Black women are superior to white women and it's not even close. Long live Africa
Black women are superior to white women and it's not even close. Long live Africa
The fuck you just say to me pussy? Go get you a black woman and spoil her
This. Dark Black women are the superior woman. They are more fertile, so white man's seed would grow healthy in a african/black womb.
Black women are queens and should be treated as such.
Black women indeed are best. Plan on it
>Black women have more STDs than white women and it's not even close.
Are these threads a reddit raid or just retarded trolls from /b/? Not even black guys are into black girls.
superior to what?
Superior in what way?
Yes I also find she-boons to be more superior than their white, female zookeepers. Bix nood, sistah!
because i find that offensive to all the cool monkeys in the jungle. not their fault they were born with a brown fur and uh AYO HOLD THOSE FAT LIPS UP
seriously though, fuck niggers.
Sure, if you like literal retards with absolutely no souls or self-control.
>reddit raid
Jow Forums has always been an an ebony loving board newmaggot.
Whut about that musty ape stank
Niggers are disgusting and they smell like shit.
70% zogbot, 25% retard, 5% pol. the usual.
Fertility, bodies, beauty, more loyal and faithful. Come home white man. Imagine coming home from hard work day to your sweet chocolate woman.
She looks like a man.
Take it from a Brazilian user.
If you go black it better be with lots of cream in the mix or you will be smelling curdled milk every time you raid that pooch.
Forget about the wharf smell when the red tide comes will make you gag if that woman is cast iron black.
Dating black women is all about smiles and cries
I have literally never seen an attractive nigger.
med girls on the other hand are cute since they have cute feet that are brownish.
Tell us how you really feel.
So superior they change their hair to like white women's. Op is a groid.
White men breeding with black/African women is completely natural and healthy.
Black women natural hair is beautiful, it can be straightened though.
She has a face like Tyler
>it can be straightened though.
No it literally cant.
i used to think blacks were gross but i have some serious Jungle Fever these days. all i can think about is cumming inside a beautiful, curvy, black woman and having mixed babies with her.
black women are statistically better mothers than any other race and are more loyal, better at sex, better homemakers, more honest, and have the best bodies. White women literally cannot compete on any level.
>Long live Africa
You should go back there, I hear it's nice this time of year.
I like how skinny black women still have nice asses. Skinny asian women's ass is built like DVD cases.
If they’re so superior how come they glue Indian women hair to their scalps.
Not superior, just fun to fuck. I love fucking black girls and my gf is bi, she loves it too.
>Long live Africa
Then go back to Africa...
Could there be something to this? Are closeted faggots more into black women because of the sexual dimorphism asymmetry?
That's a mutt in pics.
In fact most black women in the west are mutts - they have some European ancestry - hence why they don't look like black women in Africa (ugly as fuck)
>wanting to ruin a beautiful fro
just stop.
black women are alphas
Afros on women are beautiful
>nappy hair
who shooped brillo pads on these womens heads?
The average black woman is disgusting.
>Using the "nappy" meme on Jow Forums
African here - have you ever met an african woman?
Dirtiest thing you'll ever touch. Jesus christ. I'll stick to white sorority girls thanks
oh and im not like a racemixer or anything I'm actually white, just happen to be from africa and have extensive exposure to actual africans
I'm going to be sick
>Black women are superior to white women
then why do they spend countless hours and funds trying to look like white women?
Shes cute
No accounting for taste, I guess
African women are wonderful.
t. has never been to africa
I'll rephrase that - african women aren't sexually attractive, but they're usually very sweet. The mothers of my black friends were always the nicest people, no doubt. And they're good cooks too.
But I'd never fuck one.
Literally just look, you apes. If you come inside of her, your genes ASCEND, we all know this intuitively. Eyes like the sky, hair like the sun. Bone structure crystalized to perfection through millennia in the ice. I know it's bait, whatever. IT's INSANE how superior Indo European women are. Insane how obvious and intuitively true it is. What's more insane is our ability to turn our natural, healthy disgust with the desert races on ourselves, to spare the feelings of these people. The programing that we're the problem is a profound perversion/inversion of the truth. We're so pure. The powers that be will eviscerate our enemies for inverting our instincts like this.
Who fucking takes a picture like this? Clearly the shadow is on your face.
OP from worst to best descending
Black women
Asian women
1st place is tied between Latino/spanish and white women
> long live africa
Do niggers even have a life expectancy?
Statistically better mothers? Wtf are you on leaf?
worst to best:
arab & latina
white women are absolute shit
Asians are bottom tier. Youre just used to monkeys getting plstic surgery to look more like children
in complete homes (where the parents remain together) blacks are better mothers
the negative stereotypes about shitty drug addicted nigger moms is based on the fact that the deadbeat niggers usually impregnate them and then abandon the family, so they're financially burdened and live in abject poverty.
if a white man takes care of a beautiful curvy black woman and has lots of mixed babies with her, turns out shes a great mother, wife, and homemaker.
Theyre already spoiled . If you want to spoil her - send em back to africa , then send her a MRE .
Those negative stereotypes exist for a reason. In what way are they better? Got a link to these statistics?
Your genes ascend when bred with a black woman