>discord trannies shilling the Bern
Anyone got those pics proving they raid Jow Forums?
Discord trannies shilling the Bern
Other urls found in this thread:
Either they are Antifa trannies, and kikes shilling shit up all the time nigga
It's hilarious how you guys think that anybody believes that "discord trannies" exist. It's always kikes, kike.
>they're actually trying to pass as wavering trump supporters
>discord trannies hype up Bernie
>he gets fucked and cucked again
They clearly weren’t around since 2016.
It’s only partially them. They opened the curtain and you can see the man pulling strings now. They’re asking for donations to Sanders via shareblue.
So yeah. They’re still discord trannies, but they’re shareblues little monkeys.
Honestly who cares
Pissing in an ocean of piss
Oh it's you again. Hey man.
>Tfw no black White supremacist gf
>What are useful idiots
I lost my safe space, those discord trannies won't stop.
Literally (you)
>he doesnt know
Jow Forums shouls be able to detect if you have discord installed on your computer and if you do, you get insta-banned.
B-but Im a Mellow Yellow boy!
Hey nigger
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while
youre a kike and a distran
>discord trannies
jewish Putinbots shitpost this Kremlin fap porn, but nobody is falling for it anymore.
did anybody ever fall for it?
Hey nigger
>black fem-user
>straight blonde hair
I'll give you credit for the attention to detail on the hands but come on.. how can you mess up the hair.
At least make it a weave made from "real indian hair"
Coping mechanisms to use when faced with facts or when you can't deal with everyone not being on the Trump train.
>Slide thread
>Discord trannies
maybe basedboys that didnt belong here in the first place
1 post by this faggot
idk how the fuck I wrote based I meant to write basedboys
onions boy
I just love BBC!
I don't feel the need to add another post right after I'd already posted, master mind.
Go and lick some balls on /ptg/ and stop shitting up the board.
The Chapo Trap House subreddit and discord have been raiding lately
>'Murican in leaf land
your doing thread replies and telling people that for IDing retards theyre retarded
>le secret club
fucking lurk more nigger
you cant even read dude. Have a nice day!
hey nigga
you know
I haven't killed anyone in a while
Coping mechanisms for being called out for what you are:
>coping mechanisms
>not all shills
>discord? What's that?
Is this a rare flag? Adding to my collection
> be Britfag
> tfw had the opportunity to fuck a stronk qt American nigress stationed overseas
> Jow Forums informs me that negro women = disease
> Jow Forums informs me that military women = very disease
> stop returning her texts
> did I get mind-cucked?
> or is my dick only still pristine and healthy because I heeded Jow Forums's advice?
The question that will be with me always
Dumbfuck. Go look at the catalog. Ten threads are up asking you to donate THROUGH SHAREBLUE.
You have to be retarded NOT to see it. It’s a co-ordinated spam attack. Stupid roody poo.
Are you drunk, you spastic?
Nice cope, mate. Why can't you accept not everyone here is part of T_D?
you cant write s o y anmore it will allways turn to onions if it stands alone or basedboy if you type it with something else basedsoysoy stil works tho
Dodged an HIV bullet
You're being trolled because you act like star struck teenagers over Trump. You only have yourselves to blame.
you'd have herpes for sure
You got cucked by Jow Forums
Hey nigger
Jewgle labels OP's pic as "High IQ society"
found the discord tranny lmao
You’re wasting your life here. Nowhere in the history of the world has anyone been won over by spam. I look at your threads like junk mail and place them in the trash. I’m just not awake enough to ignore you yet.
Would bang ngl
yeah good thing you listened, you would definitely have regretted it
we're not fucking them either for the same reasons retard
Sleep peacefully, you insane motherfucker
Oh, I agree. Most of it is spam, mindless spam, trolling.
I've filtered out most of the go to topics and American politics because its just utter shit.
You never see attractive black women that look anything like that, and why is she hitting on a child? Shows niggers are pedophilic.
>sprite blackberry
shieeet gurrl all you had to say
hello new fag
the MODS are absolute FAGGOTS for trying to shut down the S.O.Y meme
hey nigger
BASED israeli flag posters trip me out
Someone get the rake, the leaf posters are here.
if they all got a bullet, i wouldnt shed a single tear.
and WTF are they on about nazi's orbiting trannies?
maybe kikes with meme flag kek
fucked up how these parasite intentionally want orbitors to exploit tho.
why would you filter /sg/ ?
>pot meet kettle
Jow Forums conducts raids. learn either sage, ignore, I don't give fuck
I would racemix only if you give me a RTX 2080
Is this real? do these people not have lives? jobs? or hobbies?. Shit posting is fun and all but its best to do it once a month tops.
Fucking christ these people are wasting their lives talking to people they hate.
Boy, you doged MANY bullets.
What does she have in mind when I come over?
hey nigger
>Shes holding an expensive modern GPU
Maybe she wants to play vidya my dude
I wish my daughter would look this good.
DNA mixing here I come.
That pic gets me hard, why don't more nigresses like this exist
Why do they do it bros? Why can't they just neck themselves like all the other trannies?
Hey nigger
to play videogames with your onee-sans
Gene editing is our only hope for this kind of woman.
Hey nigger
>I just love BBC!
Yes, yes you do. And we can see it.
the mods are in the discord too
theyve been doing this for years with no change. They honestly should be using there time to strengthen their own base at this point
black women have a ton of STDS
Hey nigger
>implying to get to choose
Once the onee-sans got their eyes on you, you can't escape