
I think this image turned me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


no it didn't tranny now kys

Are you questioning your gender now?

epic meme, fuck the amnesty bill and trillions of legal immigration coming our way, this picture right here has me back on the trump train, maga can’t stump the trump!


Attached: herbs.jpg (1000x800, 683K)

A lot of those negatives are actually positives IMO.

>picks fights with allies


me on the right

I mean, I'm almost to that level now.

go back to your discord, freak

I'm pretty convinced on the birther conspiracy - look for Sheriff Arpiao's video on it:

I'm no expert, but it didn't seem to leave anything uncovered when I watched it.

You have no soul

nice bait

H...hey hey guys
I will take one of their memes and change it
> not make it funny
>nor clever
That will show them ...
sega in all fields

I used to be like you and perpetuate the orange man bad meme, but that is a very childish way to deflect legitimate arguments.

More like "you can't stump the Trump"

>20 billion dollar wall is expensive
>but giving Israel another 30 billion over 10 years is totally reasonable on top of the money we have already given in the past

no normie has given me a solid counterclaim to this point

The only men who are bad are kikes. Everyone else can be forgiven.


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Uh huh, and where's Hillary's list? Not just the trail of dead bodies and countries she and Obama destroyed, but the uranium, her husband, their foundation, the dodgy people she cooks spirits with, her child molesting buddies etc

The Wall won't do shit, aid to Israel is to stabilize and influence the Middle East. Without all that aid Islamic yahoos would push all the Israelis into the sea and start mooing about how they own the Holy Land. Millions of Evangelists in America think this is an important thing.

Zero proof for emails, benghazi, pizzagate, etc.

No, you were already a faggot.

ill just choose a few to hold a mirror to your kikery shlomo
>encourages police to assault civilians
you mean niggers, spics and undesirables
>illegal campaign spending
wrong! better luck with stormy daniels narrative
>central park 5
niggers all 5 of them... need i say more you nigger lover?
>picks fights with allies
frieds who kike us on trade and we protect them with our military might...faggot
>draft dodger
but on other posts "dumb ass go die for ZOG" so make up your mind
>birther conspiracy
the nigger is kenyan, if not why did his college ID list him as foreign student... didnt know hawaii was foreign land you faggot
>enriches self from govt money
worth $4B before presidency now worth $3B
>no experience running govt
cause it went so well with the guys who had experience!
>wall impractical
for israel.


Into an even bigger leftwing beta male with no honour?

>orange man good

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Attached: Blue Ball Machine.gif (1362x799, 1.19M)

>legitimate argument
>virtually everything in that meme is retarded and false

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Im a cruz missile now

Underrated post.

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What amnesty bill? Did you confuse DHS and HHS like Glen "cheetoface" Beck and Ann Coulter did?

How utterly retarded and yet typical of you. We know she deleted 30,000 emails and we know she lied about Benghazi. We also know that the DNC is full of paedophiles and comet pizza is involved



Trump supporter saying orange man bad. K total logic in this pic.

i see you substantiated all of your claims.. good... good (((now you turned me)))

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> never corrects false things he’s said


keep up the good work, russiabro!

>I will take one of their memes and change it

Which meme?

also CHECKED!!

> "No experience running a govt".

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

that land isn't even theirs to begin with. Israel hasn't been a legitimate nation since biblical times. Middle east conflict will not stop unless all of the middle east belongs to the mussies or jews.

the 1 where you cannot differentiate how shitty between a republican president & a democratic president is

Attached: Obamas-achievements.jpg (406x384, 62K)

prior to the establishment of Israel how often were terrorist attacks utilized by middle east agents on Europe and the U.S?

very little if at all.

stop being such a zionist shill

pretty accurate op, obama did all those things

trumo hasn't been in office 8 years, russiabro, but thanks for supporting [ [ [ [ [ OUR GUY ] ] ] ] ]!!

>never corrects false things he’s said

Attached: trump farts.png (708x538, 423K)

>[ [ [ [ [ OUR GUY ] ] ] ] ]!!
you know it

You must be some kind of rural retard.

>Local Government
>County Government
>State Government

Just throw yourself in the manure spreader now and save your family a lot of embarrassment.


still cant tell the difference between the 2 parties anymore

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Not too late to seak professional help. I wish the best for you.

imagine bothering to turn trumps base against him when he already did it all by himself by giving israel 40 billion and making it illegal to boycott them as well. Oh yeah and that whole amnesty in the household thing.

It looks like you have some growing up to do, junior. Now I want you to sit in your room and think about why you are wrong. Once you've figured it out, we can talk about it, k sport? Run along now.

>Oh yeah and that whole amnesty in the household thing.

That thing where the GOP said we must buy Israeli products and are not allowed to discuss boycotting them until they make some foreign policy changes?

epic bait

i will consult AOC's quotes for wisdom

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That might be because there is no difference

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Its funny how they can say so little with so many words.

The best part?
No one cares.
That's right. This whole argument? No one cares at all. Muhammad will dance in the panties of his pig mother before anyone cares.
Hugs and kisses, sweet meat.

I'm surprised Trump didn't put on two jew hats just to upstage everybody else

>Liberals draft dodge to get out of Vietnam
>Complain about draft dodgers

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do you even know what the fuck a liberal is?

do you know what a politician is?

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boomer memes are the fucking worst

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Rush Limbaug is such a pill-popping fat bastard.

fuck off jew shill


can you can tell the difference between a liberal & a libertarian; how about a socialist & a communist?

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I'm not the one who's using liberal synonymously with lefitst, ask your boomer friend he's the one who's confused about definitions you old faggot

>Jews dodge WW2 draft
>I'm anti-semitic now

>look there's a murderer
>but what about that other murder

Have you tried a real argument?

you know nothing about American politics then

I am a 9th gen. American

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Ok shill nigger

seriously, these "memes" are fucking awful, they wouldn't even be good ironically. how old are you?

>Draft dodging is a bad thing
T. LBJ's personal slave

i forgot what a hypocrite meant as well

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I'm going to guess you're no younger than 60. take this fucking shit back to facefuck where it belongs

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Branco is a neocon faggot. You people are insufferable

How are the refugees legitimate if Mexico isn't at war?

any1 who agrees with some1 100% is a disturbed person

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what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? get off the internet fag

One whole image changed your entire political philosophy. The picture must have been profound and full of deep thought that is eloquently displayed.

Oh it's this picture. Your mind is a plaything for others.

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The commies outsourcing their memes to the illegals or pajeets now?

>Illegally creates back-chanel w/Russia

No. thats been completely disproving. no evidence was ever found of any deals with Russia. fuck off and kys trannie.

it was a quote from a president
dont comment about our politics ever again

Attached: ObamaCare-Obama.jpg (480x252, 36K)

You're the one who doesn't belong here faggot. You came here at thte very earliest in 2016 from either the_donald or faceberg and you're trying to astroturf this into a republican ZOG board. Jow Forums has never been, and never will be, a republican board. Take your zionism and your good goy false dichotomy and your shitty memes and fuck off. You geriatric niggers have done an absolute number on this place. Learn what the fuck a third position is before you ever post on Jow Forums again but preferably die of a heart attack you kike-loving civnat piece of aged human trash

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>bringing up hillary clinton
>using an irrelevant argument
Spot the difference

>i still cant tell the difference between the 2 parties
funny, neither can I: they're both hypocrites

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Not an argument.
>No experience running a government
A number of elected Presidents in the past had no real experience running one either. Reagan is a good example.
>Failed business
LLCs and being an Entrepreneur.
>Pardoned terrorists
Citation needed.
>Enriches self from government money
When that happens, a persons net worth goes up. Trump's hasn't. Obama's did.
>Lied about released taxes
No President is obligated to release their taxes.
>Lied about Mexico paying for the wall
Wall will pay for itself in a year if it blocks 100,000 people. Mexico is investing $25 billion in infrastructure and stopping illegal immigration. Trade deals are also in place. I see this as a good tradeoff.
>Lied about Russia connections
>Supported phony birther conspiracy
>Draft Dodger
Was a senseless war anyway. It was a war meant to be drawn out, not won.
>Demonizes legal refugees
>Calls for religious discrimination
Citation needed.
>Speaks admiraingly about dictators
Could be aimed at good publicity that helps his cause. Look at NK.
>Picks fights with US allies
They've been treating us like a piggybank for years. It's about time someone showed them we're not to be fucked with anymore.
>Angry, incoherent tweets
When you have a character limit, you got to make sacrifices somewhere. I like his tweets simply because you do not.
>Chaos/turnover in cabinet
Voting for Trump was the chaos option. This was expected.
>Central Park 5
I had to google this. This ultimately means nothing in 2019, much less 2016.
>Encourages police to assault civilians
Citation needed, even then, are they legal or not?
>Wants AG to be loyal to him personally?
Nothing wrong with wanting loyalty within your own cabinet
>Lies about height and weight.
Who doesn't?
>Lies about crowd size
True or no, there's a large number of photographic evidence to show otherwise. Trump draws a crowd.

>9th generation
Immigrant blood runs through your veins

>my enemies brazenly lie, exaggerate and mischaracterize to a clownish degree, so I now believe them
we'll miss u bro


this image only proves "orange man bad" as the shit on the list is either common for politicans, common for republicans. or just insignificant/plain nitpicking

So then why the fuck are you posting neocon memes