Well? Here are the laws TERFs would change if they could. What does Jow Forums think?

Attached: GC.png (1330x389, 99K)

Add gassing kikes and we're there. /ourterfs/

Kill yourself tranny

kill yourself kike

unironically based

>mfw the hotep/nazi/terf alliance saves America
>mfw I have no face

Besides number One being so vague, I actually agree with the rest.
Who wouldv'e thunk

Dykes are surprisingly redpilled.

They are batshit insane but not as insane as the LGBT crowd. We should ally with them temporarily.

I agree with every point.

Hurry up and kill yourself tranny

It seems difficult to coordinate because they're women (narcissists) so they invariably only congregate in spaces where they can assume some kind of public persona. Maybe it's safe for women to have radical opinions but guys get fired for it. I'm not going to commit to any radical notions in public until the civil war starts.

The new right could build a really fucking powerful archeofuturist coalition if it figures out how to fit all the pieces together.

So how do we harness it then?

good ideas, all of them.

Terfs hate trannies I thought?

Its literally the only way.

Sanctity of civic duty.

>abuse of governmental power
>especially by DOJ and law enforcement

>a duty to exonerate
>no more miscarriage of justice just to win a conviction
>15-20 year for first offense of police officers and DOJ personnel who abuse power
>death for the 3rd offense

I have lost all respect for big city law enforcement and federal law enforcement through this shit show they masquerade as serving the public. Absolutely disgusting

You responded to two meme flags, come on fren

They do. What's your point? (pic related not tranny)

Attached: cute.png (1020x2048, 2.99M)

>What's your point?
did you read either of the post I replied to?

Attached: simple.png (726x568, 818K)

The only reason Terfs exist is because modern society forces feminism on conservative women, who apply their natural conservative beliefs to feminism creating a retarded mishmash that doesn't make sense.

Attached: 1549873245761.jpg (758x1024, 146K)

>Maybe it's safe for women to have radical opinions but guys get fired for it. I'm not going to commit to any radical notions in public until the civil war starts.

The fact that men /can/ start civil wars if they are radicalized while women are only useful as vote-cattle is why men aren't "allowed" to hold overly-extreme opinions without consequence

Attached: 1549833677153.gif (1215x1452, 646K)

Looks good except for banning loli. Also age of consent back down to 14 so roasties have to compete for male attention

>I'm not going to commit to any radical notions in public until the civil war starts.

Oh shit, was that what we're supposed to do? And here I've been raving about recreational McNukes and privatizing the fire dept. in public Facebook posts.

at least it would be interesting

Where do I find a TERF gf bruhs?

most of them are old women with sinecure positions, very few young terfs because the left so successfully propagandizes young people that it's nearly impossible for someone to become a terf

Wtf is a Terf

trans-exclusionary radical feminist

basically feminazis that hate degeneracy

Attached: whosjewingwho.jpg (500x392, 281K)

I can't really find a fault with it.

This shit is getting so confusing

These are great ideas, except there's one problem:

At the end of the day "radical feminists" are a far greater societal cancer to the minuscule number of mentally disturbed psychopaths cutting their dicks off. Not saying that trannies don't also get the rope, but to pretend that the future can EVER have a feminist component ignores the dangerous reality of how things got so fucked up in the first place.

Attached: Feminism is a Jewish Psyop.jpg (1600x2812, 356K)

what can we do? just keep doing what we're doing. history repeats itself and the (((progressives))) have their part to play and we have ours. instead of thinking about helping, i suggest thinking of how to speed the collapse up.

Attached: 86A94F67-B10F-4EE0-9943-EE93BE0109DD.jpg (1024x957, 114K)

Neither Trannies nor TERFs are our Allies !!!
The only tactic should be to pit them against each other.

>This shit is getting so confusing
more women on this planet = more competitors
more women on this planet = losing privilege points to wannabe women

>banning LOLI


TERFs are pretty based desu

>giving a boy female hormones lowers IQ
Sensible chuckle.gif

Drawn CP is victimless and gives pedos a legal out.