If I'm fairly normal, not ugly...

If I'm fairly normal, not ugly, not exactly 0 friends ( although I hang with mine only at school ) is it 100% that I will find a gf if I just continue living my life, finishing studies, going to college and stuff? Or do I have to go an extra mile and actively seek for a girlfriend by asking random girls out and stuff?

I'm 18, senior in HS, and I've always considered myself not that out of the ordinary ( except I don't have many friends ) and I told myself that it will happen if I just give it time. Should I not count on it?

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No, do something for it. If you want a girlfriend, YOU have to do something for it. Nobody is magically appear one-day, that will love you for being normal. As gay as it sounds, be special. Draw attention to yourself in a good way, and btw, 18 years is not to late to find someone.

Do something like what? I'm being myself but I'm not going an extra mile of hitting up girls in dms or randomly approaching them in the halls.

>18 years is not to late to find someone.
When is it too late?

OP im in the exact same situation as you, cant really help but my problem is even if I wanted to hit on a girl or something I have no clue where to go since no one really talks in class and I dont go to parties or anything like that.

Same same, keep an eye on the thread so we can both get advice

Just go out and meet people, hang in more groups and socialise more, tell people your interest even if they're small, like if you have a passion then making it known will make you a bit more interesting. if you actively want a gf then try find one, but if you socialise more it will happen with less input from you having to be made. also 18 is pre good, like even 20 is alright, as long as you're not some incel fuck you'll be a-ok!!!!!

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Make friends in classes or join an organization to make friends. The circles formed will probably want to have their own parties, not the kind where everyone gets plastered but maybe seasonal get togethers. People will bring friends.
If you find someone, be nice and try to hang out with them often, it's a waiting game.

That's probably what I wanted to hear. I mean, I'd want a gf but it's not my number one priority. I just don't want to end up like Jow Forums anons

Be known as that funny, helpful, sympathic, ... guy.
Finding a GF means that something changes. Your goal is to expand your comfort zone by leaving it for a while.
Just go "that extra mile" by talking to girls randomly, don't miss one of the greatest adventures of your live user.

yeah, I get you, if you don't want to end up like that (i didn't either) why not just go out and have sex? like i was 19 before i had sex or kissed anyone if it's not an issue to do that then you could if you wanted

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I mean I can and will gladly talk with girls if the opportunity arises or I need something ( to know when something is, what's the time and stuff like that ) but I can't just go up to someone without a reason, say hi, and start talking.

one can't simply "go out and have sex"

need to meet people my dude, uni is good to meet sexual partners, tinder, under a bridge, parties, if you know where to go youll find some pre quickly ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

if youre not chad girls WILL NOT come to you - you have to go after them in some way. this means approaching them and being valuable in some way. this could be being rich at a bar, family orientated at church, interesting at a book club and so on. from your intro you arent chad, so pick something and commit many years of effort to it

DO NOT WAIT for good things to come along because they dont for non chads. you have to go out and get them

Nobody expects that. Make a comment about something that happend at school/college, talk to someone that sits next to you, if you hear a song-make a comment about that. Join a club, your possibilities are endless.

But how do you get them without asking someone random out out of the blue for the sole purpose of being with them.

I have a hobby but I have no way of showing it ( I play the guitar )

I am doing all of that, well except clubs, we don't have clubs.

>I am doing all of that, well except clubs, we don't have clubs.
To add on to that. That's why I say I'm not that abnormal and out of the ordinary


Literally how?

Watch some romance TV shows, or romance anime. That kept me motivated and gave me a lot of ideas, where to start.

If you aren't busy, watch ToraDora ( in the Englisch dub) before christmas.That one is great.

You will stay alone. It happend to me.

Just do it maaaan. You know... Like have sex and stuff.

I have no idea how people get a partner and sex. And I actually had a gf, even if the relationship wasnt that great, for a year. No idea how that happend. Maybe I legit have something in my brain missing or not developed!?

One thing that I really wish I had done more of while I was in HS is going to the gym/learning how to lift. With that, my #1 piece of advice to you is to try to see if you can get gym sessions in at school (while it's free/or cheap). If you do this now, and feel a bit more comfortable in your body, you'll have no trouble in College (make sure you go to at least a state school -- you'll meet a whole lot of people, esp when you are in the dorms).

If you DO wind up meeting a girl in your last semester of HS, don't derail your life in order to be with her or something stupid. Trust me, there will be others. Good luck bud.

You gotta put yourself out there, mate. Here are some tips:

>Meetup.com and pretty much any meetup in a college or extra curricular setting is great
>In college people are just as awkward as everyone else and everyone is just looking for good people, and friends, they don't bite
>Workout regularly (but you don't need to get jacked). Practice good hygiene, wear clothes that fit you well (they don't need to be fancy). Bet outgoing (or fake it). BOOM now youre 95% there when it comes to women
>People give less a shit about what you do and your reputation once you're out of high school. The pressure of that whole social hierarchy collapses the moment your receive your diploma
>Be social towards EVERYONE, not just cute girls
>Ask open ended questions and get people to talk about themselves, people LOVE talking about themselves: its much more important to appear InterestED than it is InterestING

So yeah. You gotta hustle. But it isn't that bad.

Why before Christmas?
As of right now I'm not planning on lifting going to a gym, it's not that I don't want, it's that I can't financially.
Thank you.

Meetup is useless where I'm from

I'm in shape albeit underweight, but in shape for my weight non the less

The collapse of hierarchy sounds really good and just what I need.

I am social towards everyone and I am trying to help everyone as much as I can.

I'm actually doing your last tip unintentionally. I've read it somewhere before and I realized that I've been doing it my whole life.

Sorry for the late answer.

I want to disagree with this guy, DON'T go to a gym.
Anons here just want to make meatheads out of geeky nerdy cute guys.

Dancing lessons, badoo, gym, tinder, skating lessons, facebook, concert, library, school campus, practically anywhere but your basement.

If you are chad, just say basic greeting and throw at her random compliment. If her reaction is smile, you have chance. If not, excuse yourself and walk away.

If you arent chad, first try to have short casual convo about variois memes like weather, her favorite class or game or latest /pol news aboit rapefugees in germany pushing for legalisation of female circumisation. The topic doesnt matter, what matters is her body language and how is she forming responces. You end convo with asking for her number.

Then you just invite her for burger and park 18~36 hours later after first contact. Dont be afraid to banter her. Pic related. Dont be that nice guy.

And guys always remember: shy man is dating equivalent of morbidly obese woman. Do whatever it takes to get rid of your anxiety / shyness or however you want to call it. Alcohol is great social lubricant.

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All those things you listed are better with company. I don't go anywhere with friends outside school, they simply already have friends. It's depressing to go alone.
I'm no Chad.
Shyness is and anxiousness is probably my biggest problem

>hey dude what are you doing after school?
>can i go with you?
Your excuse is laughtable.

Besides i have never seen man flirting in group settings past initial introductions. You hit on girls in solo settings.