Are Southern Europeans white? They got Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and Berber blood in them...

Are Southern Europeans white? They got Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and Berber blood in them. So technically they’re brown Christians, not Aryan Nordics

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Mediterraneans>Aryan nordics

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Who fucking cares, does knowing if they're white or not actually do something for you in your life or did you just feel like making the millionth thread about beating a dead horse?

I'm sure they have more Nordic white than you, Burgerman

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>Southern Europeans

Do you have any idea how many wops live in the US?

Wow another kike d and c thread going to 300 replies

Isn't this board great?

kys yanky nigger

They are not. Here is an easy test to check if you are white without (((23andme)))
Must have atleast 3 of the following:
1.Blue eyes
2. Blonde hair
3. White skin
If you only have 1 of those traits you simply are not white. Sorry.
Also, remember that during the roman empire people were so mongrelized so it makes the southern europeans equal to today's mutts.

I meant atleast 2 of the following.