Times are changin’

This 30 yo boomer meme is a harbinger

Millennials are leaving “youth” and entering midlife. The oldest millennials will be in their early 40’s within the next 5 years and the youngest will be Ben entering their thirties.

This is the first real example I’ve seen of millennials and gen z kids making fun of millennials entering a new life stage.

It signals the end (along with trump etc) of the 9-11 to 2020 paradigm where millennials were the youth and boomers were the older adults in charge of things

Now millennials will Be middle age, gen x will be the older adults and gen z will be the youth as boomers retire

This new paradigme will last about 20 years expect it to be quite a bit more stable and quite than this last 20 years. Should be real apparent as we enter the 2020’s

The Fourth Turnning predicted this

Attached: 62585BB3-8A51-4E3C-9D63-7DE2ECF33C4D.jpg (2048x1536, 674K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Gen X gets the gas too for making such a shitty band like Nirvarna popular.

she looks like she fucks yellow guys

I just want things to calm the fuck down
Reading this site will give me an ulcer

Nirvana was overrated but 90s rock was last good rock.

Go suck N'sync's cocks you fag.

Millennials will never rule boomers are going to crash this shit before we even get a chance.

you're a retard

>battle station at the kitchen table