Extremely diverse and very high population density. What’s life like in NJ? I’m not American so exactly how segregated is life out there?
What’s life like here?
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there's a reason why it's the brunt of jokes in every other state
I lived there 6 years for a job.
>high taxes
>high host of living
>full of poos, guidos, and assorted shitskins
its ok
What’s a guido?
It really depends on where you are. If you live in Edison it's like living in Bangladesh. If you live in Vineland it's like living in Alabama. For a small state New Jersey is extremely varied. You can cross a bridge and go from bang bang stabby town to the most extreme wealth you have ever seen. If you know where to go and where not to go life in the garden state is pretty comfy.
I just looked up Vineland it’s 40% white. Wtf that’s a shithole
Can confirm, I work in Edison and it's 80% poos. Live in Jackson though with is mostly white, albeit being invaded by kikes
The densely populated areas are total shit. Highpoint is incredibly beautiful. Lake Mohawk is nice.
NJ has the highest rates of autism in the country. 1 in 22 boys or 1 in 34 children have autism there.
It's some Jehovah's witness hellhole. The whole state is marred by heroin, coke, weed, and opiates. There's good places, and everything else in this thread above is accurate to some extent. Check the proximity of haddonfield and camden. Check the crime rates too
t. Lived in metro philly, metro ny, central, and south jersey
Free college tuition for any state resident
>Be small town in Western New Jersey
>Everybody knows each other
>Currently live down the street from where my grandfather grew up
>Tractors are on the roads all the time
>Everybody goes hunting
>In the summer everybody goes swimming and fishing in the Delaware River(North of Trenton it isn't polluted)
>Be 1.5 hours from New York City
>Be 35 minutes from Philly
>Be an hour from the shore
>Be 1.5 hours from the Poconos
>Be 15 minutes from shopping centers and malls
>Have God tier pizza everywhere you go
New Jersey is pretty comfy desu, you just gotta live in the right place. My town is slowly getting overrun by shitskins but I really want to raise a family here as I loved it when I was a kid.
I fucking hate it, I’m going to buy property in PA, move out there and commute into jersey. Fuck this place
I hate this state. It fucking liberal as hell with small pockets of conservatives. Every once and a while the limbs really shit the bed and a republican governor gets elected but the same democrats still control the legislative branch so nothing happens.
It is very diverse. Whites are the minority in most populated places. But it is two different types of diversity. Poor diversity and rich diversity. Blacks, Mexicans and white trash vs Poos, Asians, (((whites))) and whites.
It is not called Jew Jersey for nothing they are everywhere. The orthodox one take over small towns and destroy them with their welfare scams. The non orthodox ones just make you miserable with their constant complaining and stores of family who died in the holocaust.
It is a real criminal friendly state but gun owners who make one misstep can get felonies for bullshit like stopping at wawa for sandwich but leaving you pistol locked in a case in your trunk on the way to the range.
Concealed carry is only for former cops if they have a verified threat.
The taxes are fucking awful from 75k up. The taxes are actually better for those making 75k and below than the surrounding states. But to live on 75k in NJ is either living in the woods with the pineys (could be comfy) or in the hood with the blacks.
Unless you are looking at my house to buy don’t come here.
The show jersey shore that is a guido.
Some Italian or half Italian who dress up in track suits or gangster gear and has a pepper hanging from his rear view mirror
Only illegals
sorta surreal postmodern shithole stacked with retards and above average people who think they're great, and some regular people who just wanna keep their head down and get by. thoroughly zogged. avoid at all costs, unless you wanna send help.
to be fair the food is good.
Vineland has a farm for retards that are the product of brown incest which seriously skews the data. Actual Vinelanders wear cowboy boots and drive pickups. It’s true even if incredible.
All the Italians fled South Jersey, and got replaced by illegal Mexicans.
Our property taxes now go to fund their education to schools we can't afford.
I grew up here, and recently moved back here after spending the last 10 years in a red state. I'm being crushed by real estate taxes (almost $20k/ year) and my son's school just emailed me a "diversity" survey. The governor is a socialist, and is up there with NY and CA as leftist Utopia. We are moving away from here this year. Feel bad I dragged my kids here and need to move them again.
Its a nigger infested hell hole. Crazy taxes and poor infrastructure, insane cops and awful gun laws. If your black your lifestyle is permanently subsidized by my hard work, but god forbid a white petson need assistance. The only nice place iv ever been was chatsworth and tthe pinelands
i grew up in Fredon (Sussex county) it was like a Whitopia
Very Segregated
High taxes
Awesome geographic location beaches, mountains, close to the cities
We take the good with the bad
Wiki Medford NJ
Northwest Jersey is the comfiest part of the state. It's too rugged of a terrain to develop excessively. My area luckily has enough government protected open spaces and farmland that we are a pretty agrarian place. Some assholes that left our town recently sold their land to developers and our town is going to go to shit within a decade.
I lived in South Jersey for a bit and it was like a minefield. 100% white towns right next to Mordor(Camden) was always strange to me.