Originalfag AMA
Ask a really oldfag
do you suffer from ED yet?
yes i was here 2004 too I'm 27 y/o
>mfw 2007
I hate that I missed out on proto-memes.
2016 ancientfag AMA
Literally no one cares
Nope. Penor working fine.
I'm 27 too
15 years on the site and still posts thumbnails.
Jow Forums (/b/ I guess) was called far left back in the day by MSM, and the whole counter culture was left. Everyone was against Bush and the interventionism/oil war in the middle east. I was a leftist back then, but slowly changed my tune in the late 00's. Where did you stand politically in 2004, and what did the shift look like on this site?
>Everyone was against Bush and the interventionism/oil war in the middle east. I was a leftist back then
Here's a redpill for you user. You were against Jewish wars then, and you're against Jewish wars now. Your politics never changed, just your perception of reality.
>pic for ants
enjoy your ban
33 yrs old here, since 04
ok faggot. Is pic related real EFG? If not, why?
No matter how many years pass, I will always be a newfag
28, since 2004.
This isn't even my primary chan.
33 years here, since 2006/2007.
>mfw considered a Newfag still by this pic
'08 here, so I am in the same boat. At least I'm not as much of a newfag as that poser faggot OP tho.
2010 here.
I remember comfy CWC threads, cringe threads that didn't involve MAGA or Trans, also Moeses Graza III - those were good times.
Then reddit started to bleed into our lives.
came from SA once lowtax started banning a bunch
Jow Forums was anti-establishment and bush jr was president so everything leaned left
obama became president and tumblr-SJW started taking off everything began shifting right
now much of Jow Forums is very pro-establishment
wouldnt be surprised if some alphabet agencies took on destroying the anti-establishment core of this site
suchisthe plight ofthis place
>feels good to have ruined my social life and mental welfare just to say I was on a cantonese tapestry sight longer than other people
>2005 was the best year
>1 post by this ID
Nice thumbnail newfag.
I used to try to raid this place for classical lulz around with duckrolls and pokemen... Larped as a normie for years, found my way back here around the election time. I questioned the Hilldawg shilling before the redpills. Got balls deep into more redpills and I thank you fucks for life.
discovered Jow Forums waching soft hentai as 13y old virginator boss in 2007, Jow Forums was soo innocent back there in compare to today, just like me
18, been here since 2012
i started shitposting on /b/ and i used to be a brony
This big guy was BTFOing Bush before it was hip.
In 2004 I was a centrist and I have always been a centrist. The shift on the site practically only happened when Jow Forums was introduced. Still to this day it's still mostly Jow Forums. Places like /tg/ and other less than common hobby boards, are generally a-political for the most part. Just trying to keep the Jow Forums dam from cracking.
>29 here
>remember when /b/ was actually mostly anime
>remember DESU spam
>remember 1st DSFARGEG
Sup fellow ancient ones
This is very accurate. But I'm gonna drop MY level of redpill on you. Back in 2008 when you were all anti-bush and therefore pro-faggot? I voted Yes on Prop 8 to stop gay marriage cause I KNEW it would lead like a slippery slope to trannies and state enforced homosexuality. We won the battle but the courts and our country stabbed us in the back and let them over turn it.
That's not Pierce that's Yuri
you rarely meet fellow oldfags anymore. plz tell me you still have the lulz soundtrack?
>>remember 1st DSFARGEG
>implying OP remembers even IOTBW
The site has always been anti establishement. While trump is president it’s very clear that he left is still the establishment now.
>fritzl memes
2006 here..
I'd give anything to go back knowing what I know now lol