drumpftards BTFO

Attached: sandersbernie_getty3.jpg (980x551, 79K)

It will seriously be over for pol if a socialist jew wins...
Everyone of you cucks will start killing themselves...
The triggering will be worse than Hillary's defeat...

I will love to come here and see the reaction of racist wh*toids losers on pol when he wins

Let's see how many fence sitters he'll manage to convince to vote for another candidate this time around. If you think he'll win the nomination, you're deluding yourself.

We must reinforce the american bolshevik illegal branch too

he's going to promise more free shit than every communist leader in history combined. Bernie is a sure win, i'll be fleeing further north before you starving mutts come cannibalize me!

The only way USA can afford his brand of retardation is if they print so much money Zimbabwe looked like a well controlled economy.

You mean drop out of society and play video games. Basically nothing will change....

If anything more chaos for us.

He will win the nomination and then die on the day before the election.