I beleive i've been gangstalked for over three months and i don't know what to do

I remember reading on how many agencies have technology that can decrease brain activity and I think it's being used on me. For the past months I have been feeling stupider and stupider, to the point where I can barely even think anymore.I used to be active on here and I used to make many substantial productive threads. I can't even muster up the mental power to think of replies let alone make threads or anything anymore. I haven't read a book in months, I remember being a very avid reader but now I can barely keep along and comprehend thing i used to. It hasn't gotten any better and I don't know what to do, I had so many plans for the future but now i'm just trying to get by day to day. My base mind is telling me there is something sinister to this

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Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=Prefrontal ultrasonic irradiation-a&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

psyop thread

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get a gun and lure your stalkers into a remote area

then shoot them in "self defense"


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I just love how you fucks just started showing your faces all of a sudden, out of nowhere a bunch of "based" jews just show up. It was slightly gradual over the past 4 or 5 months but now you fucks are just right at home. Is this some new strategy? Instead of hiding yourself your new plan is to 'become' one of us outright to be able to outright tell others when to disregard a thread or to direct attention to some fake bullshit. You guys did the same exact game plan the real world why would you think it would work here? Who am I kidding it already has worked here

what the fuck is your problem

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Try nofap


This board is so different it's unbelievable, this place has changed more than I have

First problem is why do you have that picture saved to your computer. Get help

If your life is not consumed by working 8-12+ hours a day you need to spend more time working. Then you won’t have time to be gang stalked.

Nobody has to put up with gang stalking and if they follow you to a shooting range it'll probably be the point where they lose interest. No need to shoot 'em but it would probably be for the best, anybody who engages in this should be taken out of circulation for the common good. We don't need wolves in the flock.

What's wrong with that image. You're implying that i'm not really being gangstalked and when I distract myself with a job they will go away, if they are real how would that solve the problem? That would be like having a parasite on you and deciding to just distract yourself by slaving away instead of doing something. Having a full job will just make it easier for them, make me more predictable in what I do day to day. I have a serious problem, I may need to completely leave the space i'm living in. Not settle deeper down in it

sheepdog as fuck

Ashtar is a faggot.
Well that's about all.

probably kys, you've gone to far

he has schizophrenia

How have I gone too far? I don't want to end my life, it's not nearly as good as it used to be but it's better than being dead

checked, i heard they mostly use paroled prisoners for this kind of thing

I don't, I have never hallucinated anything in any form. He was asking what my problem was from what I replied to him, which had nothing to do with anything schizo or crazy. If you really think I have schizophrenia from the few messages i've made then you are crazy, stop throwing labels on people you don't know that don't fit. That doesn't explain what my problem is at all

>pointing out false tactics involved in gangstalking

>thinks he deligitimizes it

Nah nigger

wish these "gangstalkers" would grow some nuts and kill you idiots

How do I think I delegitimatized it? I am genuinely curious where you inferred that

user, just get some sleep and take a walk in the Sun tomorrow.
Dark beasts seek to keep us from the light and it destroys our soul.
Also evoke the spirit of your ancestors for aid.

It’s called paranoid personality disorder

"gangstalking" is nothing but a symptom of a narcissistic disorder. Nobody is interested in your sad life.

the go-to phrase for shills is schizo

learn it

is gangstalking a mental trap that schizos can't pull themselves out of?

wrong, look up zersetzung

a lot of the things i see in this thread are generally symptomatic of schizophrenia though?

>this thread
meant these threads, have lurked a few of em

If you guys are so certain that it isn't because of gangstalking then what is going on with me then? How do you explain my intellect diminishing? How is it possible to just start becoming stupider and stupider within the span of months?

So you admit you do not have a job or at least a full time job. Makes me question why anyone would have interest in such a non productive member and someone of such little influence in society

Stop smoking weed, user.

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powdered aluminum in your food

it's how they did reagan

.t schizoid

Have you done any drugs recently? Do you have a bacterial infection? Do you feel pain or numbness in your face? Elaborate.


How do you know someone is stalking you? Are you acting out in public? Are you switching up your pattern when you go out? Do you go to the same coffee shop every day? Try going to a different coffee shop.

To me it sounds like you probably have absessed teeth and it's eating into your brain. Happened to me.

OP it's all the Satanic 5G crap the elite are putting in.

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I was very productive, and relative to many i still am very productive. You don't have to work for someone to get money you don't need for shit I don't want to be productive in your life, if anything that is wasting your productivity when you could be doing something of substance. I get what I need just fine from my source of income. I use my productivity for something real not just some dumb rat race. I would question why anyone would have an interest in some wageslave that doesn't even have anyime to do anything

Get out of the city dude.
That place will rot your brain

Yes, it is because you used to be 'influential' here. You are targeted for death. They are using the location of your devices to irradiate your brain with ionizing radiation. I discovered this using a Geiger counter. The only thing to do is throw all your computer gear over a bridge then change your identity and leave your current city and state. Even then they might find you if you post here again. So stop posting here. You have been warned.

No drugs, no other effects. It's just an instinctual feeling that what is happening to me is from something or someone else. I have never even done anything to warrant it, i've never done anything illegal online or anything that should catch their eyes. But it seems like the best reason why, I seriously beleive some kind of signals are being transmitted to me and increasing my gray matter or doing something to my heasd

This dystopia has an aesthetic I can get down with tho.

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You discovered this being done to yourself? What are you doing on here then?

Well that's an interesting theory but I suggest you get your teeth checked. I had a bad tooth and it gave me meningitis and I almost lost my eye. When was the last time you had your teeth checked? Do you have and pain in your mouth?

What makes you important enough for resources, technology, money etc... to be wasted by stalking you?

>What are you doing on here then?

Telling them to fuck off. I made my room into a faraway cage and constantly taunt them here. I never leave the basement and am armed to the teeth and have cameras everywhere so it won't be easy to operate on me. My bed is surrounded by sheets of lead. I don't give up easily.

Good question, and I really don't know that is what perplexes me. I had made a bunch of threads but none were super out there and I didn't make a Ton of them just a decent amount. Maybe I am going crazy, my mind has been diminishing and unless I have some brain parasite or something that seems to me to be the best reason

Chill out David

OP don't be so quick to doubt your feelings like others on here are telling you to. I went through a somewhat similar experience a couple of years ago. Well, it wasn't exactly the same but similar in that I thought I was low key gangstalked or "watched" by something that was trying to fully poz me for lack of a better term. I only snapped out of it by discovering Jow Forums and taking in redpill day after day.
Those were the days

This poster likely wants to make you paranoid. The fact is that a STRONG RESOLUTE MIND can resist these attempts at mind control. You just have to be true to yourself OP. Never forget the redpills, and try to do mentally stimulating activities like reading books or writing, or even solving math problems if that's your thing.

Not sure how long you've been out of school for but I felt myself getting stupider after I had been out of college for a year or so.

Just remember, no one can control your mind if you don't want them to. Who gives a fuck if you act a little paranoid, your mental health is worth. So man up, read some books, stop looking at porn, and know that they're trying to demoralize you. If you resist, you win1

Do you see how crazy pol users are?? Look at this thread I crea- found! They are insane!!


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Have you had any changes in diet or exersize level? Have you teied to eliminate foods from your diet to find a potential alergy that might have just developed?

As someone who has studied the gangstalking phenomenon but not really been gangstalked, I think gangstalking victims are more often than not having a weapon or a tactic tested on them. It's not that they are high value targets, but "they" are using regular people in order to train their tactics. It's why most victims of gangstalking are lower middle class or poor and they live in questionable neighborhoods with lots of random characters walking around.

I'm convinced that a lot of gangstalking stuff is some glownigger paying a crackhead to follow some guy around all day. It's not very high tech, but the goal is to drive someone crazy.

Then once a psychologist says "Gee yeah you sound crazy you're a schizo" everyone else can say , "oh yeah I knew it all along this guy was always talking crazy". What better way is there to get people to discredit what you say?

He probably has meningitis retard, he will die if he doesn't go to a doctor. You americans are dumb as shit. People don't just go stupid from stupid radio waves. Hope you country eats a nuke soon, you retards deserve it.

>I beleive i've been gangstalked for over three months
>For the past months I have been feeling stupider and stupider, to the point where I can barely even think anymore
> I beleive i've been gangstalked for over three months and i don't know what to do

You would be discretely surveilled for months before the gangstalking started, but the gangstalking is a quick and dirty operation that would not take place for an extended amount of time. It ends the operation so if you noticed it and survived then you are just a crazy nutjob who is seeing things.
On another note firefox does not recognize "surveilled" as a real word.

I appreciate that thank you

Gangstalk your gangstalkers

What point are you trying to get across

I think he is saying that OP waited until he was maxed out on stupid before thinking of making this post.

Befriend your gangstalkers and show them the way to salvation

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That you aren't dumber because you're being gangstalked, you think you're being gangstalked because you've gotten dumber

Valid point, before this happened I was pretty sure all of the gangstalking stuff was BS. But i don't know anything that can diminish a man this much in this way.

Never been too big a fan of the middle eastern religions. What makes them superior to the other ones?

This x100

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In the case this is legit I say continue as normal and probably talk to family. I knew a guy from New York and with in a year he was mad. He was on about how freemasons followed him around and he makes videos of random cars and people around town. He takes long drives out in the farm fields and films everyone who drives past or behind him. He was a really quick and funny lad but he has gone down this spiral. For the love of god man pull your self out of this mess.

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yup they lobotomize you with ultra sound or something .. same here .. also they attack you on super market with bottle of perfume fill with filth making you sick .. your gov and your security agency are not protecting you in fact they are our enemies they all bow to mammon they all get pay with money any money is the Rothschild who own all the banks .. no one is safe


God Bless user.

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I wish it would just make me mad and not stupid. I'd take being a looney over a retard any day

Well reading over what you have said to others it could just be a mental rut. Try picking up a new hobby.

What the fuck are you who responds to anons like this. You're a fucking boomer aren't you

>shills call everyone a nazi and everyone becomes actual nazis
>then they call everyone schizo and everyone becomes actual schizo
man that reverse psychology game is on point

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You’ve just been on /pol a lot. A lot of people end up like Owen Benjamin, to prevent that, it’s our duty to focus on linear cognitive thinking in regards to our information. Embrace the autism and refine it.

It helps me to take those responses when i give them an open response back on what i think of it, I could disregard it but i choose not to. Sometimes I wish I was an old man, It would be nice to be able to have an excuse to take my life easier

they are testing shit on people .. its your fucking weak ass gov sucking Israel and Rothschild cock fucking weak ass slave pussy ..





scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=Prefrontal ultrasonic irradiation-a&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

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If I embrace it I will further alienate myself from my peers who are have been becoming less and less like me as it is. I would have legitimately considered just fully going in before this mental issue i'm having. Now i'm not sure, if i don't get better i'm probably just going to drop my dreams I had with my previous knowledge and just live a casual non threatening normal life. Maybe if i do follow what you say and just go all the way through with myself it will help me to come back to myself, it probably isn't helping me to just be stagnating like this. But it's hard not to in this current situation

If you are still a logical person I can dismantle this issue for you, but unfortunately create another.

Either you are
>an extremely importantly person that agencies would invest man hours, research and hidden technology to monitor

>your mind has been degrading over the past several months that you've noticed to that point where it's subconsciously creating artificial problems to keep your mind busy

Since it's the later, then you need to find why you're degrading. I assume it's because you spend most of your life indoors staring at a screen. Some fresh air and a walk would be a good start.

Ok, you are being gangstalked. What do the people gangstalking you benefit from gangstalking you?
How does it serve them to always be on standby to gangstalkg you but they are not able to shut you down on f.ex. the internet?

What do they gain from doing this?

They might just wanna post here too now lol

It’s the shills and plebbiters

(((they))) have unlimited resource .. that what you don't understand cause you so fucking dumb.. money is for the poor faggot ..

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Maybe you have a tumor

they experimenting live on subject ... SMART DUST you retarded fantasy land cock sucker

Do you know why sloth is a sin? If you don’t work, and don’t put your mind to work on something, it deteriorates. The suffering you endure to hold down a full-time job is good for you to an extent; the same way that going to the gym and working your ass off and being in pain is good for you.

The fact that workers are underpaid is a sin being committed by the elite, and they will be called to task for it. But that has little to do with you. You need to put in an honest day’s work; contribute your time and energy to something.

You are languishing away. If for no other reason ( assuming you really are being stalked), it sends a signals to your stalkers that they can’t rule your life, and you can still go into the world and be productive.

>money is for the poor faggot ..

One of the groups work for the one percent. One of them is the kikes. Another one is the feds. This has been happening to me for a while. I troll the shit out of everyone, including fags that think that modern cyberharassment is a joke or real. This makes me persona non grata

A resource is more than just money.
A resources is having manpower on stand-by 24/7 just in case you decide to go for a midnight stroll. That means they need to spend endless man hours on you.

So considering you are probably feeding many families throughout a year then, since they have unlimited resources. Why not just test this smart dust on everyone, since they are already at the uttermost level of control and have unlimited resources.

just become God and make them scared lmao

Don't worry about it, dude.

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you persona-non grata on luciferian slave empire that sad ..

Dont drink the fluoride!

Known to lower IQ and turn you into a lifeless NPC

They arent satanists i thought we've been over this already. Im a satanist. They work for the demiurge who is the real slaver bad guy.

I interact with a lot of whistleblowers. Many think they are being gang stalked. Most are not.

I wish I had some cool voices in my head, i've found i just have my one gay voice in my head that I need to keep using more and more. That's another way i know thsi degradation is real, i've been thinking non verbally less and less. There was a point where I only thought verbally when I was having a conversations now it seems to be all i can muster. I really took my mind for granted

shut up schizo nerd

they are illuminated fanatics.. some kind of witch circle practicing witchcraft they clearly not super wise and look pretty fucking easy to manipulate .. they probably always on standby for some ritual of passage for some shady group

Learned that one a long while ago, having something in your food and water is a very possible way but I would be very doubtful of that. I drink only carbon filtered well water or water from rain. not that dumb yet

they are luciferians ... LUCIFER the light bearer/ the morning star/phosphorus LUCIFER and mainly Sabbatha Zevi/Jacob Frank follower by extension ..

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Jokes on you! Im only pretending to be schizo!

Rain is one of the worst. Drink only distilled water. Inb4 it makes you die

Well i distill the rain water, it's actually better for you to drink distilled well or rain water than it is to drink distilled tap or even bottled water.

after 2 hours of raining .. rain water is the best thing you can drink

Well if you want to get smarter OP I unironically think magic mushrooms are the way to go. You don’t even need to trip, just microdose. The science that is stimulates new braincell growth is there.

I take them when I start feeling like the large amounts of weed I smoke is beginning to make me retarded. Works for me

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