Picture sort of unrelated

Picture sort of unrelated
My sister is going to cosplay as an anime character and go to an upcoming convention in our state so that people can take pictures of her. How do I stop this from bothering me? I don't want disgusting perverts taking pictures of my sister. I tried telling her not to go but she ignored me.

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Post pictures of your sister's feet.

Which anime convention?

Its kinda inevitable and i kinda see where you are coming from but its her hobby and its what she likes. The best thing you can do is just give her advice on avoiding creeps and to be aware of what's going on around her

Attached: 8b25f21.jpg (400x265, 21K)

Post pictures of your sister's feet.

>post her pics here
>everyone be as disgusting as possible
>show her the thread
>explain this is who is waiting for her at the con

which anime character btw

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Not gonna specify. I haven't seen her cosplay yet cause the event is a while out but as far as I can tell it's nothing slutty.

It's impossible to avoid creeps because they're everywhere.

Go with her?

I plan to do that as she doesn't drive. However, my presence will not stop perverts from taking pictures and the jacking off to said pictures later

Accept the reality that your sister is a sexual being, and take solstice in the fact that she won't fuck any guy during the con because you're her chaperone.

The nice thing is that she is unironically unattracted to "3D" guys so I don't have to worry about that

Mind your own business

Mate if it's not soon just get jacked as fuck. Trust me no one will even get close to your sister.

>will not stop perverts from taking pictures and the jacking off to said pictures later
OP she knows what the guys do and why she goes and wants the pic taken. You can't stop it no more than you can stop her cultivating creeps online for the same purpose.

OP is delusional, he sems to be living in his own schizophrenic version of reality

>take solstice
Diamond dozen, I tell ya

How old is she?
Not really much you can do if she's attractive. just try make sure the cosplay is appropriate ish.

Were are your parents in all this. If they thought this inappropriate why don't they say something?

Sorry OP. If your sister even wants to do this. She’s already a whore. An attention whore. Which leads to the real deal later.

>not gonna specify
Its ok user, we knew you were lying you dont have to just admit it

In the range of 18-22. I know she's an adult but in my mind she is still my little sister

now you truly know that anime is degenerate =)

>I don't want disgusting perverts taking pictures of my sister.
You should be proud of her if she's beautiful enough to be ogled.

Asking her not to go is extreme. Instead, help her to make a costume that isn't slutty. that way, if creeps take pictures of her, they'll capture a nice looking girl and not a slut.

What would be the best way to tell her that her cosplay is too revealing? Should I straight up say it's too revealing and to cover up?


The best way would be to not be such a psycho. You're not her dad. Your intentions are fucking weird and so are you.

Like she cares, dude. It's not your life. Live with it and move on, you have no control over someone else's life.

t. pervert