When do I reveal my power level to my girlfriend?

I'm far right, pro-trump and believe women shouldn't be allowed to vote or work or drive or own property. I'm 100% pro traditional gender roles, not of the "good ol days" in America but what's outlined in basically any religious text.

The man leading and fucks the woman into submission. I believe that submission to authoritative men is core to the feminine experience.

I believe that there is a bit of divinity in every human soul and think atheism is boring and lame.

I think men should legally be able to punish their women with a nice slap across the face if she gets out of line.

I believe women are happiest when they're mothers and home chefs. Can't get #metoo'd if you're in the safety of a kitchen all day.

Anyways my girlfriend is a mainstream liberal girl and she thinks I'm a normal liberal guy even though I dominate the fuck out of her in the bedroom and she loves it.

What's the best way to convert my girlfriend into being an old testament tier birth mother?

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Basically contrarian by another name
Don't bother, just find a nice girl who isn't mentally damaged famalamajamabobama.

>I'm far right, pro-trump and believe women shouldn't be allowed to vote or work or drive or own property.
The absolute best thing for you would be to get yourself in to a very strict or maybe even radical Muslim community. It's unlikely you'll find a suitable group in the US because there's always going to be outside influences though. Somewhere like Yemen or Iran, where women are second class citizens subjugated by both culture and law, would be a utopia for you.

>What's the best way to convert my girlfriend into being an old testament tier birth mother?
Find a new girl. Your views are pretty radical, even by regular conservative standards

Why do you have a girlfriend if you are so traditional?

I unironically was thinking about Dubai. Could still make western dollars and have a submissive Muslim wife.

But don't they cater to westerners there cause of money?

>Find a new girl. Your views are pretty radical, even by regular conservative standards

I fucking hate traditional conservatives. They are a controlled opposition. All they say is basic shit like "but family values, no that's not right". The left is willing to burn shit down to get their point across and trad cucks stick their head in the sand and wear nice sweaters in gated communities and grumble.

time to join the mormons

low quality bait. low quality post.

It’s always the liberal feminist women who love getting dominated in bed. Every time without fail.

I enjoy dominating women and bringing them back to the light of God with my cock

Also biblical men had hundreds of wives and concubines deal with it

>Also biblical men had hundreds of wives and concubines deal with it
but a girlfriend is not a wife you delusional fuckwit

Obvious bait is obvious

Dubai could work. They're a bit more civilized there, less risk of being killed in a civil war too. There is a slight hitch however. Think how your average trump supporter would view a muslim arab moving in to their town - that's how the local men are going to view you, and the police are going to treat you the way white cops in the US treat black people.

Not easy. She's being bombarded with the opposite message. Might want to find a religious girl.

Immediately. Watch her get wet as you do

Regular standards are inherently non radical.

What about gaslighting, manipulation and dragging her into a religion?

Dude, You're already accomplishing your goals. You rock her world, she thinks you aren't so political, you slowly develop your political views, she gradually gets brainwashed into thinking more like you do. Or, if you're really that good, it would be cool to just stop in the middle of sending her into space and say, "You know I'm a right wing whacko, right?" And watch her beg and say she doesn't care.

>women shouldn't be allowed to vote or work or drive or own property
>I believe that submission to authoritative men is core to the feminine experience.
>I believe women are happiest when they're mothers and home chefs. Can't get #metoo'd if you're in the safety of a kitchen all day
>I think men should legally be able to punish their women with a nice slap across the face if she gets out of line

T.Underage poster.

>I believe that there is a bit of divinity in every human soul and think atheism is boring and lame
This is based though

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Your probably think Hitler is cool
Muslims should be deported
And say nigger a lot with your friends on fortnite

I remember when I was an edgy teenager. Only difference was I was calling people niggers on halo 2

The beginning you fucking retard

Lol look at you writing a manifesto and congratulating you on how good at sex you are.

You're here on Jow Forums home to furries hand homos and hentai you're not traditional one bit. Your ideology is pepe the frog. If you were traditional you woidlnt be sleeping around with liberals that you claim to hate. Good job.

Also don't try to change people. It doesn't work and it's a waste of both your time.


Go to Jow Forums

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This, OP is definitely a Jow Forums LARPfag.

This is a lot of larping.

>I dominate the fuck out of her in the bedroom and she loves it.
Tips on how you do this

This is bait right

you wanna know how i know you're not white?

I would continue to live a lie and reveal yourself only when you’re ready to be single again to be honest

Look you gotta be honest with her.
This is who you are, no matter how much you could try to sugar coat it or hide it. I'm a Fascist myself and have beliefs that are far outside the mainstream, if someone thinks that means they can't have a relationship with me, they can fuck off.

Right now you are holding up this mask and showing her something you are not. Much in the same an atheist would hide his lack of faith from a religious significant other. Honesty is the basis for trust in any relationship and trust is the foundation.

Do the right thing and reveal your power level.

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Nah. I already found a solution. I'm going to pretend to slowly convert to a religion and drag her in with me. Women are impressionable and vulnerable to outside influence. Take her on some trips to Latin America or some shit where women are closer to being traditional. Slowly subvert her beliefs. Maybe do drugs with her so she gets that trance like state going where I slip in some propaganda that hits her insecurities.

I will brainwashed from one cult to another--mine. Fuck that "you can't change who someone is" girls fall in line for Chad all the fucking time they can fall in line for the word of God as well

Let the games begin

Whites giving each other useless purity tests and shooting up heroin while non-whites breed and go to church is the reason why there will be no such thing as a "white country" in 2050.

Get your shit together in the west or migrate to Russia.
