Will your job survive economic collapse?

Let’s agree, even for the sake of argument, that America and Europe are spiraling down and economic collapse is near. Will your current job or skill set provide any value in this post-collapse society? Lots of bullshit careers will disappear. I’m a developer myself and I’m not so sure if that would continue to be as valued as it is today

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I'm unemployed.
I'll do anything.
At last I'll be useful.

Yes, manual labor.

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Absolutely! I work in Forensics.

Quality assurance so it's fucking useless even now.

At home I grow plants and garden. I can identify any tree or plant in this part of the country and I can brew alcohol. I'll do fine in the post-collapse dystopia

Apprentice electrician
I should be good

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After the last one in 2008 I basically said fuck it and got a job in the government. It's all going to come burning down soon enough, but at least mine will be one of the last to go and by then my family will be well armed and have food in storage. I basically see every year as another chance to prepare. Trump isn't the guy we're looking for, but at least he postponed things a bit. I'll take every year I can get. Y'all need guns, food, and access to water. Bonus points for farm-able land and or rural locations (I live in the sticks).

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My job will survive if I get enough seniority before societal collapse.

I'm a pawn broker I'll be doing just fine

meme maker here