Funny how Jow Forums never cited this one.
Funny how Jow Forums never cited this one.
How will Jow Forums ever recover
>black men make poor decisions
Thanks, I'll add it to my folder.
lol, get rekt
It's not like niggers are institutionally taxed more or whatever, if you're born rich then the only reason you end up poor is typically because you were an idiot with the money and pissed everything away instead of investing it into your future
100% certain that those "poor blacks" bought shiny cars and went to nightclubs until they ran themselves out of money.
is it a crime to be born rich?
Or systemic racism brings them down.
Its because niggers are financially irresponsible. A white kid born rich gets a job and adds to the wealth he was handed. A nigger sees it as a free ride and burns through it buying fancy shit and drugs.
The black upper-class comprises of affirmative action bureaucrats/workers, entertainers, and athletes and their families.
Great theories boys. Keep it up. Surely your explanation makes more sense those who compiled the data, who acknowledge that this kind of discrepancy does not occur when it comes to black and white women who were born wealthy. Nope, niggers are just stupid LMAO
Proof that lefties are completely wrong about how poverty contributes to the various failures of blacks
thought that pic was a map of Oklahoma desu senpai
This, its going in my folder.
This is only more evidence that "privilege" isn't a thing, and that people tend to end up in a financial situation that corresponds to their capabilities.
It's exactly what you would expect given the IQ differences.
Seems black women are smarter than black men.
translated: the white upper class and the black "upper" class are identical because they say so.
The black upper class is a meme with a way paved for them by an assisted path to upper social mobility. What's organic about that? How is it comparable to the non-black ones?
Cited what?
You made a little picture of Oklahoma with a bunch of dots?
Sorry, did you have a point? Because this just proves everything we already know about niggers.
Blacks have lower IQs on average and IQ correlates with income, so no duh. The only thing the article gets wrong is that it blames it on racism.
Which institutions are designed to take more money from rich niggers than rich white people though?
Or felonies. I wonder what the crime stats on the two groups are.
It isn't like the researchers face any social pressure to conform to established dogma, right? Why *does* 13% of the population commit half the murders, anyway?
Rich black kids should get their shit together.
I'm pretty sure I have seen that one around here before actually, but there's enough proof for regression to the mean around anyways.
Does women’s wealth typically come from their own labour?
I’d guess a large portion of it comes from their partner.
Or less impulsive, or less antisocial. Tracking criminal convictions and serious medical complications (getting shot) could explain a lot.
Thanks for the translation dude. You really cut through all the BS that "they" said. Right, it seems like the data was more about the outcomes of people of different races who grew up in similar circumstances. But you seem to attach your own assumptions to the data! Wow! That totally makes logical sense, I guess the researchers merely omitted that. Thanks for catching that one.
Wtf, the real answer is that women are stupid, wow you are really dumb LOL.
>But you seem to attach your own assumptions to the data!
Unlike the assumption that the researchers/author is making when racism is ascribed as a cause?
Care to enlighten us how that's less of an assumption?
Mmhmm, investment funds have special Nigger Trackers to influence ROIs for niggers only
Or maybe, wedging your cash in between your mattresses while financing your third luxury/sports car isn't a good way of staying rich
Wow, you are so intelligent that you didn't even need to look at the data to make a conclusion! It's almost like you just have prejudices which cloud your reasoning because the data specifically measured an income gap between black and white women of similar upbringing.
It means rich black women are golddiggers
>be rich
>put money in index fund
>live off dividends
Niggers are too dumb to do this.
Actually I've seen this on several occasions. What is your point exactly?
>Pssh It's just a few million I'm so ric-
>What do you mean I'm broke? This is racist.