I'm a black man who loves reading stories of white SJWs being raped by violent thugs and Mussies
Jow Forums confessions thread
I mean... who wouldn't...
For the far right it's karmic justice and for the self-identified privileged white victim it's atoning for their white privilege
I constantly browse Jow Forums but I hope the everyday Israeli Jews stay safe
>someone dedicates their life to making your life better
>laugh about their death
You people are evil.
>Making my life better
She tried to help black people with lead poisoning in their houses
Can't find this article.
Based and redpilled
Unironically a nativist coalition with whites and blacks is the only thing that can save this country short of civil war. We're probably doomed tho desu.
I'm a white man who loves reading stories of white SJWs being raped by violent thugs and Mussies. and i really don't see what race has to do with this. nigger.
I unironically root for the Jews.
Damn bro. How old is that one? That bitch died in 1994. Nothing new?
This article is from 2017.
This one is from 2014. You people suck.
I’m not really japanese
I find the jews to be the most entertaining villains we've had in history. A cartoonish caricature come to life to constantly scheme evil plots and then have the bond villain type of hubris to openly boast us about it, only to get foiled again and again.
I don't want to see the jews get ovened, just get owned repeatedly. They are worthy villains.
I'm Jewish and I self hate because of the shit I've learned here, I'm having a major identity crisis maybe I should kill myself and take as many Jews as I can.
nope. Jews will win. fight on brother. you are on the right side of history.
You sick fuck
No, we are at best parasites that have stranded the better parts of each civilization a detriment to humanity.
It's the problem with all these race traitors.
They forgot they hate them too and after using them for a cum dumpster it's the literal dumpster for them.
any Jew who hates himself more than I hate him is an OK guy in my book user, you can be my fren but if you touch my foreskin it’s the hotbox for you
No. You should spread the message and bring your brethren to the light.
No. No desert cult wins in the end, they will all be left behind wailing out their emptiness surrounded by their holy rocks.
at least you keep us on our toes.
I saw a Forensic Files where a little black kid killed itself by eating tons of lead paint chips.
>I'm a white man who loves reading stories of white SJWs being raped by violent thugs and Mussies
The only thing more satisfying than taking a white woman from the white man, putting your brown nasty cock in her, then slitting her white throat and leaving her in the woods, is being a white man, who gets to hear about it.
They’re sociopaths / psychopaths, they are incapable of seeing complex connections, it would be like trying to explain what red is to totally colorblind person, they will never understand.
If you start seeing them for the narcissistic, empathy less creatures that they are things will make sense
t. roastie sympathizer
I'm hopelessly addicted to porn and weed. I'm too much of a coward live by my beliefs because I know it would destroy my future. I'm in a long distance relationship with a schizophrenic mexican, I would be surprised if she didn't cheat on me regularly and i'm too fat and ugly to get a decent girl. I'm basically the goodest goy.
You sound like a fucking cuck
I'm a castiza and only 90% white
Please do that. For social justice.
>confessions thread
I'm sexy as fuck,I'm a drunk, got a huge cock and I hate niggers.
Am I beyond redemption?
No user. Don't do it. You have so much to live for and we'll all miss you
Hitler pardoned his jewish driver. Jews can be redemmed if they live honorably. Honor is the highest ideal of the Aryan. If you live with honor you may redeem yourself.
I know nothing about a "Driver' But I do know about a family doctor who helped his family when they were poor and couldn't pay.
I like crabs... as pets.
What do you think her last thoughts were, Jow Forums?
Did she realize the folly of her ways? Or was she SJW until the bitter end, blaming this poor black gentleman's acting out against her on the racism of her ancestors and the institution of systemic racism they built?
We know you’re really so fat you can’t even see your cock.
I'm a JIDF poster that works in the hasbara division. I am apart of a 80 man team dedicated to posting on this board. I make 30k a year and I have the opportunity to move up the ladder.
I kinda wish I was a fat ass. That way I'd at least be eating well.
How do I become one?
here have another
Why though?
Not you, I mean money is an incentive.
But why do people pay for a program that's clearly ineffective?
So? Doesn't everyone? No reason a nigger shouldn't be able to enjoy the suicidal exploits of our young womyn.
>80 man team
I chuckled
pretending your larp is true, 80 people earning 30k each to memewar with faggots online who are undeniably and irrevocably raping your asshole (in minecraft) for actual fun is possibly the funniest thought i've had all week
I have been dating a T*rk imagrant girl for years. I genuinely love her and want to propose, but I also want my offspring to resemble me. What do?
>p.s. she looks Iranian or something, not nigger-rape-babyish.
>Moralfagging on Jow Forums of all places
Kill yourself boomer
yeah youre a black savage, big surprise
Maybe white people should stop cucking then
Oh yeah because crying on behalf of people you do not understand is the same as fighting the good fight.
Those sjws are trying to start a race war. You think blacks shoukd cheer them on because the sjws are rooting for the whites to lose said race war, which is a laugh, if the sjws succeed there will be a significant loss of life. Already happening.
The sjws are trying to cause a genocide against ordinary white ppl and you think the blacks should go along with it, preaching homosexuality to their children. Fuck you idiot.
>clearly ineffective
we got what we wanted in 2016 and we hope to achieve the same level of success in 2020
To quit porn just go cold turkey at the start of the next month it is incredibly easy and i watched it for hours a day.I thought pot heads say weed isnt addictive?
All it means it that it's common knowledge that the US-ZOG is unfortunately in the hands of the Jewish tribe. The US has no anger against Iran, only the Jews do. And it's for no other reason than Iran is healthy. Their population is increasing, they are getting developed industrially, and they are not degenerate.
Netanyahu ( real name Mileikowsky) wants only "Israel" to be the strong country in the middle east. So he wants to see Iran get punched down and destroyed. He's not man-enough to do it himself, he's a little weasel shithead that wants you to do his work for him, at no risk to himself. Thus this "Iran conference", which was really, "Do-my-war-for-me-conference".
I'm glad it flopped. Mileikowsky just had to be an asshole. No more invitations for that punk-ass kike.
Pic is fake soap memorial.
go to sleep lil boom
Why don’t you just let them put the crown on your head? I’ve always wondered this. Why don’t you just shrug and stay quiet while whites try desperately to alleviate a fake wrongdoing against you?
the fucking kikes on Jow Forums have worn me out
5 months of continuous 24/7 battling against israeli lying jews has exhausted me.
Im going backpacking for a week in the cold just because I need to get away from it.
its consuming me.
you guys need to go to Jow Forums and take up the fight.
the jews there SHUT IT DOWN if there is even a hint of a woke goy with a gun.