G/f advice

Gonna make this quick. Been with my girl for about a year. I decide to test her and make a fake snap account. Message her and in a few hours we start sexting. I confront her and she starts crying and apologizing. I leave her. Texts me non stop and calls 24/7 for me to forgive her. I keep ignoring. Her best friend contacts me and we have a long conversation. I decide to give her another chance. Now whenever she says I love you kisses me and does all the loving stuff I just don’t feel anything. Usually whenever I break up or they break up I feel bad and heartbroken. But when I left her I honestly didn’t feel anything and just didn’t care about her, I honestly have no respect for cheaters. My question is should I try or just leave again? Is it wrong to try for a bit and if nothing changes I just tell her it’s not working? She wants to give me her passwords to everything but I’m not gonna go snooping and stuff that’s not who I am. I’m just confused, today I woke up and just thought “wtf am I doing still being with her.” I know it seems the answer is clear but I just need a little more insight. Thanks for listening anons.

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Break up. Like she broke your heart. At least thats how I would feel if the person I love betrayed me in such a pathetic way.

>I decide to test her and make a fake snap account
OP is a massive fag
Find better ways to waste your fucking life

>Cheating whore
>OP is in the wrong

Your relationship was over when you decided you needed to test her. Not saying what she did wasn't fucked up btw. Move on, hopefully you both learn something from it.

You’re right honestly, i also know it was wrong of me to do it. I’m not mad or heartbroken, I kinda knew this was gonna happen, she’s always been depressed and lonely and I have school and work all the time. She only has one friend and she left for a couple months. Just typing this out I think I gave her another chance because she’s so alone, is this fucked up of me? Is the right thing to not play her like this and leave her for good? Cause I feel detached from her at the moment.

>I decide to test her and make a fake snap account.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

the odds are against you OP. she will do it again occurring to statistics.

You won't receive better advice than this, OP

Its fine to verify your relationship and she failed OP.

Every gf I ever had fails my test.
I casually bring up a MMF threesome, most don't take the bait at first but in a day or so they have thought it over and ask what I meant. They either have made the decision to go for it or they just need a little more time but every woman wants to fuck another guy with your ok. I have a buddy and we will both fuck her and during clean up I will break up with them for going through with this. I don't want some whore.

You didn't trust her in the first place so it was already over by then

Status: toasty

Forget about the romanticized kind of love you see in movies and TV shows or books, etc. It's fiction. Especially nowadays with girls being addicted to massive attention and validation on the Internet. Most will not be able to quit it just for you.
You can still love your girl, but at the same time you have to understand that it's kind of a game that people play. It's always a bit of an act.
You're mad that she betrayed you but what did you expect? Most relationships end badly. How badly is up to you. After dating multiple people and often having multiple marriages, most people end up sticking with someone they can tolerate being with and they trust to at least not completely fuck up their life. And for that your relationship has to not depend on the belief in some idealized and unreasonable kind of love.
Now you've got no gf, you don't have a replacement lined up and you're kind of emotionally fucked up because you trusted her way too much in the first place.

How funny would it be if that was the first time she sexted lmao

>Love is a game
>This is something you have to accept
People like you should be removed from the gene pool.

Wait, you are the one who initiates it. Actually do the deed as well, apparently multiple times.

And somehow they are the whore? You fucking idiot why shouldn't she think it would make her a whore, maybe they think it is you kink and that there will be FFM threesone later.

You are literally and figuratively a faggot. Stop damaging people on a stupid test, you are a whore; giving people permission and than punishing them for it is retarded.

If you don't accept it you're gonna get hurt over and over again. It's childish to stick to idealized notions.
The thing is, overall it's women as a group who decide what "love" is going to be. How relationships are going to work an what expectations there can reasonably be. Because it's women who have the most freedom to choose overall. Men have to adapt.

>Having principles is childish
>Because it's women who have the most freedom to choose overall. Men have to adapt
This is your mind in feminism. Kill yourself, beta.

"Why should she think it would make her a whore"

lmao this is so fucking stupid. Holy shit!

All I do is casually mention it. Like "have you ever" or "would you ever" and shut up. The girls take it from there and I don't have to do any prodding but I don't try to dissuade them either. I want to see how far they will go. There have been a few girls, but only a few, that become upset with the prospect at first but their imagination and desire get the best of them so I set it up and they go for it. Occasionally, they come to me with a guy they want as the other participant.

Its only after I dump them they start to question why they went through with it.

It sounds stupid, actually incomprehensible, but without fail they fail the test. The first time I suggested this I though for sure they would say no, they loved me and only me and didn't want another man to touch them but they went for it in the end. There was a period it really bothered me and I became cynical and got no joy out of the sex part. Now its like a game, like the last one, when my buddy was fucking her I looked right at her and calmly said "do you really think I will marry someone like you"?

You shouldn't have made a fake snap to text her, imagine if your girlfriend did the same to you. I know your suspicions were confirmed true, but the ends doesn't justify the means. As for if you should stay with her, that is up to you. Give it time to see if the feelings return, otherwise just tell her it's not working out.

You are a man whore. You are getting mad at women for doing something YOU want to do. It's always the girlfriend whose the whore for agreeing, not you for wanting the threesome in the first place. You can say you are "testing" them, but well all know you want the threesome. Because you are a whore, plain and simple.

Stop being a hypocritical psychopathic whore and kill yourself. It's obvious you hold women to a different standard than yourself, seeing how you sleep with multiple women and it's "okay" when you do it. You girlfriends cared enough about you to do something they are uncomfortable with, because they thought it would make you happy. Neck yourself you man whore.

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Ends do justify the means as long as you factor in the entirety of those ends (including collateral damage). In OPs case it seems perfectly reasonable.

She betrayed you and you don't trust her anymore. You can't help how you feel (or don't feel).

not a stupid game really
IF OP did that it's because he already had suspicions
I think it's fine.

Now THAT's really fucking stupid

>mad at women
I'm not mad at women, far from it, I enjoy being with them and had 9 solid relationships, engaged twice. I cannot say I want or even desire a threesome, I rarely have done more than prep the setting, disrobe, the guy mounts and a switch flips and I don't want her anymore because I'm so disappointed. Just once can't one say nope? Even if they get really nervous soon as she has two naked guys they reach for a dick. Most times they reach for mine first but I gently push them away and they never hesitate going for his.

>really fucking stupid
but they always fail user so isn't it best to know before I did something really stupid and marry them or worse, fall hopelessly in love.

I really hope for you that you are trolling , otherwise you are really in need of help

Sure but your test is flawed thus it's retarded. Think of a better test or improve your current one but first you need to understand the problem.

The trust is gone and you can never get it back. If you think things will ever be the same then you are kidding yourself my man. You made the right call the first time, cheaters deserve no respect.

Just because the results are always the same doesn't mean there are flaws in the test. There is no coercion or coaxing involved. A subtle mention or suggestive question and then they are left alone to ponder. Its their imagination and fantasy that is exposed which is ok but do they always have to go through with it and make it a reality?

So, I fail to see why I have a problem. They get what they want, the threesome and I have the right to break it off with a woman that participates in a threesome while in relationship with me.

It's just bait you fucking redditor

The most glaring flaw in this test is that it's you who organises the thing itself. I think that I wouldn't criticise it was her that had to actually set it up. You could even provide the opportunity but let her do the final push which is firmly motivated field work.

Hmmm, good point, I'm making it too easy but I do offer them the opportunity to pick the guy but most know my friend and say he's fine. I do set up the place, time, etc so maybe I will tell the next to set it all up and I'll show up and see if the result changes.

Based B-)

Don't tell her to do anything - just provide all the opportunities and encourage her to be bold. The point is not to make her think that you are into it - that would make it all void.


Fake news, if you're actually real then you're a the biggest retard I've ever seen on this website.

>Girl is willing to do what you want
>Girl goes through it
>Girl gets dumped

Why don't you admit it and date your homeboy since he's the only constant in your life.

again good point but one correction. I'm not doing this because I'm into it but to see if they are.

Again, all I do is suggest and do not present it in a way its what I'm into or want her to do but that if she's ever wondered she's free to let her freak flag fly.

While my buddy has been involved it is the womans choice and she can bring her guy in and they have done so. My buddy is there as an option they sometimes take. They may be too shy to ask another guy or afraid I might think something if they suggest a guy but it doesn't matter. Whomever they feel comfortable with fucking and like I said before some are really nervous but soon as she's presented with two dicks and one of us touches her she's down. You can see that shit in their eyes.

Just telling her you don't care is still all your fucking fault. It's deceitful. Just imagine a woman doing this. You might question it at first then of course you'd be interested if she encouraged it, and if she dumped you for going for it you'd feel deceived because you were.
Faggots.Still makes you 100% guilty bruh.

You know, I have this fantasy that one day one of them will slap my face or be aghast when I first drop a hint but so far nothing even close. Mostly its mild surprise but followed by a mischievous almost imperceptible smile.

I understand. I argued on that basis.
In my opinion subconscious or even conscious desires don't make a woman a whore as long as she is able and willing to suppress it for the sake of a healthy relationship and dignity.

>Just imagine a woman doing this
ok and I would just dump her, though I would give her credit for stating plainly what she wanted instead of playing coy for awhile after I make the suggestion. But watching them play coy or seriously work this through in their head and struggle with the pro/con is fascinating.

>"Hey honey, have you ever thought of letting me finger your ass?"
>"What if we ever pissed on eachother?"
>"Want to wear a diaper?"
>"Do you want to suck this guy's dick in front of me?"
>2 days later
>"I mean I guess we could try it if you want."
You really think this shit doesn't put any influence on them at all? Are you a fucking retard? You've played yourself son.

I totally agree. They can always not go there but they so far, always have.

You're kidding me right? Even if I say nothing at some point some new coworker or guy she dated in HS will make some suggestion and they will jump on that and hide it from me. At least this way I know the propensity is there. Like doing some research or kicking the tires before making a major purchase.

>tfw suggested threesomes in general to my then gf (now fiance)
>thought it would be a safe way for me to get more "experience" because we were both eachother's firsts and i was retarded and a friend suggested it
>got utterly disgusted by me and said that if either of us ever fuck another person we're done for
>tells me threesomes are especially revolting
>she thought i wanted to fuck another person for at least a year afterwards, don't know what she thinks now but it doesn't come up
This shocked me out of my "experience" kick and made me realize fucking other people isn't worth coming close to losing my fiance. I 100% thought she was on the verge of breaking up with me over it. If you somehow find a keeper it could fuck your shit up but yeah man, just wanted to share. Don't give up cause there are non-sluts.

>Message her and in a few hours we start sexting
And her explanation for this is what? I get her crying and all was because she got caught but why did she do it. I would want to know that but would still break up and never go back. She was totally out there looking for new dick.

Wow user, I sincerely thank you for sharing that. Has never happened and I'm therefore cynical but maybe someday I'll find one like yours. Kinda makes your heart warm doesn't it.

How the fuck do you bait on snapchat? What'd you do, describe your Chaddy looks to her?

>hey baby, i'm 6'4 and ripped with a square jaw
>omg, rubbing my clit so hard

Depends what OP was saying IRL. If he was leaving her alone forever, hinting at being uninterested in her as a person and the relationship, criticizing her often, etc then she basically already checked out and regrets it BUT if she ever finds out that it was OP being an insecure little shit testing her she will have every reason to dump his retarded beta ass and never look back.

OP knows this and this is why he "took" her back.

Yes you little sociopath fuck head, you are playing with their feelings. Fuck off.

man you're fucked up. Just break up.

But first, fuck rage the bitch plenty of time.

If she don't wanna do dis, remember her what she did. Maybe you can try anal and shit you've never done.

Then just dump this bitch

and this is fucked up too.. The more you'll wait, the more it will be difficult.

She wasnt feeling alone when random dude was showing dick or sexting right ?

Women can manipulate for sure. you are the proof of that.

by the way does she have a number or something ? I wanna have fun too bruv

People bitching about OP baiting his gf, are you also mad at Chris Hansen for baiting child molesters?


>fuck her a lot of times
>if she doesn’t want to do this, remember she bitch

are you suggesting rape?

>Approach your girlfriend anonymously
>Use the same techniques to seduce her that you used the first time.
>She responds to them the same way.

>WAOW, Can't believe this cheating bitch!

Some guys would take it as a compliment. Devoid of any other identity, she's still a slave to your sweet nothings and your nuts.

This was generally just a stupid thing to do. There are so many other ways of ascertaining her loyalty without turning shit into a philosophical conundrum. "Is she cheating, when she falls for me without knowing it's me?"

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nice trips mr. town rapist

Kinda, but mostly because that show was horrible pr for white people.
Just reel in ONE fucking darkie. Is that too much to ask, Chris?

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This is so stupid. Glad you know yourself so well, but yourself is a psycho.

Jesus Christ the scum that replys on here are damaged woman hating fat sweaty hot pocket eating weebs, listing bro, you tested her, a little weird yes, but if your unsure why should you commit your life to a relationship your uncertain of, you wanted the truth of her character and you found it, shit can her fast and find someone who doesn't need the attention of other men to make her happy, not all girls are thots, don't listen to these silly damaged cunts, she will keep texing, ringing and trying to emotionally blackmail you but the best thing to do is ignore her, if you feel nothing your wasting time doing anything else.

How is it stupid? Every girl goes for the threesome and while disappointing I would rather know before I marry her what she's all about. As other anons mention, this is my life and I'm going to protect myself. Thats smart not stupid.

>open up an avenue of opportunity
>surprised when people travel that avenue

You really don't understand people.

How did you manage to get her sexting on snapchat? Did you have a friend take pictures on your account? Any screenshots?