I just donated $200 to Bernie Sander's campaign. Match me Jow Forums!
I just donated $200 to Bernie Sander's campaign. Match me Jow Forums!
dude weed the candidate will rape you
>Match me Jow Forums!
I'll do more, I'll gasoline you and THEN I'll match you.
Guys Bernie will give us legal gang weed gamers rise up and vote
Your country is a Russian hell hole
Umm...that is Russia. Do you know flags??
He's a mutt, he knows nothing by definition.
I was a trumpturd in 2016 but my eyes are open now. Go Bernard
I'll offer 10mill to him but change my mind last minute.
>wow both of us have 10mill now!!
My wife’s boyfriend is making me donate so I guess I’ll donate a couple hundo as well
Bernie Sanders is an independant candidate running in the democratic party. Time to stop pretending to be idiots everybody.
So are we going to meme him in this time?
Match fist you dweep! Kys!
lol bern is interference for the actual canidate. same as last time. ya think the strings they had over him magically went away? id be curious who owns the righta to final calls this year.
Is AOC just pretending to be a retard?
I like how he is against Wall Street, endless wars, is for open government
>But he backs candidates who are
Wall Street whores, war mongers, and all about secrecy in government!
No refunds.
This! He'll betray his voters again
Harris. She's the golden goose this year. Warren and Booker are already in on it with the DNC. We need the ghost of Seth Rich now more than ever.
Your ideology is a Russian A hole.
It's so interesting to see the russian response to Bernie. From what I've seen, Bernie is the only genuine candidate that has actual policy proposals to help out the working- and middle-class.
For some reason russians don't want that for the US.
I'll shoot you with $200 worth of ammo
She's only the golden goose until people are willing to talk about how her great-grandparents were plantation owners and slave holders.
What's the refund policy?
Match my $0.00 guys
I am not from the USA but if I write bernie when he is queen of america will he give me food anyways?
It's your money, you decide which hooker you pay to fuck you up the ass
Russians are going to lose their Drumpf card who is going to flee to Moscow with the wall street cabal and live in the new Trump tower. Bernie is going to pardon assange and snowden, who will both come out of hiding to head up the CIA and FBI to unseat the deep state. Hillary will finally go to jail. This fucking TIMELINE!
you're precious
wow its like you dont want him to win or something
Shhh comrade, we'll have to abort it..
In what way?
Why you dont go and kys fucking Nord nigger?
Match it?
I'm gonna multiply that $0.00 by 1 Million!
you got it all figured out, i'm revealed and will have to leave now
Guys i just maxed out all of my cards, match me
What is your problem?
Holy shit, what a self btfo. Berniebros on suicide watch
Trump just has to make his campaign a metaphorical patriotic crusade against communism by voting for him instead of burnie.
Then he wins.
That's funny
go away normalfag i sit on my neetbux like a kike dragon
>giving money to politicians
are you nuts? or just well-off?
>that retarded norway poster
who pays you man?
I'm staying out of this one. Let's hope the Russians do the same. I hope Bernie wins.
>mfw you're literally just donating to the clinton foundation again
Stop being so anti progressive your reactionary
If I assume the democrats are as shallow as I think they are, they will vote Harris because of her gender and skin color.
Biden and Bernie can't win because they are old white men.
I'm curious. Which power structure could possibly have an interest in shilling for Bernie Sanders?
Donate welfare money to the socialist welfare state
We will never vote for a communist country. Bernie would make us third world in five years.
It's amazing that 1940's era CIA propaganda still has such deep roots.
t. leftypol
No problem OP
Here’s a match gift ya
Reminder that the Trotskyists that fled the Soviet union turned into the neocons of the cold war
>i don't like Russian hell holes
>lets elect the man who promotes the same ideology that turned countries into Russian hell holes
You are already a developing country that exists mostly on paper and the rest is bullets which won't do shit against China.
I just chucked $200 into the fireplace!
What did he do to stand up for himself or his base after Hillary lost?
Helping him finance his next vacation home after he gives it all to Hilary.
Bernfag after so much bretrayal. He'll be the first to concede with any Californian after the 1st debate.
Discord trannies get the noose
Man, can't wait to be the new Yugoslavia.
Genuine question, never donated to a politician before: If I donate as a non-american is he still gonna get my money? His site says only american citizens are allowed to donate.
Cyкa блядь нeльзя быть тaкими тyпыми нaхyй этo пpocтo кaкoй-тo инoплaнeтный блядь!!!
no he will be disqualified from the election and have to try again in 2024
Ктo-тo блядь пoлyчaeт зapплaтy чтoбы пocтить тaкyю дayнcкyю хyйню...
I'm too poor to donate $200 but I decided to give him $27
>no refunds
> Falling for the same meme candidate again
I can't wait to read the retard reddit donators again!
Not worth it. Legal weed market was massively fucked up here.
I just donated $500. Your turn now OP
WTF are you doing idiot. thats the peoples money not a single entity, you fool you fell for capitalism dogs, you do not donate money because you dont own money, now give me, the people, that money you capitalist swine