This is America

This is America...

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>beat the fuck out of someone
>claim they called you nigger
The sad thing is, I've seen this happen personally.

The Gilet Orange have begun in the USA...

Civil War 2 has begun

I bet it's NOT the last time he calls niggers niggers

They're losing their race card and America is becoming more and more fatigued with their primitive chimp behavior. The day will come, in our lifetime, where there will be a legitimate falling out and the negro will be put back in check. I see it everyday with guys and girls who were never racist.

is this america?

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Happens everyday in school.
Today a young man was playing his DS on the bus and this black man approached him and asked him not polity for his seat. The young man refused so the black man pushed him but the young man retaliated and punched him. the black man didn't expect it so he said the young man said "fuck you, nigger" the young man was kicked off the bus and the black man was smiling sitting on the young mans original seat.
I was appalled and traumatized. Such violent behavior should not be repeated.

hes probably some bleeding heart leftist who volunteered to be a school traffic guard in the ghetto because of his white guilt and got BTFO for telling people to stop while being white

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Not here in New York. Every race loves black people. So much so it is to cohabitate with the black man or woman. I see it everyday, every race want to be with a black person because it will show that the non-black person is not a racist. I've never dated a black woman but the media and society is pressuring me to. Everywhere I go I see Cardi B and it makes my sternum hard.

Niggers need to go home to Africa

I'm planning to move here since I looked up the black population, it was 1.5% which is very good news. I don't want to hear loud bass ghetto shuttles and dangerous looking men standing in the corner doing nothing !

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Here in Boston, they know their place. They rarely venture too far from Dorchester, Roxbury or Mattapan and when they do, they will be denied access into bars, clubs and restaurants for their Jordans and Timberlands.

What a waste of ketchup

>tesco uniform
State of people believing this lmao

Why didn't you fucking say something you cuck? People like you make me sick. You're the reason niggers have any power.

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I wouldn't black people to go back, I just want them to act civilzed but if they can't do that then i'm moving to the place I posted. I've been around black people for so long, my mental health is deteriorated and I feel lost. They are killing me mentally and physically.

looks pretty fuckin fake
just like the last 30 times i've seen it

is that clint?

image for reference

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I could not say anything since the bus was loud and this black man was a dangerous looking man, had tattoo on his right arm and he looked angry to the point of murdering someone. I would not risk my precious life to get murdered by someone on the bus. I would've helped if he looked nicer but I couldn't.

>implying suburban white ppl are any better

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I'm against establishments refusing people just because of their race but please tell me some places in Boston that have a safe neighborhood and a lesser African American population. I don't hate them I just fear them.

that's clearly mexico

Fuck you pussy

This picture is so old.


Well at-least we don't go around playing loud music to the point where the car shakes and you can hear it from a mile away also suburbaner don't stand around in a corner for hours looking for an easy target. We just mind our business and mow our lawns. We are good simple people.

Do you have a gun?


Get one.

Then next time it happens, stand up and help your fellow white man. Niggers and kikes have banded together as a tribe, you're fractured from the rest of the whites, and will lead to our death.

If the nigger tries to murder you shoot the nigger, faggot.

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Niggers need to go home to Africa

hahahahaha fucking sheltered autist

yeah that kid was stupid. shoulda just shot the nigger instead

Yes, because we still keep them confined to their neighborhoods, so the city is one of the more safer American cities. I dated a young Brazilian chick who was a cocktail waitress at a Brazilian club. A black DJ wanted to guest DJ at this club and the owner decided that it would be a good idea, despite all the girls telling him that they were adamantly against it. The blacks don't tip and generally speaking, they are either disrespectful or sexually harass them without repercussion. Long story short, there was a major brawl and a young mud shark was shot and killed in the crossfire. As a result, the club has permanently lost their liquor license and now is just a bar and grille that needs to be closed by 11pm. If you don't believe me, google "Braza Grille in Everett, MA shooting".

Gun's are not my thing I'm sorry. I don't intent on murdering someone. I do carry pepper spray which I train my reflexes on and its very powerful like police type pepper spray.

Then why didn't you fucking say anything then? Why are you worried the nigger would kill you?

Fucking sheep.

>I'm against establishments refusing people just because of their race

Faggot. You deserve to have your loved ones raped by a pack of niggers. You don't set boundaries and they will keep pushing. They don't share your high ideals, they hate you and consider you weak for everything you give in on. They understand nothing other than brutality.

Pic related is what they are fed by their Jewish handlers

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lol I called a nigger a nigger to his face in 7th grade am I'm italian.

you are a pussy

Sieg Heil BITCHES!!!


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What this faggot says.

Get a gun
Know how to use it
Be ready to use it

If that shit happened to in front of me there would be a pile of dead niggers.

You're a pathetic yankee.

I've already said it. He was very scary looking, tattoo on right arm and angry looking face which froze me. Also he was not trying to kill me, he was trying to kill the young man which I applaud for his utmost bravery. I am not scared man, I am just a simple man.

You need to stand up against niggers, otherwise you're a nigger-enabler.

>pepper spray


Pepper spray is effective, just like a taser. Alot of police use it to deter criminals and it works. It might be harmful to the criminal but atleast hes still alive.

I just read it. R.I.P the victim who died. I'm sorry about the bar regulations but this should've not ended in bloodshed. We live in the 21th century and we need to give a alittle love and maybe we can change the world.

No, you're a fucking coward
You're not a simple man, you're not a man at all

>im against this but please let me live next to you
this attitude is why people hate Californians you fag

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>complain about injustice in society and how society allows it to happen
>"Do your part then fellow white man."
>immediately comes up with a thousand excuses as to why he won't do anything
>"I am not scared man, I am just a simple man."

That's another way of saying you're a bitch. Accept it. It'll help you stop feeling bad if you just accept you're not willing to do anything about it; lower's your expectations of yourself.

Idk if you know this pedro, maybe the internet is super slow down by where you morons live, but this picture was from 2014...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BET YOU GOT YOUR LUNCH MONEY STOLEN!!


I am a simple man. I avoid random confrontation unless it involves a friend or family member. Why would I risk my life for a young man who I don't even know and fight a black man just because he target a man of my race. You are delusional, I think you need help because someday you are going to murder someone just because they are not the same race as you.

how many times has this been posted? what's the story?

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It's not murder if they aren't human

it was a joke you unibrow mutt

Pro tip, next time say he called you a faggot and didn't use the right pronoun, faggot rights > Nigger rights.

Kys you absolute coward


This was already proven fake. Those two are friends

Be careful! Someday you will be the target and no one will help you. You will be all alone with everyone apathetically watching. And you will deserve it.

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proven animals

this was like 5 weeks ago, slide thread

>this fag defending himself

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Bu bu bu but he had a tattoo on his arrrmmm

You wouldn't use that word in real life you fucking cowards. I'm white and I broke someone's jaw for saying the n-word around my black friend.

Well thats never going to happen since I'm moving to the place I posted. Just simple people like me looking to live a better life. New York where i currently live is just bad for me and I seen many of these confrontation you wrote and I can relate but at a viewers angle but nevertheless I am moving soon.

>i-i would've if he had seemed more pleasant a fellow

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My gf is black. I am allowed to you nigger.

Democrat flag. Immediately goes to violence. Checks out.

DESU, if it was a ghetto thug I may, mostly to shock him before I punched him in the face than watch him, see if he reaches for a gun. At that point, yeah i shoot him. Also, I'm bi so yeah, my civil rights trump tyrones, that is well, unless he's gay too lol.
I'm really not racist, I just thought this thread was funny and i'm bored with /b/.

Fun fact, I met a gay black bronie once, like emo nigger you knew there had to be one and well, I found the black gay bronie lol.

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Forgot to say, I have a CC and have almost been jumped by thugs in the past, I don't play.

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But Obunga

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>its okay to hit people over a word

knocking out cucks like you is my hobby

> I'm Italian
Why would a nigger care about being called a nigger by another nigger?

Looks like strawberry jelly.

Your life isn't worth much, if you won't lay it down in the acts of your belief. I was mugged once. I told those 3 black kids with a gun. To take my wallet from my cold dead hands. Then walked away. Cowards will flee the bold.


Lol better coward for a moment then dead for a lifetime.

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niggers are disgusting. they are so insecure they get violent over a word that literally means black. negro, nigeria, niger, nigger. yeah it's waaaaaacist but who tf cares? are they that insecure?

If you had pepper spray you could've diverted the situation. I'm sorry this happened to you but you need to be armed in this day and age where senseless robbery is okay. I would suggest finding a city where there is less crime and a lesser african american population. I am currently trying to buy a home in Chinookarch, Colorado and things might look good there.

that boy is nice looking. i thought racist were physically unattractive like cnn told me. but proper white men have always been racist.

>waah these sounds make me feel bad
>so ill act like a violent animal
Truly the mark of a nigger

>Orange safety vest


Just a broken jaw? God Damn you are weak, faggot. I call people niggers and then I beat them and cut their throat.

So they really want a white chimp out?

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Why are Americans obsessed with the word nigger? Every time someone says it (or isn't allowed to say it) everyone acts like the word is falling apart.

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We all hope you get killed by a mountain lion.

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well arent you fucking special. Did the nigger suck your dick afterwards? Why do you think niggers can't defend themselves and need a WHITE MALE to come to their rescue?

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We are on for a white "chimp out" let's be honest folks, when it came to World domination no one has done it better than civilized whites.


Why, I was just informing him that senseless robbery can occur you need to carry pepper spray. You are no better than the robbers who robs innocent victims just because they want to score their next crack high.

Justice would have smollett on the pavement