
Ok so chastise me for being gross whatever but
I’ve literally had these fuckers for a year. Doctors are no help. I’ve done everything to get rid of them. The medication doesn’t work, medication AND laxatives don’t work.
I am incredibly hygienic, I don’t bite my nails, i wash my hands before every meal, change my sheets and blankets daily....
I just don’t know what I can do to get rid of them.
Don’t feed me any holistic crap either. If I read about garlic clove suppositories one more time I’m going to lose it.
Please help.

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what did the doctor say when you went back to tell them the medication didnt work?

Take it again every two weeks and keep doing what I’m doing. Keeps telling me the same thing.

I’ve been reading a lot of stories online of some people having them for over a decade. Im already going insane from lack of sleep, I can’t imagine what I’ll be like if I can’t do anything about them

did you follow that advice?

I have been, for the past year. I genuinely don’t know what else I can do.

so you went for one consult, got the meds, they didnt work, went back, then kept taking the meds

have you been back again after the follow up consultation?

No no, I’ve been for multiple consults.the first was when I initially got them and since then I’ve gone every month. They do a test every time to make sure I’m not lying and then basically tell me that there’s nothing else they can do.

was there any discussion of your diet?

is it possible you keep ingesting fresh larvae?

Have you taken the medication at the recommended dosages, or did you take more then the package said to?

I too use to have issues with worms. I had them off and on (but mostly on) for the last year of high school athe first couple of years of adulthood. They were fucking horrible.
Every 6 or so months, I'd casual ask my mother to get worm tablets. She'd get these "orange flavoured tablets and dole them out to the whole family, based on what the recommended dose was, then she'd treat the dogs.
Occasional that helped for a little while, but the worms always came back. Like you, I was/am clean and hygienic. Hell I almost reached OCD clean levels trying to deal with those squirming little bastards.

After getting my licence I drove a couple of towns over and went to a chemist. I found the worm tablets section, passed over the ones my mother always got and instead went with some that were mixed in with chocolate or something. The box said that based on my weight I should take a tablet and a half one night, then a tablet and a half the next night. There were two strips of six tablets in the box. On the first night I took the entire first strip. On the second night I finished ths box. Also wormed all our dogs and cats with triple doses of worm medication.
That would be 8-9 years ago and I haven't had issues since.

I’ll try taking more than recommended next. Hopefully it works.
I’m vegan and wash all of my food before cooking. I’m pretty sure i initially got them from going to a friends who has a kid.

>as a kid
>ive had these fuckers for a year

so you were a kid one year ago?

Can you read? Are you ok?


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if you've had the worms for one year (ie got them one year ago), and you believe you got them as a kid, then it would follow that one year ago you were a kid

this is assuming the worms dont 'lie dormant' in the intestine, which idk if they do or not

I said I got them from going to a friend’s house who HAS a kid.

oh yeah i guess i cant read

this is the second time this week i havent slept at night, so youre bearing the brunt of the consequences

fuck that kid tho amirite

It’s all good, I still haven’t slept yet either. I hate kids. All of them.

well good luck with your itchy anus

i would recommend trying another doctor if you can, or just make a bigger fuss about it next time you go in

I've been there OP, and i will tell you something i will get laughed at and its pretty gay but i still do it to this day.

Rinse your asshole.

not touch it, just rinse it with your showerhead, and spread your cheeks.
its kinda gross but shit works, and moist towlettes after you wiped.
I know this sounds pretty gay, but fuuuuck an itchy asshole is really gross.

If your hole itches while you’re asleep you WILL scratch it, easy way to get pinkeye.

I'm pretty sure OP is gay anyway so there's no need to apologize for this gay advice.

That's how I clean my arse if I'm not on the go. Anything else is insufficient.

Don’t feed me any holistic crap either. ???

If you don't wanna fix shit, ok.

"Myrrh". You can abort a baby with that shit. Its cheap.