This woman I am dating told me she has been with a few African Americans in bed and told me one had a massive dick but...

This woman I am dating told me she has been with a few African Americans in bed and told me one had a massive dick but the others were average. She told me she doesn't sleep with them anymore, but anyways she's like perfect for me except she has herpes, but an I wrong to think that because she has herpes, her dating pool is severely diminished and she will be less likely to cheat on me or leave me? Maybe we can have children one day. She is 21 and I am 24, I am almost at a master's degree and she is getting a bachelor's in psychology. Smart girl just an ex roastie. She's been with many partners which worries me but she is so beautiful and I already showed her to my mom. Thoughts?

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Lazy bait

Very lazy bait

Can you give a reason to why you think this is bait? Is it unbelievable or what? Unfortunately this is a factual story.

>she has herpes
some of you dumb fuckers need to be put down like a stray dog

I get your point and i originally felt this way but I did a lot of research and I might not get it. She is on anti virals so the chance is low.

Stop, we’re not going to give you notes on how to improve your fake story.

It isnt a fake story but that's fine, I dont want your advice anyways. I want real peoples advice.

ok idiot. It is very unlikely even when this cunt wants to fuck around behind your back another man will be as stupid to fuck a cunt with herpes. So you got you a herpes cock block

She said it's hard to find people who want to date her. They just use her for sex.

whatever makes you happy man.

but if I was in that situation, I would not want to date an ex coalburner who has been around.

I would be fwb with condoms, or maybe not even fwb, just platonic acquaintances.

but thats just me.
I have really bad experiences with whores.
you can't turn a ho into a housewife.

>except she has herpes
Stop reading there

Enjoy getting herps too after she dumps you for more black dick

>Coal burner
>Vague BBC crap
>Should i wife her?
Worst bait or you're a fucking retarded retard fuck

But just because she has has many partners doesn't necessarily mean she is a whore. She just likes sex, with men and women.

>dating outside of her race
There's statistics that show that's not a good quality
There's no way that's a good thing, she can still fuck other people who have herpes or you know, use a condom

Thinking that a lower quality girl is a safe bet because you think you are above her is a very misguided way of thinking, she is who she is, she won't fawn over you because you are charitable by dating her.
A woman being attractive should only get you to ask her out on a date, it doesn't secure a future together... look for some very good qualities that outweigh fucking around and having herpes.

But do you see my point though? Since she has herpes her dating pool is diminished. She is scene has damaged and broken by many people because of the herpes, plus she got all the fucking out of her and she is with me now. I feel better about this than regular women people they'll just cheat on you

If she is a ho, she can find anyone to fuck regardless of how close those goal posts are together, you said she is beautiful, others may think the same and want to fuck her regardless of herpes.

Yeah I get that but my point is It would be a lot more difficult. I'm probably not seeing this clearly but I want to be with her. I've never really had a real girlfriend before though, but I've had sex with several women. I just feel that connection with her

Why are you here? it's clear you're just going to get with this coal burning rostie herpes infested girl anyway. You will get what you deserve.

>my point is It would be a lot more difficult
She is attractive, guys will wrap up and fuck her. If she doesn't want to tell them about the herpes she can just give them a condom.
If your fear is being cheated on and you think her having herpes will stop that from happening you probably aren't mature enough to have sex or even date women.

Your connection to her is probably herpes.

No, she is garbage, but maybe since you are even seriously contemplating being with her despite all of this knowledge you are the garbage beta bux she deserves. Enjoy being horny now and angry later.

I'm just lonely user

Pretty sure that's a picture of Miley Cyrus and her old beaux from before she went off the deep end.

Pic isn't related but yes it is. Very cute couple

I know it's bait , but hotpast is such a patrician fetish. You can kiss your sweet girl tenderly and think about her being facefucked and filled with cum. Lucky fucker

Better get to know this girl for months before getting sexually intimate, cause you'll prob get herpes too.

So make damn sure this girl is the one and worth getting herpes over.

You're gonna feel bad if you sex her, get herpes, then she leaves you.

Just keep that in mind.

Unfortunately I already did but it was before she told me she had herped