Sending messages to myself

About 3 years ago I started sending messages to my future self using the calendar app on my phone.

I recieved one today, I mostly send myself some old memes I enjoyed and motivational messages.
I started doing this while i was very depressed, it helped me look forward to things in the future however small they might be.

I also send messages asking how my goals came along or encouraging me to talk to some old friends.

Today I texted myself. "I'm happy now, are you?" I strictly remembered me sending this after spending a whole day without feeling depressed. This was in the period where i started getting better.
When i recieved this I got a bit emotional but also happy, im sure you know the feel.

I was sitting next to a friend when i read this and shared it. She noticed my mood change and asked what happened, so I showed her the text.

She started laughing her ass off, and asked if i still send texts like that, when i answered yes she said "Not to be mean or anything but that is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time."
I just got up and walked away, my group of friends have been blowing up my phone but i dont want to look.

Should I stop with sending messages to my future self? And is it really pathetic?
And what do right now?

I don't understand her reaction. She normally avoids making fun of people, could it be that it was just a joke gone wrong? we've been friends for about half a year now.

Sorry for the long post but i wanted it to be clear what i meant with texting myself.

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Because she thinks you do it just so you get texts and people think other’s text you (pretending you’re popular or have friends).

they come up through calendar, so it doesnt look like an actual text.

>"Not to be mean or anything but that is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time."
Oh so she's a cunt? Cool fuck her. Yes it's kinda different but if sending yourself messages to keep yourself going and happy makes you happy:

Fuuuuuuck that spiteful cunt. You found something that keeps you going. Keep it up and own it. You like it and if affects no one but yourself so there's no harm in keeping it up.

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Nah, if it makes you happy, you don’t have to stop doing it. It sounds like a nice little hobby. I think your friend was just trying to rip on you a little, and only hurt your feelings accidentally. She probably does sort of not get it and maybe thinks it’s lame, but she probably didn’t actually mean to make you feel bad.

This, don't overthink it, people do "weird" things, some just don't share them. If it helps you, it helps, I don't think her intent was to upset you or make you stop doing it

Good to know its ok to continue, i'll continue because it does make me happy.

What should I do now though, my friends, and mostly her are still trying to get a hold of me.
Should I apologize for my reaction? It might have been a bit extreme.

if someone's being a bitch, why do you have to explain yourself?

If you think you should give a little apology and explain what happened, then go for it. If I were you, I’d try to keep it casual and brush it off like “ha, sorry about that. I just needed a little space for a minute, but we’re cool.”

I'm not sure if she wanted to be a bitch, maybe it was a terrible joke and i reacted very badly to it.
Its not been a minute but it does sound good. ill probably do this

Nah you did nothing really wrong don't apologise unless you've explicitly wronged someone. If anything cuntasourusrex should apologise to you. She wont, because she's a cunt but you know shit happens.

Apologising when you have done nothing wrong will make you look like you're at fault for literally nothing.

Just go about your biz and keep firm. Own it your messages. Eventually people will just accept it if you own it and aren't weird about it.

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People like that should be hanged, naked, in front of their loved ones and the whole town they live in

this is beautiful OP, I was sending messeges to myself on facebook chat, and when I feel bad and down I go and look at them, have a good laugh and feel better, but I like your idea more, and I'll start doing it

fuck that bitch for mocking you, but like you said maybe its a misunderstanding, and if u r only for half a year in a friendship it may be a foult of not knowing each other enough

I think if OP were to say to her friends “I’m sorry,” at this time, it’d be less of a “I behaved wrongly and I apologize for that” kind of sorry, and more of a “I see you have been trying to reach me and clearly have been concerned. I recognize and sympathize with your feelings” kind if sorry.

Only don’t say it like a robot.

I looked at the texts, she apologized and said it was a shitty thing to do. (my friends basically said she was trying to talk to me but they didnt know what about).
How does this reply sound.

"I agree that was a pretty shitty thing to do. I'm sorry for the silent treatment though, I couldve probably done that better. If you want to make up, i really like oreos."

Is this good?

Why should you apologize? You found something simple you can do for yourself that helps you stay positive and motivated and she just shit all over you for It. I can't blame you at all for needing to just walk away from that. I don't see a real difference between what you're doing and when people use things like meditation to improve their mindframe. If it works for you keep doing it and be happy you have something that works for you.

I'd say give her the chance to apologize, but you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.

I might say something like "I didn't expect you to say something to me that could hurt so much and I needed some time to process. Thank you for apologizing"

So should I just send this? (I really wanna use the situation for some free oreos if possible)
"I agree that was a pretty shitty thing to do. If you want to make up, i really like oreos."

Thank you, that is actually pretty good.

Don't do the Oreo thing, it kinda comes off like you're demanding her to get you something and I don't think it's appropriate. I'd say just offer to hang out again or grab some food instead.

Sorry i left out Oreos...

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were both piss poor, so going out to eat is a bit too expensive.

I'll probably send this.
"Hey, what you said actually hurt me so I needed some time. Thank you for apologizing, if you want we can hang on tomorrow to make up." And ill probably share some oreos then.

Good plan user, I hope it works.

I send the text.

Thanks Jow Forums I really appreciate the help. I hope y'all have a nice day.

You have to be 18 to post here. This is not your early 2000s emo MySpace blog page.

Stop acting like a child and stop changing around children.


Nice blog faggot


This guy is just mad cause even his past self doesn't want to talk to him

Who are you quoting?

Why can’t you get your own Oreos?

Everyone, apperantly.

lol fuck her tho

I send myself bday emails with futureme and idgas it's fun to read them

she's full of shit
my high school and university both had me write letters to myself 4 years in the future. It's a decent exercise in taking care of your future self, and gives you some perspective on where you are currently.

Sounds like you have a shit friend.

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You deserve this (You).

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That sounds like a nice idea, I'd like to start doing that. What app do you use?

Your friend fucked up. Maybe she spoke without thinking, but she's obviously very sheltered, because only somebody alien to suffering could look at something like that and laugh.

I'm too tired to give advice on such a weird social situation, but it's not pathetic. Both looking for a silver lining, as you did in the past, and organising your goals, as you do now, are virtues. Keep on keeping on, user.

the iphone calendar. i plan it as events.

Update for anyone interested.

Were going to meet tomorrow, she apologized multiple times after. we'll meet up tomorrow to talk. if anyone is interested i can post an update tomorrow

Dog that's awesome. Dont stop

If you manage to get pity nudes you know i'll be here with my dick out and ready to give it a rub

She’s an asshole ditch her faggot

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Nah OP, I really like your idea. In fact I might message my future self but I probably wipe out my calendar or lose my google account before 3 years pass.

In regards to your friend, meh, don't take it so seriously. I don't agree with her, but I admit she was transparent and honest with what she thinks, and probably did it in a joking fashion

This, what other types of things do you write?What time intervals do you use? 6 months later? 1 year later? 2 years? I need something in my life to look forward to.

Keep going okaaay!!!

>have past
>be younger in the past
>have problems you desire to overcome
>overcome them
>have future
>be older in the future
>think about problems in the past, your personal experience
>feel happy you solved them
I see nothing wrong here.

OP, girls are mean. Very very mean. Generally, almost always, their meanness comes from jealousy or fairness.

There was probably something about your message, experience, and moment of self-reflection that touched the girl and activated her jealousy somehow. For example: Maybe she was depressed 3 years ago and still is today; seeing you be happy made her feel even more unhappy and threatened so she lashed out.

This is even more possible considering that she's been nice to you and a good friend for 6 months. It's almost certainly a flare up of jealousy.

Regarding your questions:
>Should I stop with sending messages to my future self?
No that's really cool. Especially if you archive them. It's like an alternative form of diary. (I've been keeping a diary since 2012, I appreciate this decision more and more with each passing year. But there was a time or two I felt embarrassed. It goes like this... Write diary entry, feels normal; some time passes, feels embarrassing; some more time passes, feels nostalgic/incredible/fun/understanding. So keep doing it you're just in the middle phase of keeping a diary.)

>And is it really pathetic?
The diary et al, no, not pathetic at all.
Your past is a little wimpy, but we all have our weaknesses. I was a wimp too when I was younger. You grow and mature. It's life, it's normal and expected. It's weirder if your past isn't a little pathetic desu

>And what do right now?
Be kind to the girl and forgive her. She can't help her jealousy and meanness. Nothing will curb her more than being happy and yourself. Keep doing the diary, shamelessly, and if she ever mentions it to you put a huge smile on your face when you talk about it. That said, don't talk about it with her anymore.

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I didn't know that was possible but that's honestly really fucking cool user its like some shit out of steins gate.
Good luck on your meeting tomorrow!

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>but she's obviously very sheltered, because only somebody alien to suffering could look at something like that and laugh.
Not necessarily. Sometimes people lash out when others reveal weaknesses they see in themselves. Still shitty either way, obviously.

>OP, girls are mean. Very very mean
Is that why you beat your girlfriend? Was she mean to you PB?