My father is writing his will and needs my mother to sign it...

My father is writing his will and needs my mother to sign it, but her and I fear that he might trick me and her part of the family out of it. My mother isn’t fluent in English and she fears that if she hires her own lawyer that he will get so angry that he may do something worse. My mother has been abused all her marriage but they have stayed together because my fathers successful company was created after she married him, which means half of it is hers. What’s the best course of action?

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You and your mom are fucking stupid. He can dictate his will however he wants. It he wants to leave everything to his hot bulgarian housekeeper he can damn well do so. He doesn't owe you shit.

You fucking entitled piece of shit. I hope you inherent a toilet seat.

...No he can't, as there are laws in place for this. You're literally just triggered by the context and are lashing out. Don't talk about things beyond your knowledge.

The only answer here is your mother gets a lawyer, sorry bro. Since they are married, there's thingthings that literally have to be done on his side unless she agrees otherwise, so again her signing something she's not aware of can and will fuck her over.

i hope your father outlives you two

Good God the triggered snowflakes. What happened to giving advice without virtue signalling?

>Cmon guys, please help me steal someone's hard earned wealth, don't be a moralfag ;^)

Lol just watch. Ops own dad is going to leave everything to a whore. Him and his mother will starve on the streets.

It’s cute how you think like is fair and kind.

The fact that you fear being left out of a will shows that you know you don’t deserve.

Your mother is a greedy bitch. You are just like your mother.

Wrong, half of it is hers if he divorces her. When he dies everything of his can fo to a squirrel if he wants. Sounds like he’s ashamed of your mothers family. Ashamed and disappointed in you.

Your mom is a straight up gold digger, through and through

My mother married my father over 25 years ago, he and her were a poor European couple that had nothing, she has nursed him back from several heart attacks and other injuries, she has never said or done anything to hurt him, my mother is dying now, she seeks no money for herself but for her poor family back home and me.

More snowflake bullshit. "Let me pretend to care about a complete stranger because the concept of it happening to me is just too hurtful." Project your issues in your life into this and reeeeeeee like a sjw, just understand that no one will take you seriously

So you just simply don't understand the laws behind inheritance. Why are you trying to give advice in this area?

Lol he can leave all his assets to a bird or a dog... YOU clearly have this television education of all these supposed laws in place to save OP.

Jow Forums would not help you burglarize a house.

I can see why your dad would leave you out of his will

do something with your life instead of worrrying about what your relatives will give you

No, he can't. He has to leave some (percent depends on where they live) to his legal partner unless they say otherwise. This is not complicated.

...yes they would, they've done it before smooth brain.

Not OP just tired of triggered snowflakes virtue signalling instead of giving advice relevant to the discussion. Nobody cares that you're offended.

I dont give a ahit about you, op, or OP’s gold digging whore of a mother.

Fuck OP for thinking that his shit eating poor euro family deserves shit.

Just read it carefully? Take a copy of it to a lawyer in secret, whatever.

Literally a triggered virtue signalling snowflake. Nobody cares if you're offended, sugartits.

Sounds like your mom will have to scrub shit off of toilets once papi dies.

>spends all thread trying to call others special snowflake while defending the only snowflake in the thread
The people telling OP he can't do anything and is screwed are correct. All you're doing is acting like a Tumblr child.

A snowflake is who is easily offended or felt they needed a "safe space" away from the harsh realities of the world.

Please explain how OP is a snowflake and not everyone coming in here crying and virtue signalling because OP wants what he is legally entitled to and they don't like that.

There it is, op feels entitled. That is 100% bullshit. “I deserve this! Its my turn!” You whiney little bitch.

Grt the fuck out of here and talk to a fucking lawyer if you dont like the fact that we dont agree with your sense of unwarranted self importance.

You're the only one acting like OP needs a safe space and can't be told he and his gold digging mother are the cause of his own problems.

>Nooo guys, don't tell OP about the hard truth!! Staaawp it you SNOWFLAKES!! VIRTUE SIGNALLING!!!

I'm not OP you triggered snowflake. Work on your reading comprensión. Entitlement is a legal word too, sugartits, which is perfectly valid on this context without being "whiny". Clearly you don't understand the actual legal stuff going on here like a couple of the others. You can be offended by laws all you like, but other than showing yourself a fool on the internet it isn't going to do much.

No, I'm the only one pointing out that nobody is giving real advice, just continually declaring their feelings to be hurt and bad things happen to OP because of it like sjws.

Again, not true, in 21 states a deceased spouse can completely disinherit the surviving spouse by leaving no assets that require probate. The other states, she could file to get her share of community property, some only get a years worth of alimony, but since OP’s Mom will probably die before the Dad, the conversation is moot.

What advice do you expect people to give beyond "SEE LAWYER"? OP didn't even tell us which European county he is from, so we will never know the full laws around inheritance.

Generally though, as everyone is telling you and OP, you will get nothing if you deserve nothing.

Iit: op desperately

I know everyone here is saying that I'm a greedy gold digger, but I fear that is my half sister who has a grip on my fathers balls. She's had over 15 relationships, was on heavy drugs when she was young, would beat my mother, she refused to pay for a plane ticket to see my father when he was very sick after his first heart attack, rather made him pay it, which would be understandable if she didn't have money, but she only wears gucci and shit that her suger daddies give her. She even had him rent out a whole fucking bowling alley for her 1 year olds birthday, she got hammered. Despite all this, she is my fathers favorite, and wants to exclude me and my mother side of the family from everything.

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Maybe you should have been a better child

Oh well. Be your own success and send money to the old country.

Cool, so thats that. Your dad hates you and is sick of you. You get nothing. Ucj you for trying yo trick us into scamming your own father.


Op was too busy not being loyal.

Respect your father. If he feels your mother is trash, he is right.

You and your greedy whore mother aren’t entitled to your fathers money.

How dare him not give everything to your mail order bride mother.
You were a mistake. A point of shame upon your fathers respected name.

Yes, he can dictate his last will and testament the way he wants. He can leave everything he owns to a cat.

Are you confusing this shit with a divorce or what? Apart from inheritance tax and whatever debts the person had, every penny goes to whoever the fuck the person wants.

I mean this without any malice but really it is his money and he can do with it as he likes.