Tommy Robinson is an anti-muslim pawn

Tommy Robinson is an anti-muslim pawn
Zionists funded his freedom from prison
Why does this matter? He's being used for the age-old technique of divide and conquer.

1. Use America to start wars in the middle east
2. Pacify weaterners through media, white guilt, and degeneracies
3. Displace millions, introducing a demographic shift in western societies
4. Those displaced aren't compatible with liberal western values
5. Westerners start fighting against immigrants, and are too busy to do a damn about the source of the problem

All the while Israel is hyper focused on propelling itself into the seat of world power with the future digital economy, and the geological position right in the middle of the modern chinese silk road.

He's a self-aggrandizing drug abuser when he brags, "No matter where I've gone in the world, I score. I've gone to Qatar, Doha, to score gear while they're all praying... When we went to Germany for the World Cup."

"If there was a war tomorrow, which there probably will be because I'll probably start it by the end of this sesh... if there was a war and it kicked off, I would be there on the front line fighting for Israel. Do you know why? Why not?... Fuck Palestine. Why would you support Palestine?"

Attached: tommyrobinson.png (940x480, 438K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy is a huge tool, literally.

I don't know how you could be so woke to the muslims but not understand who is bringing them to your country. There is a part of me that hopes he's playing the really long game but its probably just wishful thinking.

Obvious enough, and a majority just let it happen. We're bringing them in, it's got to be the funniest thing for them.
Islam is being used as a broom to sweep everything away.
The damage is done, and it's almost a no-win situation by design, but we can recover from this.

Because he is a Zionist shill just like Geert Wilders is. The whole tactic of the Zionist agenda in Europe is to being Jihadis into Europe to attack and piss of Europeans then frame Israel as being the sole force fighting the Jihadis in the Middle East so that Europeans will support Israel. In reality, Israel is the one not only creating the Jihadis but also bringing them into Europe.

*Bring, not being

this whole board is insane.

I feel sorry for all of you.

run and watch TV like good puppets

download the app

twitter facebook iPhone junkie fools.

the owner of this website should be ashamed of himself.

All anti-Islam shills are paid Zionist whores. Trump included.

I don't know if this is true or not, but his real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. Can anyone confirm, or is this just more lies about Tommy Robinson?

Attached: Tommy Robinson With Ezra Levant.jpg (1300x912, 119K)

>but his real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. Can anyone confirm
It is. Usually kikes change their names to subvert and fit in better.

>"If there was a war tomorrow, which there probably will be because I'll probably start it by the end of this sesh... if there was a war and it kicked off, I would be there on the front line fighting for Israel. Do you know why? Why not?... Fuck Palestine. Why would you support Palestine?"
Fuck you, you liar! Tommy Robinson is NOT a Jewish Zionist shill. Fuck all of your and lies.

>It is. Usually kikes change their names to subvert and fit in better.
Yeah. That's what they do. Sneaky bastards.

Does anyone have any evidence of this?


and this:

correct, the purpose of these alternative personalities is to guide grassroots dissent into kosher containment pens so as to allow the jews to exploit the energy to their benefit. Which in this case, is to point the finger at the muds and not the reason theyre there in the first place
>Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, and having previously used the pseudonyms Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris and Wayne King
wow “tommy”, so many names

Attached: DE62762D-EA7C-4C66-9B3D-F831F2F20F80.png (840x911, 803K)

Jow Forums is a muslim shithole, muslims hate Tommy

And why is this a bad thing?

Pretty sure everyone hates kike shills like Tommy, Lenin.

>if da muslims dont like him dat means hes good!
it’s setting up the pieces so the jews can game them, this is a 1000 year plan in action.

Tommy is literally shilling for the Albert Pike agenda, trying to get white Europeans to for Israel.

*to die for

while simultaneously insulating the jews from conflict as they hide in the shadows

lol i mean hes actually pretty close to a midget

Ovey, Tommy!

Attached: Ezra Levant.jpg (680x365, 42K)

His handlers bailed him out of prison, pity someone clearly knows whats going on.