Prove you are not a discord tranny
Prove you are not a discord tranny
i dont fuck kids
Post the origin of this pics
Trump has always been a pro-immigration progressive. He was one of the first rich people to actively support race and gay rights. He’s also the biggest CIAnigger in history.
communism doesnt work
Do I look like a tranny to you, sir?
It´s a man
I'm a tranny, but i'm not on discord
Where's his tits?
Cuz them hips, m8.
I never used discord in my life. All my time, I spent on Jow Forums, /sp/, /a/, and occasionally /tv/.
Bah, slicker than your average nigger killer
Twist niggers heads off niggers fucking stink niggers are gayers chicken wing eating players
[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]
A discord tranny wouldn't know what that means
I miss jizzus
There's something very, very off with her face
no rape yet khaboob
I only lurk here and don't even know what discord is.
Are you asking to see my penis OP?
The fact that your not on /k proves your a tranny.
its a shitty skype for gaymers
>Jow Forums isnt jampacked with tranys and furrfaggots
i hate niggers
I’m starting to think the discord trannies are a meme made up by Migapedes to go after anyone who realized Trump fucked us.
I’m not stupid enough to think that taking hormones extracted from horse piss and genital mutilation can change the fact that I have a Y chromosome
its a monkey
would fug
I hate that I understand this picture.
her chin is too weak
Did you four literally just come to pol
thats a man or what?
n e w e w
sorry i cant seat on pol all my free time
Saint Davis
Builder of God’s Temple
Quit gaslighting faggot
Clearly a girl with hips
It´s a dude... look at "her" face
Fuck you
No u
Sorry pedro but your gay fantasies dont apply here
Clearly 100% a woman without a doubt, I’m a MAN I can tell.
That tik tok ‘girl’ on the otherhand I can maybe believe
Enjoy the dick
>literally perfect
not enough inbred for you?
I remember the Thai shill who shilled in every pizza bread
>pic semi-related
Most of the shills are from the Chapo Trap House subreddit and discord. They came in hard after the Covington incident backfired and even more after the Jussie incident backfired.
I'm not but I wish I was.
Found them
I voted for Trump.
But I won't be doing so again.
He's a puppet of the Jews.
a thousand nigger cocks slapped it, thats why it looks so weird.
>redditspacing + Trump = r/TheDonald_ fag
At least you woke up user, which is good then.
the arm
moon man moon man can’t you see that spics and niggers need to hang from trees and I just love your racist was I guess that’s why their mom is black and your so paid
>no gun gook gf
Why is my life so awful holy shit
the arm