, but I am a little older at 32. You'll be hard pressed to find a 24 year old with any of the capabilities to do that.

I think you'll scare guys away with the "lots of kids" thing, but you'll probably meet enough like minded guys if you approach it all with the concept that you want your kids to have someone at home instead of being thrown into the system.

There's a wide difference between "I want to see your timesheet and make sure you did work for the sake of work," and her just doing her nails or watching TV. You come across as the kind of dude who is going to beat the shit out of a woman the instant she makes him a casserole he doesn't like.

It's not the general idea of wanting someone to hold their own that anyone is giving you shit for, it's the "I expect mopping and food on the table" nonsense. I mean, I'd personally rather go do something fun with my wife than have a "prepared meal" on the table at 5 PM so we can do nothing in the house the rest of the evening, but to each their own.

My point was also that being a housewife nowadays is fucking pointless.
YOu forget that only the top 5% of society could afford to sit in their houses and do nothing - and those would then manage the families servant staff and go to social gatherings to increase their families standing.
Farmers wifes were often tasked with going to the markets, or ploughed the fields as well, simply because running a household and surviving economically used to require more than one pair of hands on all strata of society.

THis changed only with modern automation, which is why traditional stuff started disappearing in the 50s.

"housewife" as a job has been rationalized away, face it.
Being a housewife nowadays means to sit in your house and jack off, unless you have alot of childre or live n the countryside. Theres only so much scrubbing you can do in a day.
Only the dullest of women will be pure housewifes in a modern industrialized country.