What does it feel like bros?
What does it feel like bros?
I'd honk honk in that cooch
What am I looking at?
aint clicking it, describe it to me
Oh shit I just realized a penis used to be there. What horrible times we live in.
Legal genital mutilation
Jazz jennings post op surgery
Its a mangina
cool! i'm 32 but i think this is a vagina. women and some girls have them when they get their periods
I was waiting for it to cough up a hairball
Kali Yuga
Your future son if the jews win.
Imagine the smell
Warm apple pie.
pennies dropped inside of warm milk and ingested.
Pic related is the "medical" team that performed the flesh-sculpting.
Those motherfuckers are literal fucking dark eldar.
wtf you're supposed to stick it in that whole all the way at the bottom? damn..
Post-OP Discord Tranny
now what does a woman look like when she becomes male...
Cow butt? Tell me?
They have potato dicks with hand pump inflated balls and missing sheets of skin on their thighs and arms. I’m sure someone here has it saved for your viewing pleasure.
Yeah. Its fucking bad bro. Just turn off the computer, open your bible and thank your Holy God that you weren’t born a wound.
not me, thats disgusting
where did this come from and how do I get more content?
Wtf, it still has hair
I googled after I ask. I feel like having this operation for either sex would make them even more mentally unstable, neither one looks even close to the real thing and I can't imagine sex is fun for anyone, giving, receiving or anything.
what the fuck are these things? i've seen so many pictures of different kinds of nose-noculars. why would these exist?
Is that two holes I see?
The trannies who get this shit dome to hemselves are the same ones who say sexual organs don’t define gender...
What the fuck are you supposed to even do with that? What a fucking joke.
Why of all things did mangina have to become real? It used to be a made-up concept...
Like a phantom penis?
>why would these exist?
To smell something from far away.
Go Back to Jow Forums
What creature is this?!?!
A Nightmare
Yeah and why do faggots get a pass for female attribute appropriation? Trannies steal black female sass and STRIVE to be cis-normative to the point of “passing”. Such fucking hypocrites.
>be you
>go home with hot girl from the bar
>gives you best head of your life
>asks you to go down on her
>smell something musty and stale as you descend into the covers
>begin eating
>lots of liquid gushes out as you push your tongue into her hole
>taste something awful
>suddenly, big piece of rubbery material is ejected from vagina
>horrible stench
>pull off covers
>see the horror
>skin flap of the fupa is stitched on
>rubbery material is black, rotting flesh
>blood and pus is seaping out around flesh hole
>it's all on your face and in your mouth
>there's clumps of hair mixed in
>you've swallowed some of it
>suddenly strong hand grabs the back of your head
>pulls you back down
>hear gruff voice above as your lips are pressed back onto the wound
>"get that filth, boy. get that filth."
>taste is unbearable, begin throwing up
>"yeah, fill that fucking hole."
>vomit flows up the pussy wound
>the freak's hand grabs it's fupa
>"time to rip up the carpet!"
>skin flap is ripped up, tearing away the stitches
>"aw ya, aw ya!"
>wraps it's legs around you
>chokes you off
>begin passing out as all the blood, vomit, pus, hair, and rotten tissue flows back from inside the hole and into your throat
Great thread op lots of hearty Keks
I'd like to know what it feels like... to throw it off the roof of a 6+ story building, ISIS style.
How do you keep a medical license after this?
This is what it means to reject your humanity. To stray from the path laid out for us.
>Yfw your girls new leg sausage tally is bigger than yours.
Ze doctor was never heard from again!
wtf it moves
tfw an acquaintance I know through gaming just had this surgery
>knew them too long to be a dick
>didn't know them long enough to beg them not to do it and say that they will regret it
I'm going to burn in hell aren't I