In a war with America v. Europe who would win?

In a war with America v. Europe who would win?

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Total nuclear destruction of Europe and some east coast cities nuked like Washington and New York.


There already was one. It was called ww2 and america won.
Like the romans they built forts all around it and americanised the locals. Made them dress up like american. Eat american food, have niggers like americans...

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America. Fuck the yuropoors

this. Why would one even start? there you go

What inspired this question? Need more context than that, OP.


USA everytime. Maybe if spend 2% of gdp on military for an other dacade or two, we might get there, but I doubt it.

Nukes VS nukes
China would win


There are very few wars where America wouldn't come out at least slightly less worse for wear
If it went nuclear, I think Europe could be crippled much quicker since it could be torn apart into its individual countries. The USA would have a lot of dead people, but at least it would not be susceptible to mass secession.

murica rapes europe and rips them in half with there massive cock

unironically this

Name any war that was won by the Americans

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Just because the nature of your question I will assume it's in bad faith and I will answer in a way you can't split hairs over. The civil war.

We already did this, whites lose and Jews win


Korean war

I was going to respond to this question with a joke, but I realised I could be prosecuted for that, so instead I hope you'll all just fire as many nukes as you can at my alleged country.

severely underrated. The answer is known because it has already happened.
Europe vs America+Asia+Anglojews

Attached: when you realize you fought on the wrong side during WWII.jpg (539x717, 105K)

>Military superpower of the World
>moderately wealthy but underfunded and understaffed milititaries with limited equipment and zero logstical or force projection
jews win