How should I respond to dick shaming?

How should I respond to dick shaming?
I don't know whether to kill a woman or to just ignore her, can anyone give me advice on this?

Attached: castration-vaquita-clip-art__mva15002.jpg (360x470, 35K)

Accept that youve been jusged by a woman and that she is absolutely right.
Your penis is worthless and that makes you less than a man.

It's not unusual to be dating a woman with a larger "unit" than you. But, shaming you for it isn't right. I'm sure you'll find someone that likes you for you.

If I find one that wants to act thoug about penis then I will kill her

My advice is to not date anyone.

Fuck Russia and the Ukraine.

Sure you do tough guy

Absolutely this.

I will beat the fuck out her and rape and laugh while she screams"you think this is small huh?"

Man has a point.

Cool story you small dicked faggot.
Your dick isnt big enough to rape. Youll just end up poking her butt cheeks a bunch with your 1” chode.

How bad was the dick shamming?

Attached: EF42C4BA-B66D-43F8-BD51-5C8BE7786CFA.jpg (338x475, 58K)


My dick is 7 inches you fag, I'll rape you too n*gger

No just saw a video in my countries trending list containing body shaming

Men and their dicks and all the violence associated. They all should be castrated at birth and war, rape and murder would end.

Alright Hannah

So I guess you ignore all the calls to rape or beat women just because a baby boy cannot handle any slight about their penis. Booohoooo

>How should I respond to dick shaming?
Do something really radical - like not letting a remark someone made about you get under your skin. There will always be guys with a bigger dick than you, just like there's always someone taller, better looking, more muscular etc etc. Be comfortable in your own skin and happy with who you are, and don't give other people the power to hurt you with their words.

>My dick is 7 inches you fag, I'll rape you too n*gger
That's not true, and everyone knows it. It's glaringly obvious that you have a tiny penis, possibly even a micropenis. You're so insecure you fly in to an uncontrollable violent rage just at the thought of someone mentioning your size, which absolutely screams insecurity of the highest order.

laugh-->agree and amplify

Why are people so mean towards small penis losers? What did we do wrong?

Was it explicitly about penis size?

All those videos anout SPH are made by guys into SPH, for guys into SPH. The women only do what the the guys paying them tell them to do.