Seriously, The Wrong Side Won WW2

Remember growing up, and boomers saying "We would all be speaking German now" is that really the only fucking downside? I hereby invite all you Kikes, trannys and degenerates to explain exactly HOW we are better off that they lost.

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No, the wrong side didn’t win. Hitler wasn’t supposed to die. He was suppose to end the war on his terms — through negotiations. He would have been an ally against Russia.

I wish I was speaking German Right NOW!

I agree, all that is beautiful lost in WW2 and the ugly won. BTW I have a late war NSDAP arm band that was once sewn into a great man's uniform. When i take it out of its protective sleeve it smells like another time, a better time. You can also buy those flags in that pic for like 30 bucks. Great buy to have a piece of history like that. Pisses me off when I think about how dirty they were done and then the ensuing propaganda that followed. Sad world, mad world.

This is american now: a "Canadian" and "American" shit skins arguing... Fuck this shitman.
Hitler was hero and will always be a legion.

Fucking cucks

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Still waiting for an argument Ivan.

Yeah user, we know already

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It was supposed to happen. Devi said Hitler was not the one. Although he was still incredible.

>pic related, german propaganda
Now tell me how wrong they were

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