Why the fuck does nothing happen anymore...

Why the fuck does nothing happen anymore? In 1995 we had Tim Mcveigh (peace be upon him) and that dude who blew up that concert because abortion along with Ruby Ridge and Waco, it actually seemed like the people had enough and then nothing. What happened

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US has been fighting the Jews for decades. it's only because you are young that you think it is something new. Americans have been losing for quite some time. Best of luck though!!!

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Little Rock should have been a clear indication to the federal government that the people were not content with it and they forced their will through force. The federal government has only grown more powerful and more shrouded in secrecy since then.


we're all pussies, and too deeply fractured to works functionally as one unit against the government. Any rebel group would be fighting other rebel groups who have the same end goal but have been brainwashed to believe they stand against each other (rep. vs dem, men vs women, white vs black, etc ) You shouldn't need to ask this question, as it is so obvious (as it has been taking place via the media, the propaganda is obvious to anyone acutally paying attention)
inb4 cia honeypot

youve been shutdown by heroes and masters like link below


you are right, as the famous Huey Long once said "One side is skinning you from the ears down and the other side from the ankles up". When will people wake up from the brainwashing of the American government? The entire "Public Relations" is just propaganda and it is served in almost all western nations, we have more people in the "public relations" than actual reporters.

> McVeigh
> peace be upon him
Fuck you, mudslime. Go blow yourself up away from our Civilization.

Slowly but surely shit is going to pop. Volcanoes don't blow up in an instant, it takes a very long time to reach that point. When it comes it will be god like.
video very related

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Huey Long truly cared

it was a joke user

try harder

If it didnt pop when the government actively killed people and burned down compounds with children inside I dont think it will happen any time soon sadly

Things will get much worst than that man, they already are and then people will have to move or else die.

God willing

cuz pol exists

e x p l a i n

check out Eric Rudolph.

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What is this a picture of?

thats a lot of books for one dude

>Tim Mcveigh (peace be upon him

The cunt exploded a day care. Fuck him, fuck his mother; and fuck you. May he burn in hell.

What are you even talking about? Have you seen all the school, work and journalism related stuff. Sure, he went all out, but so did these other mates. They just do it in their own fashion. Look at Bundy. What a queer. His mom is totally to blame.

>thinking McVeigh wasn't state sponsored
you still have no clue what the game is. just shut the fuck up and lurk.

Timothy McVeigh did nothing wrong low key

Are you retarded, or just a shill?

9/11 turned the hatred towards muslims. it worked for a while, but now the hatred is turning inward again. While we don't have any Mcveighs yet, we had Dylan Roofs and Bundy standoffs. But I think its going to ramp up too quickly and turn into a civil war within a decade or so.

Its Little Rock. Its when the federal government forced a repeal of segregation and Alabama and its people did not support the law, the federal government then forced them to, so the governor shut down all schools. The federal government then sent in the national guard and forced students to go to these mixed schools
The peace be upon him part was a joke but if you are so upset about the bombing of a daycare I am sure you care about Ruby Ridge and Waco right? Or what about the governments plan to bomb its own country to have a war against Cuba which was only stopped because JFK disagreed.

Hopefully soon.

people who think mcveigh was a fed are literally retarded. essentially arguing the FBI bombed itself. fucking moron.

I’m an Okie. Fuck the Federal Government. Fuck sandniggers. And fuck you baby killers.

Nice strawman. Next joke you tell... try to be funny. I can forgive a lot a shit, but an unfunny joke gets blasted.

>we're all pussies
white people are just jew wage slave today

You Christcuck’s have no stomach for what will needs to be done. I don’t like what he did either, but it may come down to your kids or his kids in mind craft. I think OP’s a CIA nigger trying to make something happen anyway, we haven’t got that far yet.

We got Jow Forums. No need to blow up shit to blow off steam.

Thought so, I just didn’t see any nogs.

Wasn’t Little Rock in Arkansas at that time?

Oh yeah, im retarded
Very cool amigo but I d

McVeigh overstepped and killed a bunch of kids is what happened. If he had tossed some pipe bombs or something into the ATF office instead of blowing up the whole front half of the building, we'd be having a different conversation.

> I don’t like what he did either,
I do. 10 more like that and the FBI would have been dissolved overnight. 100 more like that and the government would have ceased to function.

british troops used to think it was unsavory for the colonials to hide in the treeline and ambush them.

warfare is unsavory.

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Muh post got posted before I was done

Jews are massively powerful disproportionate to their numbers. Studying their strategies and methods could be replicated and used in other ways (i.e. by whites). How do they exert influence? By influencing/persuading those in leadership positions, by spending money to finance their interests and support their businesses, investing in profitable ventures, supporting their fellows in all aspects of life, having an overarching plan that includes everyone, etc. Economically, they make money and control markets to support their people. Politically, they control leaders and influencers, elected representatives as well as appointed officials and hired employees, and manipulate the discourse. Socially, they control the thoughts and actions of the people by using the media, entertainment, and public relations-related technologies to exert disproportionate influence over networks with “centrality” and proximity to power. What a blueprint. Whites, wake your neighbor.

dont worry about the 2 other bombs they found inside the building.

dont worry that McVeigh has to ask directions to the building the day of the bombing.

dont worry about asking questions.

no, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. timothy mcveigh understood how to do precisely what needed to be done to achieve the goal he wanted, his only problem was, like us, he was just one guy working alone. and look at what the fucker accomplished.

the founding fathers would be proud.

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Says the Canadian. Would you pussies mind your own commie country already?

Don't you have a syrup chugging contest to get to?


Pussy. Civnat’s and anti abortion cucks make me sick.

If there is a hell, then I'll be in good company with a lot of fighter pilots who also had to bomb innocents to win the war.

Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations.

Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City.

Good point.

And homosexuals make me sick, yet we have to let your kind stick around.

if 2 more field offices got the OKC treatment not a single FBI agent would have shown up for work.

yeah I'm a pussy and so are you. McVeigh was a rare breed. I'm glad he did what he did and I wish there were 100 more like him.

look what the FBI did to trump in 2016. I'd cum my pants if the FBI got McVeigh'd a second time.

Your country will have to pop before anything gets done up here unfortunately.

He wasn't working alone, idiot. He had 3 accomplices. There's a right way to things, and he went way too fucking far.
You should chill that fuck out if you consider that to be an acceptable way to conduct an engagement.


I think faggots should be burnt alive.

Resources are finite. Surely god won't punish us for achieving greatness.

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overthrowing an oppressive government is messy business and you have to break a few eggs to make an omelete.

just between you and me I'm happy there was a daycare at the FBI building, after what they did in Waco that is some poetic justice. fuck them and fuck you you pearl clutching fag.

God awards righteous anger and war against sin
Just like the federal governments plan to bomb their own to force a war with Cuba? Or Waco and Ruby Ridge. What happened to the federal government was only a matter of time.

Real brave sneakily bombing a building with a daycare then running away. True hero.
Oh, us first? How gracious of you, fucking worthless leafs


There’s to many Fox News boomer’s on here nowadays. They still think they are going to win the hearts and minds of minority’s etc. KEK.

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Old Testament or New?

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Every man a King. Another good man killed by the Jews.

OKC was a false flag. Tim McVeigh is a fed. Not was, IS.

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Cool? I am glad you post LE EPIC XD BOOMER Christian memes it really made me reflect

Yes, he is a hero, and like I said low key I'm glad there was a daycare in that building after what they did in Waco. Who cares if some Feds had MUH KEEDS taken from them - do you think any of those agents lost sleep over Waco? OF COURSE NOT. Pussy. McVeigh made them fucking sorry. He made them regret it. And thank God.

It was actually a complement, but since you’re probably a Boomer and think you’re country would be great if you could just get rid of those darn SJW’s, I don’t expect you to get it.

When he was governor 10% of all infrastructure getting built was in Louisiana

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I think we’re all in agreement that when boomers die it’s go time

28 years later we're still talking about it. Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Tim Mcveigh are household names. I'd say he was successful.

Don't talk about any sort of justice when you're clearly a twisted unreasonable faggot.
That is not untrue. Two wrongs don't make a right, though.

very cool, this meme has made me question my life's moral codes and myself as a person. Thank you leaf

McVeigh was a boomer, so was Kaczynski. respect your elders.

Those incidents created a new wave of informants and undercover officers who subvert and destroy any potential resistance situations before they occur.

Yeah but few people know what those events were actually about.

yup, the see us as some real sick fucks, we're just ahead of the times






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McVeigh himself said he was part of a black ops COINTELPRO group and worked for a guy called The Major who gave him his mission to infiltrate the right wing militia movement and discredit it.

Timothy McVeigh was a hero defending American liberty by shedding the blood of tyrants and their families in retaliation for the murder of innocent children at Waco.

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>Two wrongs don't make a right, though.
How about I come over to your house and fuck your wife in front of you, wouldn't want to do anything about it right? Since 2 wrongs don't make a right after all. Yep - we should let the FBI just walk all over us and let the Federal Government come to our houses and burn our kids alive for no reason but at least we have the moral high ground huh.

Eh, again don't talk about justice if you think that's okay.
Is this the part where you start ranting about jews?

I do agree with you, I wish a peaceful resolution was possible somehow but I dont see any other way.

Those are your moral codes.

this is also true. but it was inevitable. once the government did Waco it became obvious that it was only a matter of time - they were already fully tyrranical by that time, they just didn't realize how dangerous their own populace was to them then. now they have the infrastructure in place to control. you're using it!

I wonder if they will feel the same way when it’s open season on the white middle class and the government looks the other way?

christ cucks are always taught to turn the other cheek. I love jesus because he exposed the jews and threw them out of the temple.

I never said it was okay. I said it was necessary. War is unpalatable.

I think you are a Jew.

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>What happened

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Its a honor to live near where he lived.

Unfortunately this.

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No, it's just not right and you know it. Fuck them, but you're wrong.
There has to be, but not enough people love this country enough I fear to fight for it.

Yes, of course those are my moral codes, thank you for enlightening me

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>what is a false flag attack

>fuckin manlets

oh it will, give it time

I dislike Jews as well. The creation of a homogeneous society would be very good and the Jewish hypocrites are a menace this to this ideal