Remember growing up, and boomers saying "We would all be speaking German now" is that really the only fucking downside? I hereby invite all you Kikes, trannys and degenerates to explain exactly HOW we are better off that they lost.
Seriously, The Wrong Side Won WW2
No, the wrong side didn’t win. Hitler wasn’t supposed to die. He was suppose to end the war on his terms — through negotiations. He would have been an ally against Russia.
I wish I was speaking German Right NOW!
I agree, all that is beautiful lost in WW2 and the ugly won. BTW I have a late war NSDAP arm band that was once sewn into a great man's uniform. When i take it out of its protective sleeve it smells like another time, a better time. You can also buy those flags in that pic for like 30 bucks. Great buy to have a piece of history like that. Pisses me off when I think about how dirty they were done and then the ensuing propaganda that followed. Sad world, mad world.
This is american now: a "Canadian" and "American" shit skins arguing... Fuck this shitman.
Hitler was hero and will always be a legion.
Fucking cucks
Still waiting for an argument Ivan.
Yeah user, we know already
It was supposed to happen. Devi said Hitler was not the one. Although he was still incredible.
>pic related, german propaganda
Now tell me how wrong they were