As a male, how do you deal with fear of intimacy and sex?
As a male, how do you deal with fear of intimacy and sex?
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>how do you deal with fear of intimacy and sex?
going to therapy and finding the cause of it.
What if you're too poor to afford psychiatrist?
Overall you need some kind of experience which would shake the foundations.
What do you understand by saying that you fear intimacy?
Fucking same man
I can kiss a cat or a dog no problem, but my whole body locks up when I try to pull a move on a girl.
Oh well at least I'm capable of talking to them at least it's a start
The real killer is that deep down I do want intimacy
My parents always hugged and kissed me and were generally normal to me. But I never really saw them intimate in a normal way, always kind of distant to each other, so that's probably why.
The last person I developed a real connection with was my best friend (who is currently my only friend) from middleschool. I didn't form any new friendships in highschool. It's like my desire to know more people is strangled by my fear of getting close to others.
So are you saying that you fear getting close to people you want to know?
Are you Asian?
No I'm huwhite, but my dad is pretty fucking autistic and my mom is incredibly overbearing