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Who do you pick, Jow Forums?
Matthew Thomas
Landon Rivera
L'il Benji
Ryder Barnes
Nolan Reyes
Grayson Diaz
how is this even a question? the faggot in the bottom left. i nfi who the top-right dweeb is.
Kevin Evans
Robert Roberts
Parker Anderson
Obvious ben "the rat" shapiro
Alexander Bailey
I pick E. Michael Jones.
Evan Russell
jordan peterson is good
Samuel Hughes
Carter Barnes
Top right because I have no idea who he is.
Angel Wilson
Shapiro for his double standards involving Israel.
Nathaniel Anderson
i would punch the one thats a tool of the jews
Andrew Hernandez
I reckon Jordan Peterson would probably critique your punch and then fly into a jew rage becoming the Gollum.
Joseph Wright
Parker Wood
Ben. He's cute as fuck and I would birth his babies any day.
Kevin Ross
Joshua Diaz
None of them. Ideas do not warrant violence until they lead to violence. None of these men have advocated or called for violence. Stop being a faggot, OP.
Elijah Taylor
Jacob Cox
I pick OP
Remember, all fields
Landon Taylor
Definitely OP
Julian Ward
Rock Lobster... but only so i could be famous
Jacob Allen
OP, for making this slide thread and being like antifa.
Anthony Martin
All of those are Jewish I bet, I know Peterstein and Shapiro are.
Henry Johnson
>none of these men have advocated or called for violence
Does Ben Shapiro advocating war in Syria count? He is a neocon who spent the last 10 years larping as a libertarian so he could distance himself from Bush and Iraq. In Ben Shapiro’s ideal world, Jen Bush is president.
Isaiah Gray
Hudson Bell
Honestly, Ben is beneath getting ounched, he would just squeak "ad hominem" through his bloody mouth. Peterson is more fucking arrogant and pretentious
Aiden Fisher
Shaprio is a pussy who has written pieces about how he's fine with civilian casualities if it defends Israel. He should be drone striked tomorrow
Jaxon Roberts
Who do you, gay marry, fuck, torture, kill?
Jaxson Evans
PJW of course
Jacob Nelson
If you have one bullet, shoot the traitor.
Benjamin Ward
Don't fall into identity politics go...b-boys !
Kayden Thompson
Benjamin Young
JORDAN PETERSTEIN. I don't even know top right, but little Benny is a Jew so the punch would be wasted. Might as well punch any Jew. Traitorous Whites are infinitely worse, and I think Jordan has had much more mainstream publicity and influence telling Whites not to organize.
Isaiah Ortiz
Is it true that parents of that jew made a "donation" to harvard before he was accepted into it?
Noah Hughes
You're a bigger faggot thsn OP, ya faggot.
Connor Nguyen
Parker Fisher
pjw isnt that shitty, he just makes content that doesnt have much substance and is directed towards the mainstream too much.
who the faggot in the top right?
between juden peterstein and shapiro now; that is a difficult decision.
probably peterstein. he was larping and was a ploy to divert the attention of whites away for the nationalist right and turn them into docile centrists. controlled opposition.
at least shapiro is a clone of every paleoconservative boomer. i dont need to substantiate my point further more.
Jack Ward
Coin toss between Shapiro and Peterson
Xavier Adams
thats amazing
even though they are all on my side of politics i.e. right wing i still dont like them.
jordan petterson is secretly up himself but he comes across like he is some sort of fking sage, that watson guy is a homo beta cuck, shapiro is a smug know it all jew that actually does know shit, decisions decisions
Henry Young
Its a hard choice, if i choosd anyone but the jew i'll be arrested for anti semitism
Joseph White
that filthy kike.
Owen Garcia
Easy. Die For Israel Shapiro.
Gavin Hill
Ben and in the throat.
No fucking clue who the guy in the top right is.
Peterson is a massive faggot and almost passes ben
Christopher Martinez
benny boy
easy choice
though peterson should get one too
Henry Wilson
Jordan Peterson is the closed human representation of a Messiah.
Liam Green
Punch Ben so hard he flies into Peterstein and breaks his nose.
Jason Hernandez
PJW easily.
Anthony Wright
Rat boy shapiro
Evan Martin
At least PJW doesn't want you to die for Israel. The rest do. Especially the little kike
Zachary Phillips
I punch Ben so the Samson option is triggered, killing the other 3.
Ian Long
Cameron Gray
Peterson for sure. That voice just needs to silenced. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Shapiro is a very close second.
Noah Parker
Ngl pjw has the most punchable face. Even if it's the only one in this list that I tolerate.
Nathan Morgan
Peterson. Others should be gassed
Luke Turner
top-right has a very punchable face,also literally who
Jackson Perry
PJW is a coward. He knows about the JQ. There's a video of him talking about it when He began doing his stuff. But when asked, he denied everything and said there was no evidence of jewish meddling in international affairs and that it was conspiracy.
Asher Hall
Why would I punch PJW?
Benny is an open anti-white advocate, but I'd rather punch Peterson because he is (or was) more subtle and dangerous.
Sebastian Russell
The Jew, of course.
Levi Taylor
Why can't you people remember that optics is actually important when swaying the masses? It doesn't matter whether or not he thinks jewish international affairs is a conspiracy or not. It matters that he creates a large following of more "reasonably minded" people and gives them easy red pills to swallow before the left gobbles them up with promise of love and gibs.
Carson Brown
Lincoln Wright
i dont know who top right is but he has the most punchable face
Alexander Bailey
Juden Peterstein
Eli Lopez
Ben Shaliro because he's a Jew.
Eli Taylor
Redpill me on the bottom left guy Jow Forums?
Blake Johnson
gotta be shapiro the israeli, i dunno who the top right is
Thomas Robinson
wow this one is really hard... I will go with Shoapiro though because he is the most obnoxious
Caleb Jones
Bottom right and falseflag.
Samuel Edwards
Ben without question
Second would be Charlie Kirk
Couldn't care about Juden Peterstein or the other guy.
Aiden Price
Xavier Wright
>CLEAN YOUR ROOM - surrogate dad
>literally who
a big no
Brayden Price