This 30 yo boomer meme is a harbinger
Millennials are leaving “youth” and entering midlife. The oldest millennials will be in their early 40’s within the next 5 years and the youngest will be Ben entering their thirties.
This is the first real example I’ve seen of millennials and gen z kids making fun of millennials entering a new life stage.
It signals the end (along with trump etc) of the 9-11 to 2020 paradigm where millennials were the youth and boomers were the older adults in charge of things
Now millennials will Be middle age, gen x will be the older adults and gen z will be the youth as boomers retire
This new paradigme will last about 20 years expect it to be quite a bit more stable and quite than this last 20 years. Should be real apparent as we enter the 2020’s
The Fourth Turnning predicted this