If the Nazis had won, what would have happened to the africans in America?

If the Nazis had won, what would have happened to the africans in America?

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Relocated to Africa.

in man in the high castle (book, not movie) all niggers where turned into fertilizer...

Compton will be full of Japanese people not niggers

>Straight Outta Compton wouldn't have existed

Wasn't Nazi Germany on more "lenient" terms (I say "lenient" in comparison to how they treated Jews, Gypsies and Slavs) with its black population?

To Africa? Nothing much. They would get colonised but nothing would happen to then, Hitler never hated niggers at all. As for America? Probably the west coast would get invaded
The writter of the books was a retard who made them out to be 50x worse than they actually were

Oh wait whoops misread your post. They'd get deported back to Africa probably

>the nazis hated slavs meme

I´m not sure where this thing comes from where american niggers think that the nazi´s would have executed them. Hitler and NSDAP simply was not interested in having a shitton of africans in germany. Since they wanted to preserve the german people in germany. They weren´t in favour of mixing their people out of existance or such things. And that´s pretty much the stance of it.
Hitler also explains in mein kampf why he wanted africans out of germany, and who brought them in in the first place.
>With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.
>For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.
>And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.
So what is he saying here? This is from mein kampf. He´s saying that jews were on purpose trying to bring africans into germany. In order to try to get them to mix with germans and vice versa. This is incidentally EXACTLY what the jews also did with USA, when they first brought in the negros owned by 40% of jews at the time vs 1% of white americans. And they brought them in with excuse.
>well these are just slaves we purchased from africans at the west coast. They are not citizens so don´t worry.

continued. And then we ofcourse know what happened next. They MADE THEM CITIZENS. So now white americans were stuck with them. This ofcourse ticked americans off. And we see what the result that has been for america.
So this was what hitler and nsdap didn´t want for germany. They wanted germany to be funnily enough about germans. Not about everybody else in the rest of the world. And where else should it be about germans than in germany?
This niggers in USA translate to that they wanted to kill all niggers. So let´s analyze that.
>you don´t want niggers in every country on the planet. Then you want to kill niggers.
It´s not exactly the same thing.
Hitler and NSDAP were also massively redpilled on what you call kalergi plan today. The miscegenation and replacement and destruction of european base ethnicities. And turning them into a mutt race. Hitler didn´t want that because it would mean germans would cease to exist in germany eventually through this slow moving type of genocide. So therefore they were not interested in mass immigration of negros or other people for that matter..
WHat hitler calls the marxist plan. IS what you call kalergi today.
Here´s a quote about it now that you know what he is talking about. So you understand. Here´s from mein kampf.
>...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

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Same that would have happened to huwhites in america

>If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

>Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.

>Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].
So now you begin to maybe understand what he was talking about. What is this marxist plan. It´s KALERGI! He published practical idealism in 1925.. You bet adolf etc. knew about that book and similar writings! And put it together to see what they wanted to do! And so began his 'struggle' to try to stop that from happening, and try to stop the marxist jews who were seeking to do these things. And get them the fuck out of germany or at the very least out of influence of germany. Hence mein kampf.

>Same that would have happened to huwhites in america
Why do americans think nazi´s wanted to invade america? They didn´t even want to take over europe. They took clay back from poland that was theirs! That was taken from them in treaty of versailles just a few decades earlier. Then a fucking massive war started over it because england threatened with war if they violated it, nazi´s thought they called britains bluff, but they were not bluffing, and it all got fucked. The versailles treaty had crippled germany, taken clay away from germany. all german ore colonies had been essentially confiscated estimated worth a billion deutschmark at the time, easily trillions in todays currency. Which leads to shipyards deserted, workers fired etc. They now had to buy ore from others. Crippled their industry completely. Lots of things like that. So they didn´t like this treaty whatsoever and thought it was extremely unfair to germany. It´s why it is literally in the first 5 points of NSDAP that they want to reconnect with germans stranded in other countries due to versailles treaty. And they just thought the treaty was total bullshit and crippled germany unfairly, so they wanted some of that back. England and the others who made that treaty, didn´t want to give them ANY OF IT. So they decided to blitzkrieg poland to get some of it back. And then that was the excuse to bomb the shit out of germany and start a massive european wide war. Where germany realizing it had all gone to hell, tried to stop the marxist in soviet union from taking over eastern europe. To also put western europe in safety from marxism.
Mein kampf.
>The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.
Speaking of the marxist jews and the 'russian revolution'.

And post war, sadly the opposite occurred. Marxist kicked germans out of positions of power in germany, and put themselves back in! With the excuse that they kick the germans out of positions of power because they were nazi´s. Soviets took over eastern europe, and eastern europeans can tell you a thing or two about how not so great that was. So total failure, everything they wanted to defend west and eastern europe against, was what happened after the war instead.
When patton realized this, this drove him completely mad. Because he had thought he was fighting to liberate europe and to help europeans. And he became very 'antisemitic' talking about that they had defeated the wrong people, and had failed to liberate europe and instead handed it over to marxist and their jewish overlords.

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And then closer forward to today. They a bit after the war the marxist split germany up in two parts. The east germany DDR (communist), and the west germany (normal germany) or atleast as much as it could be normal after that. Angela merkel is from former ddr. And what burgers don´t know is that she idolizes people like erick hönecker from DDR. She´s a marxist! This is why she´s during her tenure was not a big fan of german people or protecting them from mass immigration. Or even of the german flag. Where there´s ofcourse that infamous video where she is given german flag after some political victory where they are celebrating. And she puts the german flag down and shakes her head. This is the type of people that have been leading germany for quite a while now unfortunately. So it´s no wonder the situation! And she was ofcourse also charlemagne recipient (kalergi award). The recent recipient in 2018 was emanuel macron of france. And look what is happening in france. As he stands giving niggers hugs, and raising taxes to pay for immigrants. You now have yellow vests that have simply had enough of this crap.

Many people /ppl/ seem to lack basic knowledge and always write the same "eradicate niggers". It gets boring imo.

>If the Nazis had won, what would have happened to the africans in America?
they would have remained in their nigger country with the rest of the niggers

You're pretty cool Denmarkbro.

>Many people /ppl/ seem to lack basic knowledge and always write the same "eradicate niggers". It gets boring imo.
I agree, and this is why i effort post a bit. Because natsoc certainly wasn´t about such things.
And those who are inspired by some things about natsoc, aren´t doing themselves any favours by claiming that´s what it was about.
Good normie friendly introduction to the 25 points of natsoc and general philosophy
And here is a 1 hour walkthrough of the NSDAP economic plan.
You will very quickly realize that natsoc was not what you are told it was. You only hear about the war, and equate that with natsoc. It was so much else than that stupid war. That was a fucking disaster. And never was even meant to have taken place. But unfortunately turned out that way.
>You're pretty cool Denmarkbro.
Thanks fren.

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It is especially idiotic because black Africans in America are not a problem to anyone in the world, they would be happy to remain in America and bix nood from coast to coast forever
The white Americans are the ones who always have to get involved in everybody else’s business
get rid of the whites and the blacks become passive wildlife

Well the african americans were never supposed to have been african americans. And when liberia was presented to them, that´s where they should have gone to. Bit over the top to say get rid of white americans, and USA is great. But i get the foreign involvement. But sadly ofcourse just like britain, and just like france during wwII. They were controlled by massive jewish influences. And that is really the main cause of why
>americans always getting in other peoples business.

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without white Americans, the blacks would be like the kings of the ancient world
the kings of the ancient world are all dead and gone and the blacks should be too

Quality posts user

Thanks, i thought i would give it a shot. Glad that it is appreciated.

You mean better?

I mean they didn't represent them correctly

I´ll give you a little bonus before this gets archived. Noble medikit oskar freysinger. Talking about mass muslim immigration. Because when you understand these things. It´s so simple of an idea the jew are playing. It is a slow moving thing, YET IT IS SO DEVASTATINGLY EFFECTIVE. The entire point is, they gradually by ethnic mixing of whom the jew consider the absolute best and brightest, which is why they target them, to get rid of them. The gradual destruction of all your qualities as an ethnicity and as a society. By selectively destabilizing certain areas to justify mass immigration. And then DEMANDING THAT YOU BRING THEM IN TO YOUR NATION. Because they literally can´t go anywhere else right? 195 nations on the planet. many different ethnicities respectively. But they all have to go to the european nations, to the USA, to the canada, Australia, new zealand. Etc. And they also working on japan and south korea and others. What is the key factor in where they are bringing them into. They deliberately target them because they know they are so good and a threat to them. They also these nations and people are at forefront of things like, social mobility, educational access, social safety nets etc. AND THEY KNOW THESE IMMIGRANTS WILL CRASH IT. what then happens. Two birds with one stone of an evilminded idea. a) that ethnicity is gradually eradicated in their own homeland, to the point where it has no influence at all/can´t maintain that situation. Change their characteristics so they completely become alienated from eachother as citizens of that country.
>who the fuck are we anymore.
And you go work at low wages for jewish controlled corporations.
Now he didn´t say all of that, because he´s not figured it all out yet dear oskar freysinger. But. His speech with regards to muslim immigrants and what they do to european culture with regards to immigration. Is relevant. You need to understand 57 majority muslim nations in the world. They have plenty of room!

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You know gas them but not really gas them because it would be a hoax.

Nothing. Hitler would be retarded if he tried to invade America.

And not enough room for the speech here it is.
They have plenty of room the muslims for practicing etc. whatever they want. Allowing them to practice it here is cultural invasion. We can respect muslims doing their thing. But they can´t make our thing their thing aswell. That must also be respected.
It´s an older speech but you can see some of the things he was saying back then, has already occured. I am actually not really sure what he is doing these days. I should probably do some research. But that speech is pretty good with regards to muslim immigration.
The jews don´t care about muslims etc. But they know how devastating muslim immigration is to western culture and values and all these things. Infacat muslims hate jews and jews hate muslims. Muslims also doesn´t like us very much. So they use that!

Not really Germany would just need some build up of its navy after conquering most of Eurasia. The only game changer is the bomb you invented.

If he won in Europe, no German scientists would flee to the US so they would have developed a nuclear bomb first

>germany conquer most of eurasia.
The germanic commonwealth (the reich) was only to be the germanic tribes. Such as nordic countries, netherlands, germany ofcourse. Parts of britain that they wanted onboard with atleast an understanding. Austria, switzerland, several other nations.
This from there comes the misunderstanding of they want to take over everybody elses lands and kill all its inhabitants, since they declared that within the reich you needed to be germanic. But each remained sovereign but cooperative nations.
All to preserve those people. So separate foreigner from ethnic by law. An ethnic germanic could vote, participate in politics, could change laws. Could own their national media outlets. All to remove FOREIGN INFLUENCE. Get FOREIGN INFLUENCE out of the lawgiving and politics of those nations. Others could live in the 'reich' as foreigners but they could not be allowed to do these certain things. All else they could do.
This insane idea that people think they want to take over the entire world, or even entire europe. It makes no sense at all. This is how they rallied people against them though.
The greater germanic realm. Realize who the germanic tribes are and it all starts to make sense. It´s not even close to being all off western europe, it certainly is not all of eastern europe either. Unification of all the germanics. in a cooperative germanic federation. Because he 'percieved' through the marxist jews writings that they were the primary target in europe.
Their plan was basically this of the jews.
>take over russia, ransack it kill best and brightest. Use russia to take over eastern europe.
>take over germany. ransack it, kill best and brightest. use germany to take over western europe.
Revolution succeded in russia. Revolution failed in russia. yes they tried that bolshevik style shit there. BUT NSDAP DEFEATED THEM.
So then..
>find some reason to btfo germany so we can rectify it and put marxist back in.
Tadaaa.. wwII.

Invasion of the us is a pipe dream. The supply line would be too long and they simply would't have the manpower to do anything more than a concentrated strike on one target, even that is iffy. More likely Germany would have bombed nyc and washington with long range bombers if they won in europe. They simply would have gotten the us gov to cease fighting. All the shit rat commies would have fled to the us and we'd be even more pozzed than we are now, meaning africans would still be in the confused status of being simultaneously elevated in media and society while being poor.

So what the jew do.. they use what they had taken over the soviets. To btfo germany from the east. Whilst using britain, france and USA to destroy germany from the west. Because germany was supposed to have succumb to the 'bolshevik style' revolution. But they didn´t. And then they were pretty pissed off that that was tried on them.
pic related is germanic commonwealth intended.
If others wanted to join as allies. That´d be just fine. Does that look like taking over europe. NOPE! No such interest. Only due to treaty of versailles germany was put under an iron vice, had colonies and clay taken away from them. Mass starvation aswell in germany. So they needed somewhat of a colony situation to recoup from that mess. Arrangement could be made to have german controlled farmland or whatever. With some nations. All rejected. War with germany.. Must be had. And so now these morons pretend 70 years later after immense jew propaganda. That the nazi´s wanted to take over THE ENTIRE PLANET PERHAPS. and kill literally EVERYONE ELSE but the germanics. HAHAHA

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The point of the reich was sovereign nation states in tight cooperation. But each were considered germanic tribes. And thus. They needed to within that desired federation to be germanic. and have rights for germanics to participate in politics and laws to rule out foreign influence, including of media. But foreigners could be there.
And for those who say.
>well hitler wanted to create a new roman empire.
NATSOC REJECTED ROMAN LAW! it needed to be replaced. They didn´t want to create some roman empire you just fuck everybody over. It was ISOLATIONISTIC. caring about germanics in their nations.
Point 19 of natsoc 25 points.
>We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.

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Not an EMPIRE, just go fuck everybody over, no that was not what the reich was supposed to be. Isolationistic and with high cooperation. SO that others who would just do what they normally do. And go. We like these germanic nations. We trade with them they like their own people they protect their own people. Maybe we should do the same.
No ofcourse the jews want to make it into that it´s some kind of attempt of a roman empire. It´s such a fucking lie.. Only reason they wanted to deal with soviets is for reasons i have already covered. So the marxists don´t take over eastern europe. Same revolution in russia, they tried in germany, but it failed there.. NSDAP won that wasn´t supposed to happen you see..
But this is why they come up with this that they literally want to take over the entire planet somehow. Just kill everybody else. sigh..
These are the people the jews want to kill, ofcourse they want to demonize them..

Minus ofcourse england in that image, because that never worked out. As hitler said he had tried to court england so much to at the very least understand that the treaty of versailles was bs. and maybe should be good friends instead of this shit. But concluded that its governments were insane idiots (influenced by jews). That just said no, we don´t want an understanding we want a war instead.
It could have been so good. But ofcourse the jews wanted kalergi. They hated a germanic federation that could united resist mass immigration and conservate themselves. And be self sufficient amongst eachother.
How could they ever ethnically destroy them. By bringing immigrants in with a policy not to do so. If we need more people we just increase our own birthrates. We can take care of ourselves quite nicely.
Their little attempt would fucking die if that occurred. So this could ofcourse not be allowed. So then it came to war instead.
The natsoc were trying to be free of the jews iron grip that was on their country. And the world destroyed the freedom fighters. And now all the allies the jews RELENTLESSLY punish with the kalergi plan. Great victory right. Notice who they target.
EVERYONE ON THE TOP OF THAT FUCKING LIST is primary target for mass immigration and miscegenation. Others are secondary targets.

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