Reddit is weird

Found on r/PoliticalHumor, the comments are so stupid.

Attached: F2479C0B-092F-4734-AE99-59FBACCBA609.jpg (554x1200, 192K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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It is well documented that r*dditors are sub-human, incapable of independent thought or original creation.
The more pressing issue is, why were you on r*ddit?

Re*dit is shit whats new

in the first 3 panels she is sexy and fit
in the last panel she is fat and flat.
she ends on the line "and then everyone clapped"
if this isnt meant to be satire all in her head i don't know what to say.

It's a hehe silly comic. She retweets people calling her a racist and nazi. sooooo

You forgot to mention her unusual hair color, attire and most importantly, the NAME. It's fucking storm :D

Reddit get out my board NOW

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Reddit pretending not to be offended is the funniest shit
>"Ugh this isn't funny"
>"Wow this is bad"
>"Is this satire?"
>"I don't get it, was this supposed to be funny?"

Fucking hell

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But President's day is celebration of all who HAVE served, meaning that Trump won't be celebrated until after he is no longer president
She's not "SAVAGE" for not including Trump, by the fucking way Michelle shouldn't be in this photo either
They have entire subreddits where they pretend they aren't offended at shit they "don't find funny"

Political comics are the lowest form of thought
and people who base their opinions on them are fucking subhumans

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They don't understand caring about anything
Redditors are truly the lowest life forms
Nick Fuentes said it best

>nigger walk ripoff

Left can't meme.

Oh god

The whole thing is anti based boomer facebook memes and college shits

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yeesh all this one needs is kelly

I do not believe someone can be this stupid

Where's the punchline in that pic?

Who's this, Hehesilly?

Good ol...what is it, doublespeak? Being disengenious? Some bullshit like that.

But really we cant let him have access to nuclear walls.

the punchline is that he is using salt and not money

is it supposed be a joke? I mean it's a fine comic but I don't see how this is "humor"
also fuck reddit

its funny
because i understood this reference
orange man bad! am i right?!
beep bop

reddit is a NPC storage area

i used to browse reddit, for porn. but i started getting on r/conspiracy and thats how i started my healthy dose of redpills, fuck i was sooooo indoctrinated i cant believe the 180 degree switch. I used to like bernie then wikileaks came out, then bernie conceded to hildawg and i saw this dude with a black eye i knew shit was up. then i dug into wikileaks pizzagate, if it wasnt for r/conspiracy i wouldnt be so redpilled as i am today. i got into that sub now a days and its garbage


Third eye woke girl and feminist with dream tits named Storm is pretty gd funny.

Perfect analogy as salt makes your food taste good but gives you high blood pressure which leads to death.

>le redpilled redditor

Attached: reddit.jpg (230x219, 12K)

> No one did anything about it before because they powers that be were not telling us there was a problem
> Therefore it wasn't bad, and we don't need to change anything

Fuck, if only they had taken the same line of thought with segregation, then the US would have saved itself a LOT of problems


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The Washington Post wrote in 2014, “White House requests $3.7 billion in emergency funds for border crisis,” while CNN published a feature, “Daniel's journey: How thousands of children are creating a crisis in America.” It described a problem of "epic proportions."

Around the same time, the Huffington Post declared that “photos of the humanitarian crisis” along the southern border were “shocking,” and ABC News reported that Obama requested “$3.7 billion to cope with the humanitarian crisis on the border and the spike in illegal crossings by unaccompanied minors from Central America.”

They are reactionaries in their own echo chambers

You should go back there.

Who's this artist?

Looks like a hehesilly comic to me

Takk takk :)

I can't even upvote it

Did they disable it because it didn't say orange man bad?

>number of arrests decrease
>this is a good thing
I refuse to belive someone doesnt understand that

reddit is full of cucks, but the OC whores are good. basically go for the pictures and if you are reading or making comments you're doing it wrong

I think the joke is Michelle will be president in the future?