A girl rejected me for my penis size. I knew I was average or a little below...

A girl rejected me for my penis size. I knew I was average or a little below, but I’m completely shot in terms of my confidence. How can I come to terms with my penis? Also, if anyone can reccomend me ways to cheer me up that would be appreciated.

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She probably rejected you because you thought whipping your dick out was a good way to ask her on a date.

How do you know it was because of dick size, she explicitly said so? If so, did she say if it was length, or girth?

This might totally be unfeasible and therefore unhelpful, BUT if you could pull it off financially- go to asia. Girls there fall all over white dudes, and even if you've got a bonified microdick you'll still be bigger than what they're used to.

You might be in need of what is known as a "bull". In your case since you can't get a gf in the first place, you could seek relationships with girls that already have FWBs. You know that whoever they're with should be a suitable bull. The great thing with this is that it basically doesn't matter if you get friendzoned.

She doesn't sound very nice. If I met a guy that I liked and found out he had a smaller than average penis I wouldn't care at all. I don't think her response is the norm.
If anything be glad she's out of your life. She sounds like someone that is shallow and impossible to please.
You probably feel bad and are not thinking about dating right now. That's okay but I think the best thing is to put yourself back out there. Meet other girls that are nice. Don't let one bad experience stop you from making better ones.
There are some things that are better about having a smaller penis sexually. You can have better oral and anal sex, and some partners prefer smaller sizes because they have shorter vaginas.

Baaaaaaaaad baito

I was definitively rejected because of my penis size once. We'd been going out for about three months before we had sex for the first time, and she valued honesty above being around the bush, so she flatly told me "Your dick is small. I can't be with someone if I don't enjoy the sex." I kind of appreciated the honesty, but it was (and still is) crushing.

at least you got that far
better than having a big one and still being a khhv

>A girl rejected me for my penis size.
Then she wasn’t into you to begin with.

I’m no 12 footer but I get told by a handful of girls that I’m big and I end up in bed with them.
The ones that call me small are just being a bitch or bitter about something.

Don't try and dip it in block girls. Find a nice Catholic girl buddy

Don't call him a girl just because he was wearing a dress.

Catholic girls are notoriously slutty, you should get yourself a mormon.

Nice bait, reddit incel
Have fun jerking off to the larp

What's so wrong with the situation he described?
Are you implying that women cannot reject men based on personal preferences like this? Or for whatever reason actually?
This sounds like an incel mindset to me.

Women literally don't care about dick size unless you have a microdick or a baseball bat for a dick

Women aren't even good at identifying dick size


You seem upset. There are quite a few obvious LARPs in catalog yet you come and post here of all places. This shit doesnt happen with every girl but does happen none the less.

Are you sure you didn't misinterpret what she said? What exactly did she say?

Bullshit, no girl would tell you this unless there was some other reason she was angry at you and wanted to hurt and embarrass you. We know saying this to a guy is fatal but would never tell a decent guy even if we weren't impressed with the size and wanted to move on because of it.

So OP you are either lying about this whole story or you refuse to acknowledge you did something that hurt and/or angered her.

I'm not OP. She wasn't angry and she didn't want to hurt me, one of her core values is just brutal honesty.

OP or no OP we don't say this because we know what it does when a guys manhood is insulted. If we are talking among ourselves this is the slight reserved for the biggest assholes or total pussies.

>there's no exceptions, all 4 billion girls on the planet are the same

Perhaps but brutal honesty as the reason? Come on, it is brutal and perhaps honest but she wanted to take you down for some reason. What did you do?

I didn't do anything, and she told me I didn't and that I was a good boyfriend. She just doesn't like lying. She bluntly tells her friends harsh truths such as "You're not a good writer" or "You're not a good artist," and she told her uncle on his deathbed less than an hour before he died that she wouldn't pretend to love or respect him because he hurt a lot of people during his life.

She's not honest about being honest she does this to hurt people on purpose. Ok user I agree but she's not a normal person, male or female.

OP Here,

This was the shittiest platform to ask advice for. Some of you haven’t given me advice, some of you are accusing me of being an Incel, and then some of you are arguing at each other over shit that I didn’t even ask.

This post was the only legitimate reply that actually gave me what I wanted, thank you.

you wanted to talk about your dick and other guys dicks so you are on the wrong board. Take it to /b/ or Jow Forums

Whats your size (length and girth)?

Think if the situation was reversed. There must be some physical trait that you would turn down or break up with a woman for. Seems pretty fair to me.

At least she didn't string you along and waste your time.

Np, glad I could help in some way. Hope you feel better and are able to start dating again soon.

She sound less like a "brutally honest" woman and more like a fuckin cunt who masks being a cunt with being "brutally honest". I had a buddy who dated a girl like that once and he was miserable because she was always putting him down.

Try calling her fat and see what happens. She won't insult you again.

987 here. 4 3/4 in length, 3.5 girth.

>asking for advice on Internet in an anonymous board famous for fucking with people for the sake of it
>waiting for genuine advice and shoulder patting in fucking Jow Forums
I know the purpose of this board is giving advice, but ffs this isn't the type of shit you should be asking, idiot.

especially (you)
>well actually its your fault


This is why I rarely actually use advice for anything romance related, 50% of questions relating to women would be answered by women such as those I have (you)d who immediately go asshurt and cover for their fellow women in any and every situation
>its just beta male white knights !
thats even more pathetic and even more of a reason to not go here for romantic advice.

there are exceptions such as
who gave good advice and
gave good advice as well
but as a general rule this is why you should dodge this place for dating advice
is right

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Eh, they reject you for your penis now but when they hit the wall they always come back.

yeah op can scoop up those sloppy tenths lmao

I broke up with my ex because his dick was too small. Honestly? Find a girl who won't mind or who doesn't like sex in general.

>not getting Jow Forums and jabbing her in different positions

I mean honestly even with a 4 incher you can make a girl cum pretty easily provided you aren't a weakling.

I don't think I've ever seen someone tell it this true before.

At least not on this shithole.

Look here user, assuming this isnt bait or LARP you dodged a fucking bullet.

Chicks who have to constantly justify their toxic and negative behaviors under some self righteous guise of "brutally honest" is deep down someone who gets off on belittling others. If she had a POSITIVE personality or POSITIVE intentions then we would understand that brutal honesty is not the true way to treat others and live life as a decent human being.

The "brutally honest" will end up being her crutch for life. When she gets angry and hurts a partner down to the core, she'll remind them how "brutally honesty" she is as an attempt to diffuse responsibility for her actions or words, what a fucking joke of a human desu. "You cheated on me?!?"....."Look, ok I cheated for the past 6 months with Person X, and Person Y, ok..look im being honest.."

A partner that is actually worth your time would not deduce a human partnership down to the modern egotistical shitshow of "dick size". I know a lot of chick who truly love and enjoy their partners (despite their short comings, or penis') and instead find pleasure in toys or foreplay. You can and will find better

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This, OP. You're better off without her.