How to ask out a girl when you've never asked a girl out before?

How to ask out a girl when you've never asked a girl out before?

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The same way you would do it if you had asked one before

I dont know the right words to use though, or who its appropriate to ask on a date, or where its appropriate to take a girl on a date

Hey, would you like to join me for coffee? Ill let you buy me a drink.


Did you grow up in the woods or something? We’re constantly bombarded by relationships in movies and tv, I can’t imagine anyone not even having some idea on what’s appropriate for all of that.

Well I've never done it myself personally. Everyone's watched a dozen war movies but that doesn't mean they could fight on the frontlines does it?

Yes but we’re not talking about war. We’re taking about asking a girl on a date. Can you honestly say you couldn’t have come up with something like on your own?

I'd be too worried that coffee is too cliche and that she'll think i'm boring

It’s cliche for a reason. A good first date is simple, inexpensive, and affords a lot of time for talking and getting to know the other person.

But who the fuck even goes for coffee anymore? i dont know of anyone who has gone on a coffee date above the age of 18

Plenty of people do but coffee was just an example. It’s not a fucking law that a first date HAS to be coffee. Don’t get so hung up over it.

Okay so what can i ask a girl to do other than coffee?

This is too hard, there's too many variables

You're making this way too hard for yourself. Take a minute and tell your head to stfu. Better? Okay, you can ask a chick on a date for anything you want within reason. Take her to lunch, dinner, a movie (preferably with lunch or dinner before so you two can talk), take her to an arcade such as acme or round one (also preferably eat first or during), a museum if she is artsy, go and get something to drink like alcohol or coffee. Don't get wrapped up if it's boring, she's seeing and listening to you not a fucking Starbucks cup. A first date should be pretty non intrusive and basic. If a chick is bored of that her expectations are way too high or she's a perpetual infant that needs keys jingling in front of her and isn't worth a second of your time. Remember that she is there to be with you, and not for the goddamn event so don't worry for the first few dates. From there you should know some shit she likes so take her there. Godspeed OP

Okay so what about the actual asking? Like do I ask her out IRL or over text? What words do I use? What do i say/do if she says no? How to minimise the chances of rejection?

You made a point

Don't make a big deal about it

holy shit man just ask her and wait for her response worst case scenario she says no and you move on with life

But its not that simple. A rejection would damage my self-esteem and make me feel like shit. And keep in mind i've never been rejected before, because i've never asked anyone out, so the first rejection is going to hurt even more than usual

well if you keep living with that mindset you're gonna be single for the rest of your life. the odds of you going through life without a single rejection is basically zero, so just ask her and see where it goes

Easy bruh, just say the magic words, "Do you want fuck?"

All the more reason to get that first rejection over with.

Well man I hate to break it to you but chicks like guys with balls, and more importantly an aura of not giving a fuck. Your self esteem will only be damaged if you let it, and like the user that replied to you he is right. My advice is to ask, doesn't really matter how, and if it's a no then move on. If you can't then that's your problem, and hey that's not bad for an actual man to scoop her up instead of you so nobody loses if you want to live in your turtle shell. Rejection happens, but hell if you can't take it I don't know why you're asking for advice if you're not gonna execute it, you're just wasting all of our time and not solving your issue at hand of not wanting to be single. You reap what you sow, and if you wanna live like that and feel like that then good luck bucko

Go the fuck outside retard

Okay. But via what method is it okay to ask a girl out? Is it okay to do it over facebook? Because there is surely no way i could ask a girl out IRL. There is no way to get a girl alone these days, its impossible, all the girls i see who i might want to ask out i only ever see when they're with friends.

>We’re taking about asking a girl on a date.

Litterally, unironically not as hard as participating in the front lines of war.

Obviously. But its still really really hard for me, a guy who has never done anything like this before. I dont even know where to start

Oh my fucking god do you read anything we've typed out. It. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. In person, social media chats, text, call, note taped to a rock. Just fucking do it, jesus christ. This thread actually makes me want to commit seppuku

start with a noose around your neck shitposter

"Hey, you wanna go out sometime and see a movie?"

Give me some more information on your situation and I'll try to help.

But what do i do if she says no and then i feel like utter miserable shit?

Give it some time, and you'll feel better. The short pain of a rejection is nothing compared to crushing lifelong loneliness.

But if i ask a girl out and get rejected it will confirm my worst fears, that girls all secretly hate me and think im disgusting, and that i'll be alone forever

Cool mate. More pussy for the rest of us then.

So that's it? Because I have low self-esteem i just have to rot away forever?

This is ridiculous, why can't someone just tell me what i have to do?

I will give you a complete guide to the best of my ability, but I need more information about your situation.

realizing this thread is all a bait

Its not bait, i just really am this clueless

What info do you need?

How old are you, do you live alone, do you go to uni, do you have a car, who is the girl and how do you know her?

20, yes when at uni, yes, no, there is no specific girl i just want to know generally speaking how to ask out a girl

Okay listen here because this is important.

You don't 'just' ask a girl on a date, you don't just pick a girl you have no contact with and offer a proposal, you have to get close to them beforehand. What you want to do is just meet girls and establish yourself as a cool guy, start talking more to the ones who seem to like having you around. When they warm up to you more try to make the conversations more common and more personal, make yourself something of a character in their life and not just some guy who they complain about their homework to.

Once you get close enough the actual asking is pretty easy, you'll already be talking (presumably texting, snapchat is the norm) and it's just a matter of finding a good time to ask them to hangout. No need to make it seem romantic, just ask them to go with you for drinks or just to your place. Contrary to what you may have heard, it's usually a better idea for young people to keep first dates 'unofficial', make it reasonably obvious this is more than just a friend thing but leave plausible deniability and don't put any unnecessary pressure on her.

Try to shake off any 1950's ideas about what a date is, things do not work that way now and it's really just two people who vaguely like each other hanging out with the distinct hope of sex.

What do you talk about? Is it true that guys focus too much on what too say and not so much about their body language?

Not OP but I have questions and don't want to make my own thread.

Are you supposed to ask women if they are single or just assume they are and ask them out?

If I don't want to date someone who smokes and/or does drugs is this something I ask if they do or do I just kind of hope they don't and find out later?

"hey whats up do you wanna go see Shrek 6 with me this weekend, this is supposed to be the best Shrek yet"

>Are you supposed to ask women if they are single or just assume they are and ask them out?

To ask women out, you get to know them, once you get to know them well enough the topic of them being single or not will organically happen. usually it's them casually mentioning it like "oh my boyfriend did this or that" or whatever. if they're not saying things like that then it almost 100% means they're single.

>If I don't want to date someone who smokes and/or does drugs is this something I ask if they do or do I just kind of hope they don't and find out later?

You can filter that or write it your profile with most dating apps and websites. With IRL dating you just do sort of find out but again you get to know them over time.

Just don’t ask them out they’ll say no anyways, all women are sluts

>woman always turn me down so that makes them all sluts

Can't get much more Incel than this.