DETROIT - Chronic wasting disease turns deer into so-called "zombies," and experts are worried it could one day spread to the human population.
The disease has spread to 24 states, including Michigan. The target zone in Michigan is 16 counties in the center and western parts of the state. There have been 60 cases confirmed.
No cases have been reported in humans, but many experts believe it's just a matter of time before that happens. They compare the disease with the mad cow outbreak in the late 1980s in Britain.
>went shooting on Sunday >think I saw one of these zombie deer Like she was just wandering around the fucking range as everybody was firing. Didn't care at all. I felt pretty spooked.
Sebastian Lopez
>all niggers become zombies >it is now my civil duty to shoot niggers >feels good
digits and it only effects humans with the gene that makes people more prone to sickle cell anemia
William Cooper
The pic of a frozen caribou is just for interest, but there is a weird neurological thing going around with American deer.
Carson Hernandez
Dog bless
Dominic Jones
once in a while, i wanna talk with one of these experts. really, you really think a zombie plague is gonna affect humans? you'll put your career on that?
Digits and Skippy "You think you are hot shit,dontcha!" Podesta become the first Zombie and bite Hillary as his first victim.
Matthew Garcia
>"There is no proof of transmission from wild animals and plants to humans," said lead author Claudio Soto, Ph.D., professor of neurology at UTHealth Medical School and director of the UTHealth George and Cynthia W. Mitchell Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Brain Related Illnesses. "But it's a possibility that needs to be explored and people need to be aware of it. Prions have a long incubation period."
Adam Jackson
ha, get fucked chink
Liam Gomez
It only effects sandniggers
Nathan Cooper
deer jump out in front of cars and spread disease, yet we can't shoot them at will they are a nice backup food source if all else fails, but their population is getting a bit too huge
Nathaniel Perez
How fucking much do you guys bet this disease was jewish-made, and if not that, the human variant one will be? Burgers. do you fucking understand your position? We might enter in the reality of one of those zombie movies lmao, will you wait until shit is unrecoverable or are you acting to get the jews out?
Well, the cocksuckers are calling it zombie deer, zombies run around eating people and shit. That pic leads me to assume that deer is running around eating people and shit like a zombie.
Zachary Taylor
once the ocean swallows most of the land and boils the remaining people.