Should I have a gipsy as practice gf

Should I have a gipsy as practice gf.

She's not one of those really gross ones but I personally still don't like the idea of it. Call me racist, whatever.

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Depends, I would not date a gipsy girl unless she was openly opposing her family and trying to assimilate
If not you will face problems she will not be willing to do anything about and a fuck is not worth it

fuck no

Will I regret not going for it later on, that's the question I have. I'm 19 and a big KHV.

She's on the civilized side, not ooga booga steal your purse side and rolling tires

gypsy don't date they just marry.
if she is going against that you'd be using someone who has no support system. although desu her arranged husband would still be a better choice than you ao you'd probably just scare her right back into it.

This isn't that kind of a gypsy

>not ooga booga steal your purse side
Press x to doubt. There's a clear difference between blacks and niggers but gypsies are all the same you need to curb her

no experience with gypsies besides an italian friend sperging about them being the niggers of europe, but from how hard you're defending her, i don't think you need us to tell the answer.
Get in that gypsy pussy OP

Attached: oogabooga.png (801x621, 390K)

I'm trying to keep it balanced, for every negative reply I say something positive and vice versa.

They are worse than niggers

>practice gf
thats kinda trashy

I really don't like the idea of "practice girlfriend". Like, just find a woman you like. Make mistakes with her and she'll make mistakes with you. You'll both grow up together. I don't see any need nor rationale for needing to practice being a friend to someone.

people here say that if you fuck a gypsi girl in the ass you get 5 years of luck, or 10 i am not sure, so go for it who knows maybe it works

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Practice in terms of trying stuff out for the first time. I'm 110% sure I won't be with her long because I really don't like her.

I wish that was what she looked like. She's not the cavemen type but she's not exactly beautiful either.

it is though. both are roma people. some are poor beggars discarded from their society. it is a seclusive culture with no homeland like many small ethnic groups.

Same guy and seriously now though i know what you mean, she might be civilized but be careful of her family and be very aware of when shit is about to get real, when i was in high school i was dating a girl that i didn't even know was gypsy, she was dressing kinda emo like, that was all the rage back then and she looked pretty regular and cute just a bit more dark skinned, everything was great until her family heard about me and wanted to "meet them and talk" her uncle then started hunting me around town, thank god they all had to move to the other side of the country soon after.

that looks like lelouch with tits i am uncomfortable

Attached: rurushu.png (1280x720, 788K)

One would think they could go back to India.

Pretty sure it's from the Code Geass offshoot series that came out a few years back.

What the fuck. Now you've put even a bigger fear in my mind.

I mean, maybe she has some non gypsy friends that are nice? Definitely befriend her.

Do it. Do it. Do it. It could be awful, but it will definitely be worth it. My “practice gf” was a looney Chinese woman. Lasted 5 weeks, and it was the wildest time of my life. Not the best. Not even good. Just fucking wild.

Just keep the whole relationship at around a month. Prepare for massive fallout when you dump her. Absolutely do not let her get pregnant. Stay away from her family.

Is there a way to stay in good terms after the breakup? If gypsy families are as scary as you people say I don't want to be on bad terms with them.

You can’t even spell and you think you’re better than gypsies.

Ever considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, English is not my native Language? I mean, you did understand what I was trying to say didn't you? So what's the problem?

Gypsies are very protective of their own.
Imagine the outrage when people see interracial anything on Jow Forums then multiply it by 1000, that's the level of anger gypsies have when their own don't opt to marry/fuck their cousins, they will also bring everyone they know. Gypsies won't be good practise for any socialising because they are by their own nature social outcasts, you will only learn how to socialise with gypsies.

Don't get involved with gypsies of any background, regardless of how civilised they are, how high up the hierarchy they are or how nice they seem, their family and culture comes first.