After years of heavy meme warfare
ive come to the point in life where literally the only thing I want
to do is find a devout Christian girl and just move to a small farm
After years of heavy meme warfare
ive come to the point in life where literally the only thing I want
to do is find a devout Christian girl and just move to a small farm
The war is never over lad, come back and join the fighting, your country needs you. This time...
have you guys noticed that normies are no longer fornicating? has everyone stopped the degeneracy? did metoo do this?
I hear churches often have some Christian grils in them user
same thing with the farm. I want to farm goats, pigs, and chickens. As well as a wide variety of veggies of course.
The sicker the culture gets the less people want to engage in it. Look at Japan. Like a third of men in their prime are single and never want to date again
yes but I have found that really religious girls often suck in bed, and almost none of them will allow anal sex.. not even mild assplay.
there was a chicken pill thread like a week ago. i really miss that one. very cozy
You have probobly been tricked by modern christian cultism and memes into thinking thats a possibility for an internet nert.
>none of them will allow anal sex
sex is for procreation
that's because they work 14 hours a day and don't have time for it
this is some top tier bullshit, tinder hookup culture is at it's peak right now
You better fight harder because that's still out of the realm of possibility for you
it was possible for me, dont give up op
Hi user, American girl here, I'm 11% Viking as well *curtsy*. I'm looking for a European man to come colonize America with me. I already live in the country. We'll have a lot of land, farm animals, grow crop, and have a lot children to homeschool.
as we speak I see this stuff popping up on my youtube
The Lord is good, frens
i feel things changing. i hope im right
whats the difference between a christian headscarf and a hijab?
I should add that I had an autistic Norwegian friend before, and he was so adorable, we used to talk about Vikings and trolls, and I told him I was part Viking and he was like "No", and we laughed. Anyways, he was a good friend of mine, I enjoy befriending Europeans. Even he gained 50lbs in a year here, which he later told me he worked it off. I can make Lithuanian food from scratch. 24/F. Norwees are adorable.
Just go /Catholic/ user.
The headscarf is made out of lace and can be see through, I have one, it's more for accessory for like cold weather or for fashion..It was really big hit in the 50s USA. A hijab, typically, is black and meant to be the opposite.
Lithuanian food is not hard to make
t. Lithuanian
That's like asking, "what's the difference between a MAGA hat and pussy march hat?" They represent different cultures.
This is an illegal way of trolling, user
Everyone made themselves extremely unattractive
Head Scarfs remind me of Babushkas walking around, yelling at young men on the street or hitting them with a cane when they act out. Hijabs remind me of terrorists. I forgot I was on pol.
Yes it issssss.
No. I stay.
I'm serious, if I had a Norwegian husband my mom would be so happy, she'd be like "Let's be vikings!!!!!" I promise, I'm not trolling.
i hear ya user, you aren't wrong
>normies are no longer fornicating
No, that's just you
conservative dating apps? sounds fucking retardet.
So when we have chickens and sheep and other animals, we will have a Guardian dog Great Pyrenees, the ones I found said that they come from a bloodline of a dog that fought 2 bears and survived.
It’s obvious they are not. One indicator is their clear frustration and lack of satisfaction. Well-laid people are not hard to spot. People having lots of good sex make better art than the normies are producing. Fucking cumming doesn’t make you want to tweet or update your IG. People's actions beget their experiences.
Ps - rubbing your half-flaccid duck against a fatty protrusion for thirty seconds is not sex.
>Let's be vikings
roasties ruining the thread
You know the rules...
what's your hight and weight?
nuh ugh
fuck your rules
do you ever go to krautpol....
>After years of heavy meme warfare
>ive come to the point in life where lite
Why do you feel obligated to continually spew output?
Don't you think you are overdoing it?
>he's tired from clicking buttons on the internet
>thinks he can handle farm life
Oh Norge
rarely why? what has that to do with my cuestion?
War...war never changes.
> sounds fucking retardet.
so is gud den?
wew didnt know there was a meme based on my life, hehehe
>tfw no QT Christian gf
Vast majority of women here are complete trash. Religious or not doesn't change much
>absolute peak of perfection
anything more from her? whats her name?
That's Ted Kaczynski
The Benedictine Option is the only answer. "Come out from among her..." God bless you user.
>The Benedictine Option
a good book? did it help?
most people shilling the benedictine option have no idea just how mentally ill rod dreher is. he got upset at pat buchanan and wanted the conservative movement to purge themselves of ebil mean racists like pat. a literal child