Why is my boyfriend such a prick?

Why is my boyfriend such a prick? I sent him a text asking what he was like at three, and this is the response I got.

>"I was just like any other three year old, I reckon. I said stupid shit, I did stupid things, I mispronounced half the words I spoke like the retarded little dipshit I was, and all the adults oohed and ahhed and said that I was so kawaii uguu because I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground."

I was hurt so I didn't reply, but he followed this up a few minutes later with...

>"What the hell were you expecting, me to have explored ancient pyramids or become a famous NASCAR driver? We're all the same at that age, 3 year olds are all mass produced little shitheads straight off the assembly line. You see one toddler-aged jackass, you've seen them all."

The 'moody, angry dude pissed at the world' thing was pretty hot whenever we first started dating three months ago, but now that he's turning said anger on me more frequently, it's quickly becoming unsexy.

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Lets be honest. Your question is utterly stupid and useless. Also bait 7/10 subtle yet effective. Should have left the last sentence out, gave it away.

please leave

I don't mean to play into le girls love bad boys meme; I'm bi and find angry/intense girls hot also, so long as they have the decency to rein in their temper and not take it out on me.

How is my question stupid and useless?

obvious answer is to dump him and move on to the next moody angry dude pissed at the world. Keep cycling out these guys to keep things fresh and exciting, there is no shortage of guys like that. Then at 28 marry a rich guy to have kids with LOL.

He's unironically based and redpilled.


It always gets worse.

>I was hurt so I didn't reply
Why, his answer makes a lot of sense. What the hell were you expecting?
>I was an amazing baby!
>The 'moody, angry dude pissed at the world' thing was pretty hot whenever we first started dating three months ago
You should have thought about the future as you started dating him. Seriously, what did you expected?

What kind of response were you expecting? I dont remember shit from when I was 3 either. Toddlers are pretty much all the same

3 year olds aren't babies, it's not like I asked him what he was like at 3 months...

I dunno, I just expected him to stay what he was originally like: an intense and somewhat bitter person who handles me with kid gloves and controls his anger well enough to unfailingly be decent to me.

First - your question was dumb. There isn't a huge variation in personality between three year olds, and unless he's talked to someone who told him what he was like, he probably doesn't remember. Most people don't remember much from that far back.

Second - You getting hurt? Is dumb. There's nothing to get hurt by there. Get over yourself.

Third - This particular instance doesn't really sound like him "turning his anger on you" much.

Fourth - If he is "turning his anger on you", in this or other situations, that's not a good thing. Obviously.

Fifth - What exactly were you expecting? You dated a moody, angry person and now you're expecting him not to be moody and angry?

>and unless he's talked to someone who told him what he was like

He's probably heard from his parents...

>There's nothing to get hurt by there

Are you serious? Both the replies were speaking down to me and dripping with contempt.

Right, they are toddlers. There's barely any difference.
>an intense and somewhat bitter person who handles me with kid gloves and controls his anger well enough to unfailingly be decent to me
The thing is, with these archetypes there's so much you can control and as he starts getting confidence he starts speaking his mind more often regardless of who you are, specially if he trusts you. You either learn how to handle or you get offended by something that is genuinely true if cynic, after all, that's what you were attracted to.

My advice, break up with him and make him even more bitter.
I'm was the same, and every girlfriend I had had this problem with me, to the point I don't even try anymore. I wouldn't change for a woman dumb enough to think I'd change for them, instead of liking me the way I am.
Then again, in the end I did change for a girl.

They may be dripping by content, but most certainly not towards you. At least not the first one. He may be bitter, but what makes you think he is angry at you? He was just being extremely cynical.

This is like calling a black person a nigger, if he gets angry it's his problem.

>He's probably heard from his parents...
Maybe, maybe not. I haven't that I recall.

>Are you serious? Both the replies were speaking down to me and dripping with contempt.
The second one, maybe, because you acted like you had a problem with his answer. The first was just answering your question.

If his attitude turns you off, leave him. He seems like a cunt, but honestly anyone can take this advice.

Also, don't ask dumb questions like this. No one has an answer for them. Honestly, he probably got appalled you asked something so empty and unanswerable just for the sake of conversation.

But yeah, just break up with him.

To be honest, I don't think I would have been as hurt as I am if not for the first sentence in the second text. The first text I could explain away as just generalized grouchiness.

Yeah, that one seems more hurtful, but he is still right, seriously, I keep asking myself the same question, what were you expecting?
If something I can agree with you, it was uncalled for, but if he is this bitter person that always do that with everyone, I wouldn't take it personal.

I guess just his general temperament (shy or outgoing, etc) along with some cute stories. He's cynical about anything related to childhood because his was horrible, and sometimes he gives me grief because I had a good one (going on about how anyone who wasn't abused or abandoned is spoiled, sheltered, and doesn't know anything about real life has lost him a lot of friends over the years), but his childhood didn't turn bad and spiral out of control until he was 5, so I figured age 3 wouldn't be a touchy subject.

>Actually remembering what you were like at 3

Ask his parents.

Its replies like these that make me think Jow Forums isn't the problem but Jow Forums is.

r9k has its bad points, but it's a far cry from Jow Forums. pol is basically the anti-LGBT version of the KKK.

Who gives a shit? You got an answer. I probably wouldn't have even bothered to put together a reply. I know so many girls who are just like " ... " or " oooookay..." when they aren't interesting enough to give an honest reply, but want to appear edgy. You should roll with the banter, "oof, right in the ovaries, you know most of my sex drive is tied up in viewing you as a competent father right?" Instead I got so angry. Bitch please, like your anger is even worth something. My girlfriend asks me cute/dumb stuff all the time and it drives me fairly crazy. Like I'll have a mouthful of nails up a ladder and she'll twist her hair and go "soooo... if you could be any animal, but a flying robot version what animal would you beeeeeee?". When I'm like "are you fucking serious?" she is invariably quick to start a fight because I socked her straight in the feels. My last girlfriend I broke up with because I came home after a shitty day with shitty news and she was dressed as a giraffe. Apparently I wasn't as happy as she thought I'd be even though the entire surprise was basically look how goofy I am. Look my darling, it was a very nice surprise, but please let me get inside the house, my shoulder hurts and I don't want to fight, oh wait no you literally want to start a fight and ... yeah get the fuck out now, no now, bye, don't call me, bye!

He sounds like an ass.
>unironically using kawaii uguu
Yeah dump him.

Pretty sure that's ironically using it, friend.

>ironically using it
That's even worse.

when i was 4 i used to get really pissed off because i'd always ask my mom how old i was and for the longest time it was still "4" and i just wanted to be 5 already

also i thought i was the shit because i could count to 12 and thought most people could only count to 10, so i'd imagine myself in the middle of ampitheater-like arenas competing with other kids to count the highest and theyd count to 10 and i'd count to 12 and they'd get completely fucking destroyed

u should have made the age 4-6 or some shit cause no one remembers shit from 3 years old

>He's cynical about anything related to childhood because his was horrible
If you knew this what were you expecting other than a cynical answer?
>sometimes he gives me grief because I had a good one (going on about how anyone who wasn't abused or abandoned is spoiled, sheltered, and doesn't know anything about real life has lost him a lot of friends over the years)
Now that's stupid, there's a difference between being bitter and having no common sense.
Seriously, dump his ass.
And that's a good thing. If OP is a faggot, then he is really fucking dumb.

>If you knew this what were you expecting other than a cynical answer?

I explained my reasoning later on in the post. >.> His childhood at 3 was normal, so I thought it might not be touchy for him. Failed this round of trial and error, I guess!

And I am a girl. A somewhat significantly older one than my partner, at that. I'm 24 and he's 19. Part of the reason I tolerate his moodiness and sour attitude is because he's so young and has room to grow and change.

>> The 'moody, angry dude pissed at the world' thing was pretty hot whenever we first started dating

You are retarded, get your tubes tied. And burn your ovaries.

God damn it, you remind me so much of my ex-girlfriend since we were in the same conditions. In the end I realized how much I was hurting her but I was unable to change for her. Do him a favor and broke with him. Maybe that'll straight him up even if he blames you. If he is bitter but also self-hating, he probably won't.

Other than that, I guess you can learn to handle him, try to showing him why it is wrong to act like that. But it is seriously worth the effort? Specially when you obviously get so touchy so easily.

>can't handle the bantz
You don't deserve your boyfriend

>I'm 24 and he's 19. Part of the reason I tolerate his moodiness and sour attitude is because he's so young and has room to grow and change.

Bitch, you aren't even our of diapers yet. Get the dumb out of your head, use a shotgun.

I don't know why you don't think they're both separate problems
Well if his attitude pisses you off, talk to him, not Jow Forums.

>he's so young and has room to grow and change.
"Women marry men hoping they'll change. Men marry women hoping they'll never change. Invariably both are disappointed."
Actually, it's a good piece of advice for both genders: don't date people hoping that they'll change.

You forgot
>Don't date someone expecting the to never change
It's just that you probably won't make them change. They just do.

He's making a direct reference to the catcher in the rye you stupid fucking dunce learn your place...

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Do you have any reason for hating me besides being female?

If something was wrong with my attitude, my girlfriend would kindly tell me, I would listen, and if she's right (and she probably would be) then I would thank her and stop doing it.
That's it. One problem, solved in a matter of seconds.

Somehow this is not happening in your relationship of three months. You are, somehow, missing the basic most rudimentary level of communication between yourselves. If you can't fix your communication, then there's no hope for your relationship.

This problem is a leaf on a tree. You can cut off the leaf, but more will always grow back. You need to cut the tree at the trunk. The trunk is bad communication.

So fix your communication problems.

>The 'moody, angry dude pissed at the world' thing was pretty hot whenever we first started dating three months ago
And you wonder why he keeps that up?
You reward his moody behaviour with sex so he thinks that if he keeps doing it, he will keep getting sex from you.
Tell him to fuck off with his moody shit and see how fast he cleans up his act.

Because it was a retarded question and you might be a attracted to children, which he picked up on and it made him uncomfortable.

Because he didn't have a good childhood. And frankly, if you reread his text you'll see he didn't attack you. He attacked himself and the world as he sees it. Your question triggered him.


>If something was wrong with my attitude, my girlfriend would kindly tell me, I would listen, and if she's right (and she probably would be) then I would beat her and keep doing it

Your bf seems completely fine. You asked a stupid question and got a smart-ass answer. I'm with your bf, what the hell were you expecting him to reply with?

>moody, angry dude pissed at the world' thing was pretty hot

because you make useless fucking threads.