Black Women Pose in Front of Mona Lisa

Bravely challenging the beauty standards of western society.

>selfie time bigots

Darian Symoné Harvin shared a throwback snap from a recent trip to Paris. The Los Angeles journalist posed in front of the famous painting and asked other black women to do the same. She noted that the 'Mona Lisa has been fed as this traditionally beautiful woman'.

Darian hopes that having 'black women stand confidently in front of it' will challenge some long-held beauty standards in western culture.

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So pathetic


Full gallery of the proud black beauties

Mona Lisa isn't beautiful. She is the most plain a woman could be.

Do these black women want to be seen as plain?

American racists follow the same mindset as the british royal incest family.

british America.

the woman in the mona lisa has never been regarded as particularly beautiful. In fact she's partially a trace over of a da vinci self portrait and he was ugly as fuck.

Where in the fuck did this nog think the Mona Lisa is a Western standard of beauty?
I've never heard this in my life.
The painting is famous for who painted it and the half smile, not because it's of a hot woman.

Plain is an improvement over black.