Where does happiness and kindness fit in with masculinity? We all know women hate nice guys...

Where does happiness and kindness fit in with masculinity? We all know women hate nice guys, but what exactly do they want in a masculine man? Do they percieve a male laughing as weakness? Does a male who is constantly smiling and laughing evoke disgust from most women? I'm just not sure what persona to show to women to get them to respect/fear me. For instance what do most women think of this picture of JJ Watt? What emotions does this image evoke? Respect? Fear? Lust? This man could probably tear my arm off of my body with his bare hands, but women don't need to worry about that because JJ is wired to want to fuck and take care of women.

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Your perception of masculinity is so warped. Stop asking and reading what women "want". They are usually wrong. You should look up that Henry Ford quote to the effect of "People don't know what they want".

What you should do is forget about everything. Everything that feminists have told you women want, + everything that pick up artists have told you women want, drop it. Both of those groups of opposite extremists who are crazy. Forget everything! Now, as a clean slate, just think. Start following your instinct. You have to remember that we are just animals, and our primary focus is to fuck. We have evolved for billions of years just to become optimized fucking machines. The cavemen did not need to ask on Jow Forums to know how to get their penis into the vagina of a cavewoman. They just di dit. Do the same. Follow your masculine instinct. Always do what YOU want to do. All the time. Keep doing it until you are getting what you want most of the time.

Just end it now dude. I cant imagine how drunk on memes you are to think that laughing is unmasculine

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I've genuinely thought this and am 18. All of the people I've ever seen in power don't laugh. The bullies that bullied me laughed in a mocking way. Laughter is best used when you have power over what you're laughing at.

Like I said, just kys yourself. There is potential for you to rewire your brain and become a normal human being, but it's going to require you to basically unlearn the past 4 or so years of your life. You're definitely too much of a brainlet to handle that kind of life change


I was just joking bout the kys part, I hope you develop into a great human being and you learn to be happy.

Happiness and kindness are perfectly compatible with masculinity. Get off of Jow Forums and go make real life friends, Jow Forums warps your brain.

Being "nice" is badly used as defined.

Masculine men are nice in that they temper themselves with discipline and hold back from what they're capable of. That's all "nice" is.

Assertiveness is akin to honesty with tact. Not ever lying, communicating clearly what you want, but also not attempting to hurt others feelings and being polite (women generally more than men) - the other attractive thing to women is humor that is also tempered with the ability to be serious, and discipline of getting up and working to achieve personal goals, as well as working in general, and altruism to give more into a relationship/family than you get from it.

Being assertive and masculine is all of those things, and not being insecure, which is where hurting feelings and losing tact stems from, as well as unnecessary aggression. The aggression a man is capable of is meant to be implied and used only when absolutely necessary.

Listen to "IF" spoken by Jocko Willink on youtube - he's reading a poem about what it means to be a man - and the gist is being capable and hard-working while tempering all things you do with discipline and kindness towards others.


You obviously have a warped perception of what it means to be masculine. In any case, how on Earth does knowing why matter? Do you think you'll be able to logically convince a woman to change what she's attracted to if you knew?

You know what girls like, but instead of emulating what they like you--I don't even know what you're doing.

But how do I show happiness to women without them thinking I'm weak?

You basically have to have so much value that you are impossibly in demand and always busy. That way when you show any attention or time to others you are seen as incredibly generous and others are instantly jealous of whoever is spending time with you. That is all women really care about anyway, that they are getting the most bang for their buck with value determined through the eyes of others. No woman wants to combine respect and fear. They want to feel valuable and that comes from feeling like they are hanging around with something rare and high value. It sucks from a male perspective because you get old, you feel old and it is tiring always being on top feeling like others are trying to beat you. You want to show a little vulnerability, but when you do your reason for existing evaporates.

I-is this really what modern male-female relationships are like? Do I really have nothing to look forward to fall wise?

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*female wise.

>We all know women hate nice guys
This is why you are a virgin incel.

What did he say wrong?

Look forward to? What does that look like to you? When you are young you should be absolutely dominating things. You should be rising like a star up until the age of about 40. This is reward in itself, you are in demand, this is why people try to shit on men because being a man is awesome. At about 40 welcome to being an angry old gorilla who wants to be left the fuck alone because you see the younger guys coming up. By that point you've got to have engineered some social capital and a safety net that ensures your importance. You should have trapped one or more women with a family. With any luck they'll be financially dependent upon you for shelter and so occupied with a bullshit family dynamic and they'll not look at you and your relationship until you are in your 50's or 60's. Women enjoy that noisy family dynamic, it makes them feel part of something and import, men enjoy being needed and getting validated by having a purpose. Past age 50 or 60 everybody realises they are with a stranger. At that point you either stay together because fuck options and disruption, you've got history and a routine or you break up. A lot of relationships fail at that point. What exactly were you looking forward to? Getting your dick sucked? That isn't difficult dude, you've just got to accept that as some point the naivety of youth fades to be replaced by the horrible rational transactional nature of our biology.

That exact part?

Pls don't let this be how it turns out God.

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But what exactly did he get wrong? Isn't women not liking "nice guys" generally agreed upon?

How is being happy a sign of weakness? You're not making any sense

Because the women see you as a child or goofy and not a man

If you know so much about women how come you have trouble attracting one?

No it's not. It's wrong and retarded. Only basement-dwelling incels believe that.

Note the difference between "nice guy" and actually nice guy. OP is clearly too dumb to know the difference.

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You can be masculine and dominate, and still be kind and funny.

I've very tender towards my gf and show her a lot of affection, but she knows very well what my boundaries are and is expected from her in terms of respecting me. My patience for bullshit is non-existent and she knows it. She's also very submissive in bed.

This is the ideal male-female relationship. You may not like it but this is peak procreation.

fuck please i need to turn back time to being 5 years old and do everything in other way aaaahhhhhhhh

it hit me hard, because it makes me feel i am shit.

Is this really how some of you see masculinity? Not being able to show ANY emotion? The only emotions people dislike on men are sadness and anger. Sadness(for men is really just crying) is reserved for women. Anger is reserved for the men not of your tribe.

I feel for my brothers in the other tribes, women are the focus of my anger.

And that's why you're an incel virgin


You sound like a toddler who wants to please his mum. Don't put women on a pedstal Some women like nice men some prefer douchebags. Just in case you wonder, some women can be pretty fucked up too.

Maybe you are confusing being nice with being overly submissive too. The problem of these men is that they appear as timid and grey, not that they are nice.

So does being a bad boy make you not timid and grey

>Always do what YOU want to do. All the time. Keep doing it until you are getting what you want most of the time.

That is quite literally what book of pook is saying aka THE pua guide my man

Bad guys try to hide it. But it is still there, just on the inside. Look at all their posturing and chestpondig, they try to hide their insecurity by overcompensating. And in their personality they are still grey, because they don't have any own sense of masculinity and try to follow some imaginary codex of how to be a man.

You only see hyperfeminine and naive women fall for them.

Let me break this down for you OP.

Is the girl attracted to you? Then you can do almost no wrong and any shitty joke you will tell her will be funniest you ever said.
Is the girl not attracted to you? She will cringe if you say "good morning" to her.

But expressing them towards the female you like turns her off.

Where'd you get that idea from?

His incel cult teachings.

>women hate nice guys
"Nice guys" is a meme about betas who think "i opened a door and i'm gentle and polite with a female, so this female MUST give me all her love and attention and if she doesn't she's a whore who deserves death"
Your perception about masculinity is awfully warped. Laughing, smiling and generally expressing your emotions is not unappealing. The extremes are unappealing. If you laugh too much even in serious and upsetting situations, if you get sad/angry with the most little things and you openly express it, that's not attractive.
Acting politely with everyone is how you gain their respect.

this is a really, really sad thread

If you see sadness you're probably a sad person yourself.

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Nice projection

It's not that I see sadness, it's what these anpns say that make me sad

whats an 'anpns' lol?

What exactly about what they're saying is sad?

frogposters should be gassed

"anons", user. anons.
they're so removed from their own hearts and their own lives, that it makes me sad.

>We all know women hate nice guys
No, they hate Nice Guys.

>I'm just not sure what persona to show to women
Stop thinking like this.

>Start following your instinct. You have to remember that we are just animals, and our primary focus is to fuck.
I think this is an important mindset. A large part of being sexually attractive is about actually FEELING like a sexually attractive man. When i talk to a woman i'm interested in, i talk to her with the mindset of her wanting to fuck me because i'm a confident and attractive young man. Completely regardless of whether it is true or not, i just assume she would have sex with me if she had the chance.

I know this might sound a bit arrogant but from my experience it works. Go to the gym to build muscle, lose fat and build up that v-taper. Start wearing more stylish, fitting clothes and throw on some cool accessories. Start practicing on how to talk in a confident and slightly bad boy manner.

If you give off a sexual and confident vibe (i'm obviously not saying rapey or creepy), women will feel more drawn to you. In the core, we are animals and certain things trigger our primal instinct to have sex. You need to figure out what those triggers are and start using them to your advantage. I'm not saying that by doing these things you'll all of a sudden start drowning in pussy, but you'll start to realize that turning a woman on sexually isn't all that difficult if you know what you're doing. If you threat women as if they are your friend, they'll look at you as a nice and friendly guy (hi friendzone!), if you threat women as if they are sexual beings, they'll look at you as a potential sexual partner.

what if youre not an attractive young man and wont ever be? i dont think pretending that i am will help; i can pretend the sky is green or that im chinese but it doesnt make it true

>how Jow Forums are you? Do you work out?
>do you wear cool clothes and accessories?
>are you a social person? Do you know how to confidently talk to people or are you awkward/shy/insecure?
>do you take good care of yourself overall? Think of hygiene, grooming, hairstyle etc.

Being attractive isn't all about genetics like some incels will try to make you believe. Unless you are under like 5'6 or you have major genetic deformities, i find it difficult to believe it's impossible for you to be at least somewhat attractive if you have all of the things i mentioned above in check.

i used to be fit and it didnt change anything. i wear good clothes, watches, etc. much better than the graphic tees and board shorts most people around wear. yes, i have lots of friends and have no problem talking to randoms at bars/clubs etc. yes i follow the shower and haircut meme, brush my teeth every day etc. etc.

i do everything youre supposed to do. im 5'10, but have never had a positive response from women regardless of my approach. what now? i dont think imagining something that isnt real will help

You seriously never get female attention despite your efforts? That's quite weird.

Maybe you can try asking your friends for some honest feedback on what you're doing wrong? Preferably from the ones who are getting some decent female action.

no one has been very helpful. i asked some girl friends if they could introduce me to some friends, but they always avoided doing so. i then asked them if i had a bad reputation or something which they said i didnt but im not convinced

im still interested to hear more about the imagining things that arent true theory though

>im still interested to hear more about the imagining things that arent true theory though
Well it sort of ties into the ''fake it 'till you make it'' concept. I can imagine this being difficult in your case if you get very little to zero attention from girls. I guess in that regard i'm a bit more fortunate because i've always had decent female attention. In fact, I know of some girls who in the past have gone as far as having a crush on me.

But i still believe for me it's not all about looks or anything. I'm a decent looking guy but i believe that the vibe i'm giving off and the way i interact with people is probably more important. The vibe that i always strive for is: confident, social and playful. But yet friendly and respectful. I talk to people, joke around with them, tease them but i do it in a way that makes people enjoy interacting with me.

You should strive for the same vibe and mindset which takes practice don't get me wrong. But it works because it makes people like you, and frankly, it makes you like yourself more. Girls take note if it too. So many people go about their day as if they are sleep walking. They talk to people out of necessity, take life way too seriously and are afraid to have fun with people. Try to add value to social interactions and people will respond to it.

Uh, 5'6" isn't that short, at that height guys get girls easily.

It sounds like you are boring and spergy. And/or negative and whining. All unattractive qualities.

see thats the thing. its easy for you to think that girls would be into you because girls have been/are into you. see i do all that shit as well, people do like me. whenever theres parties i always get invited, people want me around. i make everyone laugh. desu i think your attribution that its not all about looks is wrong sadly. my vibe is good, face not so, fuck fuck fuck fuck

>masculinity thread
>+100 replies

Masculinity is culturally subjective.

Black American masculinity is saying "AWWW SHEEIT" and having multiple children with multiple women and have the state pay for them

Korean masculinity is getting fucked up on soujou and wearing adidas track pants

Arab masculinity is shitting on white girls from instagram

White masculinity is inviting all of the above to culturally enrich your women

Take a 23&me test and take your pick

But what about the emotional aspect of masculinity.

There's a big difference between being emoTIVE and emoTIONAL.

Latin and black men are emotive as fuck. Ayy papi, aww sheeeit, helll naw. Arabs say Allah akbar.

Only stupid Anglo white men push that "be a stoic emotionless rock for your woman". Probably came from the Germans or something IDGAF.

Women like that expression of emotion because it's authentic and shows a lack of autism.

Being emotional is crying all the time and talking about your insecurities like a faggot. Nothing about that is masculine.

So bottle up my anger and sadness and use it to fuck my bitch harder, is what you're saying?

Nah, it's an incel women hate thread.

based Korean masculinity.

Nah, there's some good advice in this thread, besides OP doesn't even hate women. Not his fault the incels came out of the woodworks.

>So bottle up my anger and sadness and use it to fuck my bitch harder, is what you're saying?

Yes. Or swim a mile. Deadlift 500lbs. Write a song. If you're really in your feelings then rap about it like a half black half Jewish star

Or you can posts frogs on the internet and not get blowjobs your choice

Masculinity = 6ft+, beard, good hairline, dense hair, deep voice, muscular

Laughing a lot: cool if you're masculine, beta if you're not

Being a serious guy: dominance, assertiveness if you're masculine. If you aren't, it's being an emotionless weirdo who is trying to show off what a tough guy he is.


Hot? -> positive thoughts

Not hot? -> negative thoughts

All you need to know about the female mind is that

I think assertiveness is popular with women. But hey, I am a larp, what do I know ...

Assertiveness reuires competence. For example if you are good at something be assertive at it, if not than it will make you look like an idiot or a creep.

Find something what you are good at. Or become good at something .

>Or you can posts frogs on the internet and not get blowjobs your choice
This post should be stickied on page 1 of adv permanently.

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